a. Accept from East Garrison Community Association, a Grant Deed for ownership of the Neighborhood Parks in Phase One and Two at East Garrison (APN 031-163-150-000/Parcel P1.1, APN 031-162-129-000/Parcel P1.2, APN 031-169-059-000/Parcel, P2.1 and APN 031-169-060-000/Parcel P2.2); and
b. Authorize the Chair to execute the Certificate of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation of the Grant Deed; and
c. Authorize and direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the executed Grant Deed to the County Recorder; and
d. Adopt a Resolution to:
i. Establish uses and fees waived for the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks; and
ii. Allow specific events at the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks to continue as sponsored events for a period of at least five (5) years and may continue thereafter on the recommendation of the East Garrison Community Advisory Committee. establish rules for the use of Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks; and
e. Adopt a Resolution to establish rules for the use of Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Board of Directors of the East Garrison Community Services District:
a. Accept from East Garrison Community Association, a Grant Deed for ownership of the Neighborhood Parks in Phase One and Two at East Garrison (APN 031-163-150-000/Parcel P1.1, APN 031-162-129-000/Parcel P1.2, APN 031-169-059-000/Parcel, P2.1 and APN 031-169-060-000/Parcel P2.2); and
b. Authorize the Chair to execute the Certificate of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation of the Grant Deed; and
c. Authorize and direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the executed Grant Deed to the County Recorder; and
d. Adopt a Resolution to:
i. Establish rules, uses and fees waived for the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks; and
ii. Allow specific events at the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks to continue as sponsored events for a period of at least five (5) years and may continue thereafter on the recommendation of the East Garrison Community Advisory Committee. establish rules for the use of Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks: and
e. Adopt a Resolution to establish rules for the use of Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks.
At its June 11, 2019 meeting, the Board considered resolutions to accept ownership of the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks (Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks) from the East Garrison Community Association, and establish uses, fees waived, and allow specific East Garrison Community Services District (EGCSD)-sponsored community events at the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks. Recognizing concerns expressed by the East Garrison community to have input, via the EGCSD Advisory Committee, into the rule and regulations governing parks and open space in the East Garrison community, the Board directed staff to return in July, following the Board’s consideration to repeal and replace Monterey County Code Chapter 14.12 governing County parks, to consider: 1) Accepting the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks; 2) Approving the resolution for the specific community events; and 3) Approving a resolution establishing rules for the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks (if Chapter 14.12 is repealed and replaced as proposed).
On June 25, 2019 the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance to repeal and replace Monterey County Code Chapter 14.12. The new Chapter 14.12 takes effect thirty-one (31) days after adoption on July 26, 2019 and allows the Board to establish rules and regulations for the parks and open space areas owned by the EGCSD by resolution, with input from the EGCSD Advisory Committee. The park rules for Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks would take effect on July 26, 2019 in concurrence with Chapter 14.12.
Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Board of Directors of the East Garrison Community Services District, accept the deeds and approve a resolution to establish uses and fees waived and a second resolution to establish rules for the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks.
The Office of the County Counsel, acting as Counsel for EGCSD, has reviewed and approved the proposed Resolution as to form and legality.
In April, the EGCSD Advisory Committee Ad Hoc Parks Committee, in collaboration with Supervisor Parker’s Office, conducted a survey of the East Garrison residents to solicit input regarding rules for the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks. At its May 21, 2018 meeting, the EGCSD Advisory Committee considered the results of the community, provided input regarding rules for the Phase I/II Neighborhood Parks, and authorized the Committee Chair to work with staff to develop the draft resolution with the final proposed rules before the Board today.
Supervisor Parker’s Office also participated in the review of the final proposed review rules before the Board today for consistency with the desires and concerns expressed by the East Garrison community and EGCSD Advisory Committee.
Funding for EGCSD is budgeted in Fund 181, Appropriations Unit RMA106 and is derived from the special tax imposed upon residential properties within East Garrison. Staff is developing a resource and staffing plan for the operation and maintenance of the Phase One and Phase Two Neighborhood Parks, which will be vetted with the EGCSD Advisory Committee and community, prior to implementation. Staff anticipates that the Adopted Budget for FY 2019-20 has sufficient funding to operate and maintain the neighborhood parks, however, should additional funding in FY 2019-20 be needed once the staffing plan is in place, the EGCSD budget has sufficient fund balance to cover any additional and staff will return to the Board to increase appropriations if needed.
The recommended action complies with the Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiative for Health & Human Services and Infrastructure, “Plan and develop a sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents and supports economic development results,” by improving the quality of life of County residents through management of parks and open spaces within the East Garrison development.
__ Economic Development
__ Administration
X Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
__ Public Safety
Prepared by: John Snively, Management Analyst II, (831) 755-6617
Reviewed by: Melanie Beretti, RMA Services Manager (831) 755-5285
Approved by: Shawne Ellerbee, RMA Deputy Director of Administrative Services
Attachment 1 - Grant Deed
Attachment 2 - Phase I-II Park Use Resolution
Attachment 3 - Phase I-II Park Rules Resolution
(Attachments on file with the Clerk of the Board)