a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign a three-year Mental Health Services Agreement with Interim, Incorporated for housing, residential treatment, homeless outreach and support, and supported education and employment services for adults who have serious mental illnesses in the amount of $6,994,718 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14, $6,914,241for FY 2014-15, and $6,914,241 for FY 2015-16, for a total Agreement in the amount of $20,823,200; and
b. Authorize the Director of Health to approve up to three future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign a three-year Mental Health Services Agreement with Interim, Incorporated for housing, residential treatment, homeless outreach and support, and supported education and employment services for adults who have serious mental illnesses in the amount of $6,994,718 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14, $6,914,241for FY 2014-15, and $6,914,241 for FY 2015-16, for a total Agreement in the amount of $20,823,200; and
b. Authorize the Director of Health to approve up to three future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.
Monterey County has contracted with Interim, Incorporated (Inc.) for many years to provide residential treatment programs, supportive housing, and community-based activities that provide normalizing experiences for adults with serious mental illnesses, who may also have co-occurring substance abuse disorders. The programs provided by Interim, Inc. have been developed in collaboration with the Behavioral Health Bureau in response to community needs identified during local planning processes. The services provided ...
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