Monterey County  
Board of Supervisors Chambers  
168 W. Alisal St., 1st Floor  
Salinas, CA 93901  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, May 24, 2022  
9:00 AM  
Board of Supervisors  
Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams - District 5  
Vice Chair Supervisor Luis A. Alejo - District 1  
Supervisor John M. Phillips - District 2  
Supervisor Chris Lopez - District 3  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew - District 4  
9:00 A.M. - Called to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams and Supervisor John M. Phillips, appeared in person, and  
Supervisor Chris Lopez, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared  
via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Jan Holmes, Chief Assistant County Counsel and  
Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Additions and Corrections for Closed Session by County Counsel  
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.  
Closed Session  
Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): Units R and S  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) Tim Taylor v. County of Monterey, et al. (Monterey County Superior Court Case No.  
(2) Randal Ragsac (Worker’s Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ12672258)  
(3) Florentine Valdivia v. Lamont Goodlett, et al. (Monterey County Superior Court Case No.  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding two matters of significant exposure to litigation.  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment to  
the position of County Administrative Officer.  
Public Comments for Closed Session  
Open for public comments; no public comments were made.  
The Board Recessed for Closed Session Agenda Items  
10:30 A.M. - Reconvened on Public Agenda Items  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor John M. Phillips and Supervisor Chris Lopez,  
appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew appeared  
via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Jan Holmes, Chief Assistant County Counsel and  
Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Justin Tran, Monterey District Field Representative  
Additions and Corrections by Clerk  
The following additions and corrections were read into the record:  
Due to the need for immediate consideration by the Board of matters which arose after the  
posting of the agenda, as provided in Section 54954.2 of the California Government Code the  
Board is asked to make the following addition.  
Revision to Item No. 18 under the 10:30 A.M. Scheduled Matters:  
A revised title name for the Agreement, previously titled as the Referral and an addition of a new  
document which is the actual Board Referral was received.  
Ceremonial Resolutions  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez to adopt  
Ceremonial Resolutions 2 through 8.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a resolution honoring the Resource Families of Monterey County In Recognition of National  
Foster Care Month (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-177  
Adopt a resolution proclaiming May 2022 as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in  
Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams) (REVISED VIA SUUPLEMENTAL)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-172  
Adopt a resolution commending Glorietta Rowland upon her retirement after 33 years of dedicated  
service with Monterey County. (Supervisor Alejo)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-176  
Adopt a resolution in honor and recognition of Dean Flippo for his dedicated service to the County of  
Monterey. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-173  
Adopt a resolution in appreciation of 35 years of Public Service to the Superior Court of California,  
Monterey County upon the retirement of Diana Valenzuela. (Supervisor Phillips)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-175  
Adopt a resolution commending René L. Mendez for his seventeen years of service to the City of  
Gonzales as City Manager. (Supervisor Lopez)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-178  
Adopt a resolution celebrating Dee Heckman and the accomplishments throughout her life, including the  
impact she has made in our community. (Supervisor Lopez)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-174  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to  
appoint/reappoint Item Numbers 9 through 14.1.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Reappoint Alma McHoney to the Behavioral Health Commission with a term ending on May 31, 2025.  
(Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips)  
Reappoint Margie Sokotowsky to the Behavioral Health Commission with a term ending May 31,  
2025. (Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips)  
Appoint Lorraine Gonzales to the Commission on Disabilities with a term ending at the Pleasure of the  
Board. (Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips)  
Appoint Steve Delgado to the Greenfield Memorial District to fill an unexpired term ending on  
November 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 3, Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Cathy Gutierrez to the Behavioral Health Commission with a term ending on May 31, 2025.  
(Nominated By District 3, Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Joseph Burnett to the Fish and Game Advisory Commission with a term ending on February  
1, 2025. (Nominated By District 4, Supervisor Askew)  
14.1 Appoint Claudia Link to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County to fill an unexpired term  
ending on January 10, 2023. (Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips) (ADDED VIA  
Approval of Consent Calendar – (See Supplemental Sheet)  
See Supplemental Sheet  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
Supervisor Luis A. Alejo commented Item No.'s 41 and 46 and asked for a separate vote on Item  
No. 48 and Supervisor John M. Phillips commented on Item No. 46.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
approve Consent Calendar Item Numbers 26 through 49 excluding Item Number 48 which a  
separate vote will be taken on.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez with  
Supervisor Luis A. Alejo and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew voting no, to approve Consent  
Calendar Item Number 48.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: NAY  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 3 to 2  
General Public Comments  
General Public Comments  
Open for general public comments for items not on today's agenda; Lorna Mofett, via Zoom, and  
Eric Peterson, in person, commented.  
Scheduled Matters  
a. Hold a public hearing in compliance with the Tax Equity and Financial Responsibility Act of 1982  
(TEFRA) and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, regarding the issuance by the  
California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA) of tax-exempt revenue bonds to finance and refinance  
the construction, equipping, improvement, renovation, rehabilitation and remodeling of senior living and  
related facilities, including the renovation, equipping and furnishing of certain sewer infrastructure,  
known as Carmel Valley Manor (collectively, the Project);  
b. Adopt a resolution approving the issuance, for federal income tax purposes, of revenue bonds, in the  
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $37,500,000, by the CMFA for the benefit of Northern  
California Congregational Retirement Homes, Inc., doing business as Carmel Valley Manor (the  
Manor) and Carmel Valley Manor Foundation (the Foundation and, together with the Manor, the  
Borrowers) to finance the Project; and  
c. Determine that the above actions involve government funding mechanisms and/or fiscal activities and  
are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section  
15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines.  
Public hearing commenced.  
Juan P. Lopez, Principal Administrative Analyst, Jay A. Zimmer President and CEO of Carmel  
Valley Manor and Anthony Stubbs, Financial Advisor at California Municipal Finance Authority.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to:  
a. Hold a public hearing in compliance with the Tax Equity and Financial Responsibility Act of  
1982 (TEFRA) and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, regarding the issuance by the  
California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA) of tax-exempt revenue bonds to finance and  
refinance the construction, equipping, improvement, renovation, rehabilitation and remodeling of  
senior living and related facilities, including the renovation, equipping and furnishing of certain  
sewer infrastructure, known as Carmel Valley Manor (collectively, the Project);  
b. Adopt Resolution No. 22-179 approving the issuance, for federal income tax purposes, of  
revenue bonds, in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $37,500,000, by the CMFA for the  
benefit of Northern California Congregational Retirement Homes, Inc., doing business as Carmel  
Valley Manor (the Manor) and Carmel Valley Manor Foundation (the Foundation and, together  
with the Manor, the Borrowers) to finance the Project; and  
c. Determine that the above actions involve government funding mechanisms and/or fiscal  
activities and are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to  
Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Receive a progress report and the proposed Salinas Valley Five Cities Joint Powers Authority (JPA)  
agreement from the Information Technology Department, in response to Board Referral #2022.09, to  
explore the potential of creating a Salinas Valley Five Cities JPA to develop the broadband services by  
all the communities and areas represented by the JPA, and to provide further directions including  
authorizing the proposed JPA agreement, providing initial funding and closing the referral.  
Eric Chatham, Chief Information Officer, via Zoom, from the Information Technology Department  
presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, as  
amended, to:  
a. Receive the Information Technology Department report outlined below in response to Board  
Referral #2022.09;  
b. Authorize the proposed JPA agreement and provide initial funding of $25,000 per year for three  
c. Close the Board Referral #2022.09; and  
d. Approved the Agreement A-15812  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Amendment was replacing the name Salinas Valley Five Cities to Salinas Valley Five Agencies  
12:00 P.M. - Recessed to Lunch  
1:30 P.M. - Reconvened  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor John M. Phillips and Supervisor Chris Lopez,  
appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew appeared  
via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Jan Holmes, Chief Assistant County Counsel and  
Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
New Referrals  
New Referrals  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer from the County Administrative office shared there  
are no new referrals this week  
Scheduled Matters  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Accept public comments and close the public comment period for the Monterey Urban County  
2022-2023 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan;  
b. Adopt and authorize the Housing Program Manager to submit the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan  
to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and execute documents required by  
HUD to implement the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan;  
c. Approve the Subrecipient Agreement templates for use with the Urban County program;  
d. Authorize the Housing Program Manager to execute Subrecipient Agreements with Urban County  
Grantees, including making minor changes as necessary and to reflect the actual CDBG award  
received from HUD, subject to review and approval by County Counsel, to implement the 2022-2023  
Annual Action Plan; and,  
e. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development to sign  
documentation required for environmental reviews associated with projects funded with Community  
Development Block Grants.  
Erik Lundquist, Director of Housing and Community Development with Darby Marshall, Housing  
Program Manager, both in person, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to Adopt  
Resolution No. 22-180 to:  
a. Accept public comments and close the public comment period for the Monterey Urban County  
2022-2023 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan;  
b. Adopt and authorize the Housing Program Manager to submit the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan  
to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and execute documents required by  
HUD to implement the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan;  
c. Approve the Subrecipient Agreement templates for use with the Urban County program;  
d. Authorize the Housing Program Manager to execute Subrecipient Agreements with Urban  
County Grantees, including making minor changes as necessary and to reflect the actual CDBG  
award received from HUD, subject to review and approval by County Counsel, to implement the  
2022-2023 Annual Action Plan; and,  
e. Adopt Resolution No. 22-180 authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development  
to sign documentation required for environmental reviews associated with projects funded with  
Community Development Block Grants.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set June 7, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance approving a military equipment use policy for the Office of the Sheriff  
pursuant to Assembly Bill 481.  
b. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Commander Jonathan Thornburg from the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office and Susan Blitch,  
Assistant County Counsel from the County Counsel Office, both in person, presented via  
PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; Bernie Gomez, via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to:  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set June 7, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to  
consider adoption of an ordinance approving a military equipment use policy for the Office of the  
Sheriff pursuant to Assembly Bill 481.  
b. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set June 21, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter;  
b. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter is exempt under the  
California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15308 because the  
ordinance is an action taken by the County to assure the enhancement and protection of the  
environment and involves procedures for protection of the environment; and  
c. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Erik Lundquist, Director of Housing and Community Development, in person, presented via  
PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; Ivette (no last name provided), Lesley Noble, Bernie Gomez, Marla  
Anderson, and Caroline Moody, all via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor Mary L. Adams to:  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set June 21, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to  
consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to  
modify regulations for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the  
Chapter; and  
b. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify  
regulations for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter is  
exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) per CEQA Guidelines Section  
15308 because the ordinance is an action taken by the County to assure the enhancement and  
protection of the environment and involves procedures for protection of the environment.  
c. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Receive an update on the County Habitat Resource Management Plan related to the former Fort  
Ord properties owned by the County of Monterey and Monterey Peninsula College;  
b. Provide direction to staff regarding the land use designations for Borderland parcels;  
c. Consider authorizing the Housing and Community Development Department to utilize the County  
Habitat Management Funds, Fund 029, to proceed to fund biological surveys for properties owned by  
the Monterey Peninsula College; and  
d. Provide direction to staff.  
Jackie Nickerson, Management Analyst II and Melanie Beretti, Principal Planner, both in person,  
from the Housing and Community Development presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no comments made.  
A substitute motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Mary L.  
Adams with Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, Supervisor John M. Phillips and Supervisor Chris Lopez,  
voting no, for Option 3.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: NAY  
Supervisor Phillips: NAY  
Supervisor Lopez: NAY  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion failed 3 to 2  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez with  
Supervisor Mary L. Adams, voting no, for Option 2 to:  
a. Receive an update on the County Habitat Resource Management Plan related to the former  
Fort Ord properties owned by the County of Monterey and Monterey Peninsula College;  
b. Provide direction to staff regarding the land use designations for borderland parcels;  
c. Authorize the Housing and Community Development Department to utilize the County Habitat  
Management Funds, Fund 029, to proceed to fund biological surveys for properties owned by the  
Monterey Peninsula College; and  
d. Provided direction to staff to move forward with Option 2.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: NAY  
Motion carried 4 to 1  
Other Board Matters  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer made no comments this week.  
Board Comments  
Board Comments  
Board Comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Read Out from Closed Session by County Counsel  
1. Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana HurtadoEmployee  
Organization(s): All Units(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana  
HurtadoEmployee Organization(s): Units R and S  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.a.  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:(1) Tim Taylor v. County of Monterey, et al. (Monterey County  
Superior Court Case No. 20CV000061)c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the  
Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.b.  
The meeting was adjourned in Memory of Juan Martinez at 3:29 p.m. by Chair Supervisor Mary L.  
____/s/ Mary L. Adams______  
BY: ____/s/ Valerie Ralph________  
APPROVED ON: June 7, 2022  
Supplemental Sheet, Consent Calendar  
Health Department  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
Amend Article I.d. of the Monterey County Master Fee Resolution effective July 1, 2022, to adjust  
certain fees related to the Health Department’s Clinic Services Bureau (Clinic Services) pursuant to the  
attached Fee Schedule.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-181  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute Amendment  
No. 1 to Substance Use Disorder Agreement A-15387 with The Epicenter for the provision of youth  
services through the Friday Night Live (FNL) Program to increase Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 funding  
amount by $45,973 and increase FY 2023-24 funding amount by $150,000 for a new total Agreement  
amount not to exceed $704,857 for the full-term July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15387; Amendment No. 1  
Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to  
execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Advantage Biomedical Services, Inc. (ABS), pursuant  
to Request for Proposal (RFP) #10670, for biomedical equipment certification, testing and  
maintenance services, extending the term to December 31, 2026, for a revised new term of January 1,  
2019 to December 31, 2026, and increasing the contract amount by $600,000 for a revised contract  
amount not to exceed of $1,106,540.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14205; Amendment No. 2  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a three (3)  
year Standard Agreement with Jackson & Coker Locum Tenens, LLC to refer Locum Tenens  
Psychiatric Service Providers for the provision of mental health treatment services to adults and children  
with psychiatric impairments and disabilities in the amount of $5,000,000 for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2022-23 through FY 2024-25, for a total Agreement not to exceed the amount of $5,000,000 for the  
term of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health, to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($500,000) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15814  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a Standard  
Agreement between Monterey County Health Department, Behavioral Health Bureau (MCBHB) and  
Mark William Stanford, Ph.D., for training/consultation in substance use disorder treatments for a total  
Agreement not to exceed $90,000 for the term beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025; and  
b. Approve non-standard insurance provisions in Agreement, as recommended by the Director of  
Health; and  
c. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three (3) future  
amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($9,000) of the original Agreement amount and do  
not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15815  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign an  
Agreement of Employment with Benjamin Reyes Mandac, M.D. in the amount of $111,750, who is  
licensed to practice medicine in the State of California and is qualified to render and perform medical  
consultant services to the California Children’s Services program under the direction and designation of  
the Employer, on an “at-will” basis, in the Public Health Bureau for the term June 21, 2022 through April  
21, 2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
work and do not cause an increase of more than ten percent (10%) ($11,175) of the original contract  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15816  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to execute an  
Agreement with the Transportation Agency of Monterey County (TAMC), for the provision of  
community engagement and outreach support services by the Monterey County Health Department,  
Administration Bureau, Planning and Evaluation, and Policy (PEP) Unit, as part of the Safe Routes to  
School Salinas Valley project, for the term retroactive to February 23, 2022 through June 30, 2024, for  
a total contract liability of $90,080; and  
b. Accept non-standard insurance and indemnification provisions in Agreement, as recommended by the  
Director of Health; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement, subject to further County Counsel and County  
Auditor-Controller approval, where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work and  
do not cause an increase of more than ten percent (10%) ($9,008) of the original contract amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15817  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign a Letter of  
Agreement with The Santa Cruz-Monterey-Merced Managed Care Commission, dba Central California  
Alliance for Health (CCAH), for the provision by CCAH of funding in the amount of $2,321,000  
through the CalAIM Incentive Payment Program to the Monterey County Health Department, (MCHD),  
to facilitate the implementation of the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and community supports  
program, for a term from date of the agreement’s execution by the parties through March 31, 2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
work and do not cause an increase of more than ten percent (10%) ($232,100) of the original  
Agreement amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15818  
a. Ratify the submission of a grant application by the Monterey County Health Department to the  
Investment in Mental Health Wellness Grant Program for Children and Youth (“Children and Youth  
Program”) of the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (“CHFFA”) in the amount of  
$1,851,546.21, for funding to develop a Crisis Stabilization and Crisis Residential Treatment program;  
b. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute the Grant Agreement  
Number CY MONT-02, accepting a CHFFA Children and Youth Program award for a total grant  
amount of $1,851,546.21 to develop a Crisis Stabilization and Crisis Residential Treatment program  
for the grant period retroactive to February 24, 2022 through June 30, 2024; and  
c. Approve the delegation of authority to the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to act  
on the County’s behalf to carry out and consummate all transactions contemplated during the grant  
Adopted Resolution No.: 22-182  
a. Authorize the Director of Health to accept a $5,000 award from The Regents of the University of  
California’s at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine’s Koret Shelter Medicine Program, in  
connection with the California of All Animals statewide animal shelter assistance program, for use by  
Monterey County Animal Services; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Health to sign the services agreement to receive the award and provide  
deliverables consisting of annual data reports and surveys from February 14, 2022 through January 31,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15819  
Criminal Justice  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
a 5-year agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $1,822,086 in the  
aggregate for the purchase and implementation of a case management supervision system from the  
execution of the agreement through June 30, 2027;  
b. Authorize modification of the County standard provisions including liability language, indemnification  
and insurance requirements as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
up to (3) amendments to this agreement, subject to prior County Counsel review, where each  
amendment does not exceed five percent (5%) of the original total contract amount ($91,104), and that  
does not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15813  
General Government  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Park Rangers  
Association for the period July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15820  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to  
execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-13631 with DFM Associates to license and support  
EIMS voter and election software, to extend the agreement two additional years (July 1, 2022 through  
June 30, 2024) for a revised full agreement term of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2024 and adding  
$333,984 for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $912,600; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
up to three (3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter  
the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13631; Amendment No. 1  
Approve the Board of Supervisors of the Monterey County Draft Action Meeting Minutes for the  
following meeting date: Tuesday, December 7, 2021, Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Thursday,  
December 9, 2021, Friday, December 10, 2021, Tuesday, December 14, 2021 and Tuesday, May  
17, 2022.  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution No. 98-394 to revise Section A.9.1.2  
Standby to increase standby pay from $12 per hour to $18 per hour for per-diem employees in  
specified classifications in the Diagnostic Imaging Department as indicated in Attachment A; and  
b. Amend the Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution No. 98-394 to revise Section A.12.7 Extra  
Shift Pay for Physicians - Natividad to compensate physicians in the Hospitalist specialty for shifts  
worked in excess of the “Regular Assignment” required by the employment agreement (contract), as  
indicated in Attachment A.  
Adopted Resolution No.: 22-183  
Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, or designee, to sign Amendment No. 1 to the  
County Standard Services Agreement with the California Coastal Rural Development Corporation  
(CCRDC) to manage the day-to-day operation of the County’s Small Business Revolving Loan Fund  
(SBRLF) for a total amount not to exceed $2,510,000 for the period of July 1, 2017, through June 30,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13709; Amendment No. 1  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Counsel Employee  
Association (MCCEA) Unit G for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15821  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer to sign a non-standard Site Lease Agreement  
with the Stephen Snodgrass - Lewis Road Communication Site for an amount not to exceed $56,931,  
commencing May 1, 2022, and ending on February 28, 2031; and  
b. Accept non-standard provisions as recommended by the Chief Information Officer; and  
c. Authorize the Chief of Information Officer or designee to execute up to two (2) future amendments,  
subject to County Counsel review, to extend the non-standard Site Lease Agreement term for five (5)  
additional years per amendment and to allow for a four percent (4%) annual increase per year provided  
the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work and do not alter the non-standard terms  
of the Site License Agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15822  
Housing and Community Development  
a. Consider approving Amendment Number 4 to Agreement No. A-14097 with LeSar Development  
Consultants to increase the maximum not to exceed amount by $64,590 for a new not to exceed  
amount of $259,600.00 to provide additional technical assistance to prepare a non-residential linkage  
fee analysis and recommendations in support of updating the County’s Inclusionary Housing  
Ordinance; and  
b. Authorize the County Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute the Agreement and any amendments  
which do not alter the scope of work or increase the amount payable on the Agreement  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14097; Amendment No. 4  
Approval of a Final Parcel Map for a minor subdivision to divide a 10-acre parcel into two lots (2.72  
acres and 7.28 acres) each.  
Project Location: 662 Harrison Road, Salinas, CA  
Proposed CEQA Action: Statutorily Exempt per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)  
Guidelines section 15268(b)(3) - Approval of Final Subdivision Maps.  
Public Works, Facilities and Parks  
a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Cooper Road Reconstruction, Project No. 1152 to  
reconstruct and resurface Cooper Road from Blanco Road to State Route 183, approximately 2.9  
b. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Murphy Road Reconstruction, Project No. 1169 to  
reconstruct Murphy Road from San Juan Road to Santa Cruz County Line, approximately 0.6 mile;  
c. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks to advertise the projects’ “Notice to  
Bidders” in the Monterey County Weekly.  
a. Award a contract to Papich Construction Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, for the  
Bradley Road Bridge, Project No. 3852, in the total amount of $8,390,000.  
b. Approve the Performance and Payment Bonds executed and provided by Papich Construction  
Company, Inc.  
c. Authorize a contingency, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract amount or $839,000 to  
provide funding for approved contract change orders.  
d. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to execute the contract and, subject to  
the terms of the Public Contract Code and Board Policies as applicable, approve change orders to the  
contract that do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount and do not significantly  
change the scope of work; and  
e. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to execute a Certificate of Completion  
and record a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder when the Director determines that the  
contract is complete in all respects in accordance with Plans and Special Provisions for the construction  
of the Bradley Road Bridge, Project No. 3852.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15823  
a. Award a contract to Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder,  
for the Hartnell Road Bridge, Project No. 3854, in the total amount of $2,250,698.  
b. Approve the Performance and Payment Bonds executed and provided by Anderson Pacific  
Engineering Construction, Inc.;  
c. Authorize a contingency, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract amount or $225,070, to  
provide funding for approved contract change orders;  
d. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to execute the contract and, subject to  
the terms of the Public Contract Code and Board Policies as applicable, approve change orders to the  
contract that do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount and do not significantly  
change the scope of work; and  
e. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to execute a Certificate of Completion  
and record a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder when the Director determines that the  
contract is complete in all respects in accordance with Plans and Special Provisions for the construction  
of the Hartnell Road Bridge, Project No. 3854.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15824  
a. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Subordination and Consent document for the purpose of  
subordinating three Deeds of Trust held by the County to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and  
Restrictions of York Highlands Monterey; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Subordination and Consent document for the purpose of  
subordinating three Deeds of Trust held by the County to the Monterra Road Agreement; and  
c. Direct the Clerk of the Board to have the two documents recorded in the Office of the County  
Corrected Under - Ceremonial Resolutions  
3. Adopt a resolution proclaiming May 2022 as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month  
in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)  
Added Under - Appointments  
14.1 Appoint Claudia Link to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County to fill an unexpired term  
ending on January 10, 2023. (Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips)