Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-15838 with Monterey County Office of Education to
leverage an additional $477,422 for a new contract total of $732,912 in pass-through Title IV-E
administrative funding to support Foster Youth services with no change to the contract term; and
b. Authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three
future amendments to this amended Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10%
($73,291) of the amended contract amount, do not significantly change the scope work, and do
not exceed the maximum aggregate amount of $806,203.
a. Approve and authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign
an agreement with Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula to provide congregate meals,
home-delivered meals, and nutrition education to seniors, for the period of January 7, 2025
through June 30, 2026 in the amount of $438,158; and
b. Authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three
future amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($43,816)
of the original contract amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and do not
exceed the maximum aggregate amount of $481,974.
a. Approve and authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign
an agreement with Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley to provide home-delivered meals and
health education to seniors in the Salinas, North County and South Monterey County regions, for
the period of January 7, 2025 through June 30, 2026, in the amount of $102,298; and
b. Authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three
amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($10,230) of the
amended contract amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and do not exceed the
maximum aggregate amount of $112,528.
Approve and authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to execute
Amendment No. 2 to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of
Monterey Department of Social Services (MCDSS), County of Monterey County Administrative
Office (CAO) - Homeless Strategies & Initiatives Divisions (HSI), City of King, Coalition of
Homeless Services Providers, and Step Up on Second Street, Inc. regarding a temporary
homeless shelter program at the Monarch Inn Motel to add $465,000 in Encampment Resolution
Funds (ERF) and extend the term by six (6) months for a new agreement term of November 1,
2023 through August 11, 2025.
a. Approve and authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign a
state agreement with the California Health and Human Services Agency to reimburse staffing
provided to the Child Welfare System Migration Project for the period of March 1, 2025, or
upon execution by the state, whichever is later, to April 30, 2028, or 38 months, whichever is