Monterey County  
Board of Supervisors Chambers  
168 W. Alisal St., 1st Floor  
Salinas, CA 93901  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, May 10, 2022  
9:00 AM  
Board of Supervisors  
Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams - District 5  
Vice Chair Supervisor Luis A. Alejo - District 1  
Supervisor John M. Phillips - District 2  
Supervisor Chris Lopez - District 3  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew - District 4  
9:00 A.M. - Called to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, appeared in person, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Additions and Corrections for Closed Session by County Counsel  
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.  
Closed Session  
Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) John F. Dunham v. County of Monterey, et al. (United States District Court case no.  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment to  
the position of County Administrative Officer.  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
Public Comments for Closed Session  
Open for public comments; no public comments were made.  
The Board Recessed for Closed Session Agenda Items  
10:30 A.M. - Reconvened on Public Agenda Items  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, and Supervisor Chris Lopez, appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared  
via video conference  
Staff Present  
Nick Chiulos, Assistant County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie  
Ralph, Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Dr. Chad Harris, Chief Executive Officer from Natividad  
Medical Center.  
Additions and Corrections by Clerk  
The following additions and corrections were read into the record:  
Due to the need for immediate consideration by the Board of matters which arose after the  
posting of the agenda, as provided in Section 54954.2 of the California Government Code the  
Board is asked to make the following addition.  
Ceremonial Resolutions:  
Item No. 8 is in receipt of a revised ceremonial resolution.  
New Referrals:  
Item No. 20 is in receipt of a revised referral.  
Ceremonial Resolutions  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
adopt Ceremonial Resolutions 2 through 9.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a resolution in appreciation of Joseph “Josh” Stratton For seven and a half years of Public  
Service to the County of Monterey - Board of Supervisors. (Supervisor Phillips)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-153  
Adopt a resolution proclaiming the week of May 15, 2022 through May 21, 2022 as National Public  
Works Week. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-158  
Adopt a resolution Commending Kurt Gollnick upon his retirement after 33 years of dedicated service  
with Scheid Vineyards. (Supervisor Alejo)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-154  
Adopt a resolution honoring Natividad Medical Center during National Hospital Week 2022.  
(Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-157  
Adopt a resolution proclaiming the week of May 2nd-8th, 2022 as Maternal Mental Health Awareness  
Week in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-155  
Adopt a resolution proclaiming May 2022 as Mental Health Matters Month in Monterey County.  
(Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-156  
Adopt a resolution affirming the County of Monterey as a Champion of Reproductive Freedom.  
(Supervisor Adams and Supervisor Askew)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-159  
Revised via additions and corrections  
Adopt a resolution proclaiming the month of May 2022 as “Building Safety Month” in Monterey  
County. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-152  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to  
appoint/reappoint Item Numbers 10 through 12.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Appoint JoAnne Roth to the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council with a term ending January 1,  
2025. (Nominated by the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council)  
Reappoint Mark L. Hartunian to the Military & Veteran Affairs Advisory Committee with a term  
ending on December 31, 2024. (Nominated by District 3, Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Raul Calvo to the Monterey County Housing Advisory Committee with a term ending  
March 12, 2023. (Nominated By District 3, Supervisor Lopez)  
Approval of Consent Calendar – (See Supplemental Sheet)  
See Supplemental Sheet  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
Supervisor Mary L. Adams commented Item No. 50 and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew  
commented on Item Numbers 47 and 50 and requested a separate vote be taken on these items.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to  
approve Consent Calendar Item Numbers 23 through 50 excluding Item No.'s 47 and 50 which  
separate votes will be taken on.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez with  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew voting no, to approve Consent Calendar Item Number 47.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 4 to1  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips with  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew voting no, to approve Consent Calendar Item Number 50.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 4 to1  
General Public Comments  
General Public Comments  
Open for general public comments for items not on today's agenda; Wes White and Sasha Gauge,  
in person, made comments.  
10:30 A.M. - Scheduled Matters  
a. Waive the 180-day “waiting period” for PERS retirees to return to work for recently-retired land use  
specialist Wendy Strimling, former Monterey County Assistant County Counsel;  
b. Find that the appointment of Wendy Strimling is necessary to fill a critically needed position; and  
c. Approve and authorize the hiring of retiree Wendy Strimling as a temporary County employee no  
sooner than May 11, 2022.  
Les Girard, County Counsel, in person, verbally commented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Mary L. Adams to  
Adopt Resolution No. 22-160 to:  
a. Waive the 180-day “waiting period” for PERS retirees to return to work for recently-retired land  
use specialist Wendy Strimling, former Monterey County Assistant County Counsel; and  
b. Find that the appointment of Wendy Strimling is necessary to fill a critically needed position;  
c. Approve and authorize the hiring of retiree Wendy Strimling as a temporary County employee  
no sooner than May 11, 2022.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Receive a presentation from the Office of Emergency Services detailing the 2022-25 Strategic Plan.  
Gerry Malais, Emergency Services Manager and Kelsey Scanlon, Emergency Service Planner,  
both via Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Mary L. Adams  
Receive a presentation from the Office of Emergency Services detailing the 2022-25 Strategic  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
12:00 P.M. - Recessed to Lunch  
1:30 P.M. - Reconvened  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, and Supervisor Chris Lopez, appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared  
via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
1:30 P.M. - Scheduled Matters  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set May 24, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter;  
b. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter is exempt under the  
California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15308 because the  
ordinance is an action taken by the County to assure the enhancement and protection of the  
environment and involves procedures for protection of the environment; and  
c. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Erik Lundquist, Director from Housing and Community Development, in person, presented via  
PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; Sabrina (no last name provided), David Kettle, Lesley (no last name  
provided), P.S., Glenn Church, phone number ending in 833 - Marla, Lizette (no last name  
provided) and Denise (no last name provided), all via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez  
directing staff to revise the ordinance based on the recommendations discussed and come back  
to the Board for further consideration on Tuesday, May 24, 2022; matter continued:  
a. Introduce, waive first reading, and set May 24, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to  
consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to  
modify regulations for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the  
b. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify  
regulations for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter is  
exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) per CEQA Guidelines Section  
15308 because the ordinance is an action taken by the County to assure the enhancement and  
protection of the environment and involves procedures for protection of the environment; and  
c. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Staff also to bring back a proposed ordinance on unruly gatherings.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
Authorize the County Administrative Officer to complete the County’s ballots for the Pajaro  
Regional Flood Management Agency Assessment for Levee Operations & Maintenance by voting  
[Yes/No] and returning the ballots to the Agency before the close of its public hearing on June 8,  
Randy Ishii, Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks, via Zoom, introduced the matter with  
Dr. Mark Strudley, Interim Director of the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency, also via  
Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
Adopt Resolution No. 22-163 to:  
Authorize the County Administrative Officer to complete the County’s ballots for the Pajaro  
Regional Flood Management Agency Assessment for Levee Operations & Maintenance by voting  
[Yes/No] and returning the ballots to the Agency before the close of its public hearing on June 8,  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Other Board Matters  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer made comments.  
County Administrative Officer comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
New Referrals  
New Referrals  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer from the County Administrative office shared there  
is one new referral this week:  
One new referral from Supervisor Luis A. Alejo and Supervisor John M. Phillips:  
Referral No. 2022.16  
Referral Title: Completion of the Monterey County Juvenile Hall  
Referral Purpose: For the Monterey County Probation Department and other county staff to pursue  
state grant  
funding to complete the unfinished phase of the new Juvenile Hall  
Revised via additions and corrections.  
County Administrative Officer new referrals can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Referral Responses  
Receive a preliminary analysis report in response to Board Referral No. 2022.15 seeking  
Collaboration Regarding Salinas Gabilan Creek Encampments and Environmental Concerns.  
Nick Chiulos, Assistant County Administrative Officer, in person, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
Upon consensus the Board supported and:  
Received a preliminary analysis report in response to Board Referral No. 2022.15 seeking  
Collaboration Regarding Salinas Gabilan Creek Encampments and Environmental Concerns.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Board Comments  
Board Comments  
Board Comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Read Out from Closed Session by County Counsel  
1. Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.a.(1)  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) John F. Dunham v. County of Monterey, et al. (United States District Court case no.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.b.(1)  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.c.  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment  
to the position of County Administrative Officer.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.d.  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.e.  
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
____/s/ Mary L. Adams______  
BY: ____/s/ Valerie Ralph________  
APPROVED ON: May 17, 2022  
Supplemental Sheet, Consent Calendar  
Natividad Medical Center  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for NMC or his designee to execute renewal and amendment  
No. 3 to the Agreement (A-13929) with Blue Elm Company LLC for data auditing software services,  
extending the agreement an additional three (3) year period (May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2025) for  
a revised full agreement term of May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2025 and adding $12,936 for a revised  
total agreement amount not to exceed $46,776.  
b. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for NMC or his delegate to execute up to one (1) future  
amendment for extended software maintenance in future years, provided that the annual cost of the  
extended maintenance does not exceed $4,240 per year.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13929; Amendment No. 3  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Approve proposed County policy for the naming of Monterey County-owned and operated facilities  
and programs at Natividad Medical Center; and  
b. Approve the policy’s incorporation into the Monterey County Board Policy Manual.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-161  
Health Department  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute Amendment  
No. 1 to Substance Use Disorder Agreement A-15451 with Sun Street Centers for the provision of  
alcohol and drug recovery services retroactive to September 1, 2021, to increase Fiscal Year (FY)  
2020-21 funding amount by $965,165 and increase FY 2022-23 funding amount by $961,738 for a  
new total Agreement amount not to exceed $11,659,763 for the full-term July 1, 2021 - June 30,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15451; Amendment No. 1  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign Renewal and  
Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-15553, with the City of Marina (City) to extend the term of the  
Agreement six (6) months and increase the amount of the Agreement by approximately $18,600 for a  
total Agreement of approximately $37,200, to cover the extended term for services to be performed by  
the Monterey County Health Department’s Animal Services unit to provide shelter, care and other  
required services; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
work and do not exceed 10% ($1,860) of the original Agreement amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15553; Amendment No. 1  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign a  
non-standard Agreement with Clear Labs, Inc. in the amount of $442,483 to provide a CL-Assurance  
One Plans annual preventative maintenance plan agreement for three years and CL-WGS Reagent kits  
used for SAR S-CoV2 genome sequencing for the term of upon execution date through March 31,  
2025; and  
b. Approve the recommendation of the Director of Health to accept non-standard risk provisions in the  
Agreement; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope  
of work and do not cause an increase of more than ten percent (10%) ($44,248) of the original  
contract amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15796  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign Amendment  
No. 4 to the Agreement with HWW, Inc., DBA Ad Club (Ad Club), for the provision of recruitment  
advertising services, extending the agreement by two years and adding $80,000 for a revised amount  
not to exceed $255,000 and for the revised full term of February 1, 2017 through January 31, 2025.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14989; Amendment No. 4  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute Amendment  
No. 1 to Mental Health Services Agreement A-15506 with Partners for Peace to extend the term of  
the Agreement for two (2) additional fiscal years for a revised term of September 1, 2021 through June  
30, 2025, and add $131,998 of additional funds, for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15506; Amendment No. 1  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute Renewal and  
Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A-15300, with the City of Salinas for housing location and landlord  
engagement services for individuals experiencing homelessness and for stipends for workers who  
provide outreach to homeless persons, adding $318,641 to cover additional costs to relocate  
equipment, purchase additional equipment, and provide additional outreach stipends, for a total  
Agreement not to exceed, $541,841, for the term January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15300; Amendment No. 2  
a. Ratify the execution by the Director of Health of the Agreement between Ventana Faculty Medical  
Associates of Monterey County, Inc., and the Monterey County Health Department’s Administration  
Bureau, to serve as the County’s Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs) by providing  
professional and call coverage services for the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), with a  
retroactive start date of May 1, 2022, through June 30,2022, for a total agreement amount of $90,650;  
b. Approve Director of Health’s recommendation to accept non-standard insurance provisions; and  
c. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three (3) future  
amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($9,065) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15797  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a Letter of  
Agreement with Central California Alliance for Health to receive incentive funds for “Student  
Behavioral Health Incentive Program”, to implement student behavioral health interventions in the  
amount not to exceed of $25,000 for the term of Upon Execution through Dec 31, 2024; and  
b. Approve the recommendation of the Director of Health to accept non-standard risk provisions in the  
Agreement; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($2,500) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15798  
Department of Social Services  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Davis for the provision of staff  
training in the amount of $552,500 for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024, including  
non-standard mutual indemnity terms; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($55,250) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15799  
a.Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Seneca Family of Agencies for the scheduling and facilitation of Child and  
Family Team Meetings to meet the requirements set forth in the Continuum of Care Reform in the  
amount of $786,936 for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($78,693) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15800  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Door to Hope for $339,963 for the provision of perinatal substance abuse  
prevention and intervention services to Monterey County children and their families for the period of  
July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($33,996) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15801  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Seneca Family of Agencies in the amount of $611,395 for the provision of  
services and supports to relatives and near-kin caregivers for the period of July 2022 to June 30, 2023;  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($61,139) of the  
original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15802  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign  
Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A-15319 with Central Coast Center for Independent Living to provide  
program housing search, placement support, and rental subsidies for participants of the Housing and  
Disability Advocacy Program, adding $199,899 for a revised total contract amount of $1,452,222; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($145,222) of the  
revised contract total and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15319; Amendment No. 2  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with California State University Fresno Foundation for $174,900 to provide Child  
Welfare training for Family and Children’s Services staff for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30,  
2023, including nonstandard termination, indemnification, and confidentiality provisions; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($17,490) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15803  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with the Industrial Employers and Distributors Association (IEDA) for $67,764 to  
represent the County in labor negotiations with the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) care  
providers union (SEIU 2015) for the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025, including non-standard  
indemnification terms; and  
b. Authorize the Director of the Department or Assistant Director of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement as long as they do not exceed 10% ($6,776) of the contract amount  
or significantly change the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15804  
Criminal Justice  
a. Amend the FY 2021-22 Public Defender’s Adopted Budget (001-2270-8168-PUB001) to  
temporarily reallocate one (1) .50 Account Clerk to one (1) 1.0 FTE Account Clerk retroactive from  
November 15, 2021, through February 11, 2022, as indicated in Attachment A; and  
b. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the  
position changes in the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget.  
Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget to increase the  
appropriations by $1,248,173, financed by increased estimated revenues in Sales Tax, State of  
California Grants, Traffic Safety Grant, Victims Witness Grants and Asset Forfeiture, for the Office of  
the District Attorney, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit DIS001 (4/5ths vote required).  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Public Defenders’  
Association (MCPDA) Unit D for the period September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15805  
General Government  
a. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to execute an Agreement with PC Specialists, Incorporated  
dba Technology Integration Group (TIG), a re-seller of technology goods and services, incorporating  
the terms of existing Master Technology Agreement with The Interlocal Purchasing System, to  
purchase technology solutions, products, and services in the amount of $1,000,000 for the term of May  
1, 2022, through May 31, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to execute order forms and such documents as are  
necessary to implement the agreement with Technology Integration Group for purchase of technology  
products and services; and  
c. Accept non-standard contract provisions as recommended by the Chief Information Officer; and  
d. Authorize the Chief Information Officer the option to extend the agreement up to three (3) additional  
one (1) year period through May 24, 2027, and sign associated Order Forms provided that additional  
total costs do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount ($100,000 total maximum  
cost increase per year), and so long as the Order Forms do not significantly alter the terms of the  
Master Technology Agreement, even if no additional Agreements are entered into, subject to County  
Counsel review.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15807  
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:  
a. Authorize the Agricultural Commissioner to execute, on behalf of the County of Monterey, Standard  
Agreements and any Amendments thereto, with Federal, State and local agencies for designated  
programs performed by the department for a period of three (3) years ending June 30, 2025, and;  
b. Approve and authorize the Agricultural Commissioner, or his designee, to sign up to three (3)  
amendments to each agreement where the total amendments do not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of  
the original amount of the subject agreement and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15806  
Approve a recommendation from the Legislative Committee to support and request that Congressman  
Jimmy Panetta cosponsor H.R. 4725, No Student Loan Interest Act.  
Approve and Authorize the Registrar of Voters to execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement  
18G30127, related to voting systems, with the Office of the Secretary of State to extend the term  
through December 31, 2024 for remaining grant funds not to exceed the original grant amount of  
Approved - Agreement No.: 18G30127; Amendment No. 2  
Adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 2.40 of the Monterey County Code to increase compensation  
paid to the Assessment Appeals Board from $130.00 plus meal and mileage reimbursement per  
meeting, to $275.00 plus meal and mileage reimbursement per meeting, and to annually adjust that  
compensation each July 1 based upon the U.S. Consumer Price Index.  
Adopted Ordinance No. 5374  
Public Works, Facilities and Parks  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Accept the 2021 Annual Report of the Mileage of Maintained County Roads, tabulated at 1,264.35  
center line miles; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks to submit Monterey County’s 2021  
Annual Report to the California Department of Transportation.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-162  
a. Approve a one-time Special Event Use Permit between Spartan Race, Inc. and the County of  
Monterey to hold the Monterey Spartan Super 10K and Sprint 5K Weekend, and The Monterey  
Spartan Trail Race 10K, 21K & 50 K Events at Monterey County’s Toro Regional Park on June 4-5,  
b. Find that the one-time Monterey Spartan Super 10K and Sprint 5K Weekend and The Monterey  
Spartan Trail Race 10K, 21K & 50K Events scheduled for June 4-5, 2022, at Monterey County’s  
Toro Regional Park, is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),  
pursuant to Section 15304(e) of the CEQA Guidelines; and  
c. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities, & Parks or designee to sign the Special Event  
Use Permit between Spartan Race, Inc. and the County of Monterey.  
a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca (WRLS)  
Start/Finish Bridge and Racetrack Resurfacing Projects; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to advertise the “Notice to Bidders” in  
the Monterey County Weekly; and  
c. Proposed CEQA Action: Categorically exempt (Class 1) repair and maintenance of existing streets  
and similar facilities which involve no expansion of an existing use.  
Added under Closed Session:  
1.e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation.