Monterey County  
Board of Supervisors Chambers  
168 W. Alisal St., 1st Floor  
Salinas, CA 93901  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, March 1, 2022  
9:00 AM  
Board of Supervisors  
Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams - District 5  
Vice Chair Supervisor Luis A. Alejo - District 1  
Supervisor John M. Phillips - District 2  
Supervisor Chris Lopez - District 3  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew - District 4  
9:00 A.M. - Called to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, appeared in person, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Additions and Corrections for Closed Session by County Counsel  
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.  
Closed Session  
Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or the  
public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Units A, B, AOS, BOSS, Q and V  
(3) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Unit H  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, the Board will confer with real property negotiators:  
(1) Property: 710 Old Stage Road, Salinas, CA 93908  
Agency Negotiator(s): Leslie J. Girard, County Counsel  
Negotiating Parties: Rancho Cielo, Inc.  
Under negotiation: Price and terms  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment to  
the position of Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures.  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
f. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) Daniel Mitchell, et al. v. Joseph Moses, et al. (Monterey County Superior Court Case No.  
g. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment to  
the position of Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
h. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to labor  
(1) Designated representatives: Charles J. McKee, County Administrative Officer and Irma  
Ramirez-Bough, Director of Human Resources  
Employee Position: Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
Public Comments for Closed Session  
Open for public comments; Christian Schneider, Daniel Mitchell and Nina Beety, all via Zoom,  
The Board Recessed for Closed Session Agenda Items  
10:30 A.M. - Reconvened on Public Agenda Items  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, appeared in person, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Marianne Gawain, President of the League of Women  
Voters of Monterey County.  
Additions and Corrections by Clerk  
The following additions and corrections were read into the record:  
Add to the Ceremonial Resolutions  
Due to the need for immediate consideration by the Board of matters which arose after the  
posting of the agenda, as provided in Section 54954.2 of the California Government Code the  
Board is asked to make the following addition:  
Item No. 4.1 – Supporting the People of Ukraine  
Revisions to the Appointments  
Item No. 15 is in receipt of school and work history  
Revision to the 1:30 P.M. – Schedule Matters  
Item No. 26 is in receipt of a corrected version of Attachment C  
Addition to the Adjournment  
To add to Adjourn in Memory of Jorge Alvarado  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
adopt Item No. 4.1.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Ceremonial Resolutions  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
adopt Ceremonial Resolutions 2 through 4.1.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a resolution honoring Cynthia Nelson Holmsky for her service and passionate commitment to  
improving educational outcomes for all children and youth in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-055  
Adopt a resolution in honor and recognition of Sam McLeod for his dedicated service to the County of  
Monterey and his Nation. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-056  
Adopt a resolution recognizing every first Monday in March as “COVID-19 Victims and Survivors  
Memorial Day” In Monterey County. (Supervisor Alejo)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-054  
Adopt a resolution supporting the people of Ukraine and condemning the Russian Federation’s invasion  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-053  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew  
to appoint/reappoint Item Numbers 5 through 20.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Appoint Jack Caoutte to Cypress Fire Protection District to fill an unexpired term ending November 8,  
2022. (Nominated by Cypress Fire Protection District)  
Appoint William Hiller to the Emergency Medical Care Committee, with a term ending date of June 30  
2023. (Nominated by the Emergency Medical Care Committee)  
Reappoint Mayor Ian Oglesby to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the  
pleasure of the board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Wesley Haye to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the pleasure  
of the board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Louise Goetzelt to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the  
pleasure of the board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Sid Williams to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the pleasure of  
the Board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Mary Estrada to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the pleasure  
of the Board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Walan Chang to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the pleasure  
of the Board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Dan Presser to the Veterans Issues Advisory Committee for a term ending at the pleasure of  
the Board. (Nominated by Veterans Issues Advisory Committee)  
Reappoint Jim Slaten to the Monterey County Regional Fire District for a term ending March 1, 2026.  
(Nominated by Supervisor Lopez)  
Appoint Ben Work to the Planning Commission for a term ending January 23, 2025.(Nominated by  
Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Alejandrina Tirado to the King City Cemetery District for a term ending July 1, 2025.  
(Nominated by Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Sheri Braden to the San Lucas County Water District for a term ending December 1, 2025.  
(Nominated by Supervisor Lopez)  
Appoint Alexandra Edwards to the Cypress Fire Protection District to fill an unexpected term ending  
November 8, 2022. (Nominated by Cypress Fire Protection District)  
Appoint Don Chesterman to the Pajaro Sunny Mesa Board of Directors to fill an unexpired term  
ending on November 30, 2023. (Nominated by Supervisor Phillips)  
Appoint Joshua Jones to the Fish And Game Advisory Commission, for a term ending November 30,  
2025. (Nominated by Supervisor Phillips)  
Approval of Consent Calendar – (See Supplemental Sheet)  
See Supplemental Sheet  
Open for public comments; Cynthia Benitez, Jolene Bina, Aaron Johnson, Erika Perez and  
Michael Hackett, all via Zoom, commented.  
Supervisor Luis A. Alejo commented on 39, 48 and 58 and Supervisor John M. Phillips  
commented on Item Number 38 .  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to  
approve Consent Calendar Item Numbers 33 through 83 excluding Item No. 38 which a separate  
vote will be taken on.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
approve Consent Calendar Item Number 38.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: NAY  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 4 to1  
General Public Comments  
General Public Comments  
Open for general public comments for items not on today's agenda; Karen Cameron, Beatrice  
Vance, Cesar Lara, Santiago Torres, Mr. Misqueta, Mr. Barajas, Yana Martinez, Mark Weller, all in  
person, and Erika Perez, Christie Turano, and Laura Moffet, via Zoom, commented.  
10:30 A.M. - Scheduled Matters  
Presentation from Salinas Regional Sports Authority.  
Kurt Gollnick, and Jonathan de Anda, both in person. presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments, Robert Roach, via Zoom, commented.  
Upon consensus the Board:  
Received a presentation from Salinas Regional Sports Authority.  
12:00 P.M. - Recessed to Lunch  
1:30 P.M. - Reconvened  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, appeared in person, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
1:30 P.M. - Scheduled Matters  
a. Receive a presentation by Citygate Associates, LLC of the report entitled “Organizational Review of  
the Current Cannabis Program, County of Monterey”  
b. Provide direction to staff  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
continue this matter to Tuesday, March 8, 2022:  
a. Receive a presentation by Citygate Associates, LLC of the report entitled “Organizational  
Review of the Current Cannabis Program, County of Monterey”  
b. Provide direction to staff  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Introduce, waive reading, and set March 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.80 of the Monterey County Code to ban the sale of  
flavored tobacco products and single use electronic cigarettes.  
No presentation presented.  
Open for public comments; Dr. Liu, Alexa Wohrman, Anne Wheelis, Claudia Martinez, Alix, Ca,  
Shelia Phan, Lindsey Freitas, Rima Khoury, Nicole Turkson, Brian McCarthy, ACS CAN Grassroot  
Manager and Jaime Rojas, all via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Mary L. Adams, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to:  
Introduce, waive reading, and set March 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.80 of the Monterey County Code to ban the sale of  
flavored tobacco products and single use electronic cigarettes.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a Resolution of Necessity Finding and determining that:  
a. The Public Interest and Necessity Require the Davis Road Bridge Replacement and Road Widening  
Project (Project).  
b. The Project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public  
good and the least private injury.  
c. The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the Project.  
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Action:  
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)  
certified by the Board of Supervisors on July 11, 2016.  
Project Location: Davis Road between Blanco Road and Reservation Road, south of the City of  
Property Owners of record: George L. Davis and Susan E. Linscott et al.  
Enrique Saavedra, Senior Civil Engineer from the Public Works, Facilities & Parks Department,  
via Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments, no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew  
to adopt a Resolution of Necessity and Finding No. 22-077 and determined:  
a. The Public Interest and Necessity Require the Davis Road Bridge Replacement and Road  
Widening Project (Project).  
b. The Project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest  
public good and the least private injury.  
c. The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the Project.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Consider adoption of an ordinance amending Section 12.12.010 of Title 12 of the Monterey County  
Code to revise, uphold and/or adopt speed limits on various county road segments.  
Chad Alinio, Senior Civil Engineer from the Public Works, Facilities & Parks Department, via  
Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
adopt Ordinance No. 5369 amending Section 12.12.010 of Title 12 of the Monterey County Code to  
revise, uphold and/or adopt speed limits on various county road segments.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Adopting a policy on Board committees, including rotating appointments to Board Standing  
Committees; and,  
b. Making permanent appointments to Board Standing Committees and Non-County Entities for 2022.  
Les Girard, County Counsel from the County Counsel office, in person, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Mary L. Adams  
a. Adopt a policy on Board committees, including rotating appointments to Board Standing  
Committees; and,  
b. Make permanent appointments to Board Standing Committees for 2023 and defer rotational  
assignments alphabetically or by random draw until 2023.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
A substitute motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez to  
keep the remainder of 2022 status quo with terms on Standing Committees with Supervisor John  
M. Phillips, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew and Supervisor Mary L. Adams voting no.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: NAY  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: NAY  
Motion failed 3 to 2  
A motion was made by Supervisor Mary L. Adams, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to  
adopt the Chair's recommendation in Attachment 5 as membership on Standing Committees with  
Supervisor Luis A. Alejo and Supervisor Chris Lopez voting no.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: NAY  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: NAY  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 3 to 2  
Other Board Matters  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer made no comments.  
New Referrals  
New Referrals  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer from the County Administrative office shared there  
are six new referrals this week:  
Four new referrals from Supervisor Chris Lopez:  
Referral No. 2022.07: Referral Title: Monterey County Agricultural and Livestock Pass;  
Referral No. 2022.08: Referral Title: Provide opportunity for expansion of commercial pace  
financing to additional financing companies  
Referral No. 2022.09: Referral Title: Salinas Valley Five Cities Joint Powers Authority  
Referral No. 2022.10: Referral Title: Request that the County Librarian bring forward, as part of our  
annual budget, a consideration or opportunity for the County to contribute to the new  
Library/Community Center in the City of Gonzales.  
One new referral from Supervisor Luis A. Alejo:  
Referral No. 2022.11: Referral Title: Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Reserve Funds  
Expenditure Plan & Oversight  
One new referral from Supervisor Wendy Root Askew:  
Referral No. 2022-12: Referral Title: Strategic Grants Program Capacity  
County Administrative Officer new referrals can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Referral Responses  
Receive a preliminary analysis report in response to Board Referral No. 2022.04 seeking to improve  
traffic circulation due to increase in traffic in the Boronda area.  
Upon consensus the Board continued the below matter to Tuesday, March 8 or Tuesday, March  
Receive a preliminary analysis report in response to Board Referral No. 2022.04 seeking to  
improve traffic circulation due to increase in traffic in the Boronda area.  
Board Comments  
Board Comments  
Board Comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Read Out from Closed Session by County Counsel  
1. Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or  
the public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.a.  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Units A, B, AOS, BOSS, Q and V  
(3) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Unit H  
The Board approved a tentative agreement with Unit Q - the Park Rangers.  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, the Board will confer with real property  
(1) Property: 710 Old Stage Road, Salinas, CA 93908  
Agency Negotiator(s): Leslie J. Girard, County Counsel  
Negotiating Parties: Rancho Cielo, Inc.  
Under negotiation: Price and terms  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.c.(1)  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment  
to the position of Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.d.  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.e.  
f. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) Daniel Mitchell, et al. v. Joseph Moses, et al. (Monterey County Superior Court Case No.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.f.(1)  
g. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment  
to the position of Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.g.  
h. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to labor  
(1) Designated representatives: Charles J. McKee, County Administrative Officer and Irma  
Ramirez-Bough, Director of Human Resources  
Employee Position: Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.h.(1)  
The meeting was adjourned in Memory of Henry Corda and Salinas Peace Officer Jorge David  
Alvarado at 2:58 p.m. by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
____/s/ Mary L. Adams______  
BY: ____/s/ Valerie Ralph________  
APPROVED ON: April 19, 2022  
Supplemental Sheet, Consent Calendar  
Natividad Medical Center  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 and Appendices A and B  
to create the classifications of Interventional Radiologic Technologist, Interventional Radiologic  
Technologist-Per Diem and Senior Interventional Radiologic Technologist with the salary ranges as  
indicated in the attached Resolution;  
b. Amend Natividad (Unit 9600) FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget to approve reallocation as indicated  
by position numbers in Attachment A;  
c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved changes in the Natividad (Unit 9600)  
FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget;  
d. Direct the County Administrative Office to incorporate the new classifications and approved position  
changes in the Natividad (Unit 9600) FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget; and  
e. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM System.  
Adopted Resolution No .22-057  
Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer for NMC or his designee to execute renewal and  
amendment No.4 to the agreement (A-13426) with UpToDate Inc. for Anywhere electronic clinical  
resource subscription services, extending the agreement an additional one (1) year period (March 1,  
2022 through February 28, 2023) for a revised full agreement term of December 1, 2016 through  
February 28, 2023, and adding $95,556 for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13426; Amendment No. 4  
a. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee  
to execute amendment No. 4 to the agreement (A-13074) with Forward Advantage, Inc. for one (1)  
year of maintenance and support of the Imprivata product, a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution used by  
NMC Physicians and Clinical Staff and identity governance software, and the purchase of additional IT  
security modules with three (3) years of maintenance and support, thereby extending the agreement an  
additional three (3) year period (March 23, 2022 through March 22, 2025) for a revised full agreement  
term of March 23, 2016 through March 22, 2025, and adding $297,617 for a revised total agreement  
amount not to exceed $721,384.  
b. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to sign up to two (2) renewals, of one (1)  
year each of the Single Sign-On (SSO) module service order, provided that the annual costs  
of each extension do not exceed ten percent (10%) above the cost of the SSO order in  
Amendment No. 4 ($87,252 total maximum increase) and with no change to the full  
agreement term, subject to County Counsel review and provided the terms of the agreement  
remain substantially the same.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13074; Amendment No. 4  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 and Appendices A and B  
to create the classifications of Pharmacy Informaticist and Laboratory Informaticist with the salary  
ranges as indicated in the attached Resolution; and  
b. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM System.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-058  
Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer for NMC or his designee to execute amendment No. 2 to  
the agreement (A-14303) with Ode Keil Consulting Group, Inc. for continuous accreditation readiness  
evaluation services, with a $43,000 increase for added services for a revised total agreement amount  
not to exceed $183,000, with no change to the Agreement term (May 14, 2019 through April 30,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14303; Amendment No. 2  
Health Department  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a Standard  
Services Agreement with Motivating Individual Leadership for Public Advancement (MILPA) for the  
provision of reclassification and community outreach and education services for Proposition 47  
Cohort-2 clients in Monterey County retroactive to October 1, 2021, in the amount not to exceeded  
$141,666 for the term of October 1, 2021 through February 28, 2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($14,166) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15702  
Adopt an ordinance of the County of Monterey, State of California, adding Chapter 10.45 to Title 10  
of the Monterey County Code establishing regulations for the implementation of Senate Bill 1383 Short  
Lived Climate Pollutants Act in the unincorporated area.  
Adopted Ordinance No. 5370  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Health Department Adopted Budget  
001-4000-8124-HEA003 to add 1.0 FTE Management Analyst (MA) II, 4.0 FTE Behavioral Health  
Aide (BHA), 4.0 Community Service Aide (CSA) II, 1.0 FTE Supervising Public Health Nurse  
(SPHN), and 1.0 FTE Social Worker Supervisor (SWS) I, resulting in estimated increased costs of  
$267,750 for FY 2021-22 and $1,071,001 for FY 2022-23, financed by a combination of grant  
funds, Enhanced Care Management (ECM) revenue, and Whole Person Care (WPC) funds (4/5ths  
vote required); and  
b. Direct the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position changes  
in the FY 2021-22 Health Department Adopted Budget 001-4000-8124-HEA003.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-059  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to extend the  
Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with Pebble Beach Community Services District on the same  
terms and conditions retroactive from January 31, 2022 through July 31, 2022.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14607; Amendment No. 2  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director, to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 5 to the  
Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with Monterey County Regional Fire District (MCRFD) to  
extend the Agreement on the same terms and conditions to retroactive from January 31, 2022 through  
July 31, 2022.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13461; Amendment No. 5  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to extend the  
Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with Cypress Fire Protection District on the same terms and  
conditions retroactive from January 31, 2022 through July 31, 2022.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-12132 ; Amendment No. 2  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to extend the  
Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with City of Monterey on the same terms and conditions  
retroactive from January 31, 2022 through July 31, 2027.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A- 14603; Amendment No. 2  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to extend the  
Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with Carmel Highlands Fire Protection District on the same  
terms and conditions retroactive from January 31, 2022 through July 31, 2022.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14605; Amendment No. 2  
Approve and authorize the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute Renewal  
and Amendment No. 4 to extend the Paramedic Service Provider Agreement with Carmel-by-the-Sea  
on the same terms and conditions retroactive from January 31, 2022 through July 31, 2027.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14608; Amendment No. 4  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a Renewal and Amendment  
No. 2 for Sublease Agreement No. A-12385, with the Judicial Council of California for rental of office  
space located at 118 West Gabilan Street, Salinas, for use by the Behavioral Health Bureau with a  
term retroactive from February 1, 2022 through January 31, 2027; and  
b. Authorize the Auditor/Controller to make lease payments of $1,792.00 per month, in accordance  
with the terms of Amendment No. 2 to Sublease Agreement No. A-12385; and  
c. Authorize the Auditor/Controller to make a one-time lease payment in the amount of $1,792 for use  
of the above described space for the month of February, 2022.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-12385; Amendment No. 2  
Department of Social Services  
Adopt a resolution:  
a. Approve increased appropriations of $50,000 for Social Services Military & Veterans Affairs  
001-5010-SOC003-8260 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget to increase funding for the Homeless  
Veterans Stand Down event, financed by the Cannabis Tax Assignment, BSA 001-3132 (4/5ths vote  
required); and  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget by increasing  
appropriations by $50,000 for Social Services Military & Veterans Affairs 001-5010-SOC003-8260  
FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget for the Homeless Veterans Stand Down event, financed by the  
Cannabis Tax Assignment, BSA 001-3132 (4/5ths vote required).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-060  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to execute Amendment No.  
2 to Agreement A-14917 with Central Coast Center for Independent Living to provide long-term  
services and supports to older adults with disabilities by extending the term to September 30, 2022 and  
adding $86,963 for a revised total contract amount of $267,490; and  
b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three (3) amendments to this  
Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed ten percent 10% ($26,749) of the contract  
amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14917; Amendment No. 2  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Department of Social Services Budget 001-5010-8262-SOC005 to add one (1)  
Business Technology Analyst IV (16C93) to backfill for a current employee that will be assigned to the  
California Statewide automated Child Welfare System Case Management System (CWS/CMS)  
Migration Project;  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to incorporate approved budget modifications to the FY 2021-22  
Budget 001-5010-SOC005-8262, and the County Administrative Office to reflect these approved  
changes in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget;  
c. Approve an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $100,313 for the Social Services  
001-5010-SOC005-8262 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget (4/5ths vote required); and  
d. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget by increasing  
appropriations and estimated revenues by $100,313 in the Social Services Budget  
001-5010-8262-SOC005 (4/5ths vote required).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-061  
a 51. Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Department of Social Services Budget 001-5010-8262-SOC005 to add one (1) Social  
Work Supervisor II and four (4) Social Worker V for Social Services Aging and Adult Services;  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to incorporate approved budget modifications to the FY 2021-22  
Budget 001-5010-SOC005-8262, and the County Administrative Office to reflect these approved  
changes in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget;  
c. Approve an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $194,359 for the Social Services  
001-5010-SOC005-8262 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget (4/5ths vote required); and  
d. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget by increasing  
appropriations and estimated revenues by $194,359 in the Social Services Budget  
001-5010-8262-SOC005 (4/5ths vote required).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-062  
Adopt Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Department of Social Services Budget 001-5010-8262-SOC005 to add one (1)  
Management Analyst II and reallocate one (1) Senior Account Clerk to one (1) Account Technician  
for Social Services Administration;  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to incorporate approved budget modifications to the FY 2021-22  
Budget 001-5010-SOC005-8262, and the County Administrative Office to reflect these approved  
changes in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget;  
c. Approve an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $40,165 for the Social Services  
001-5010-SOC005-8262 FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget (4/5ths vote required); and  
d. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget by increasing  
appropriations and estimated revenues by $40,165 in the Social Services Budget  
001-5010-8262-SOC005 (4/5ths vote required).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-063  
Criminal Justice  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing  
Office Supervisor to execute First Extension and Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement No.  
A-14250, effective on April 1, 2022, with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, dba  
Salinas Foursquare Church extending lease term one year from March 31, 2022 to March 31, 2023,  
and increasing monthly lease payment from $1,350/month to $1,485/month, for forty-five (45) parking  
spaces located at 327 Pajaro Street, in Salinas, California, for use by the Probation Department;  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make lease payments of $1,485.00 per month and in  
accordance with the terms of the agreement; and  
c. Authorize the extension of the Lease Agreement for third additional one-year period as included in  
the Lease language and to make minor revisions to include increase of up to 10% of the original  
monthly lease amount ($1,350) to the Lease Agreement and under the same terms and conditions, if  
deemed by the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be in the best interests of the County.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14250; Amendment No. 1  
a. Approve the transfer of $17,189 from the Juvenile Ward Trust Fund 020 to Fund 001,  
Department 2550-Probation for the purchase of recreational and audio-visual supplies and equipment  
for juveniles in the Monterey County Youth Center and Juvenile Hall; and  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to transfer $17,189 from the Juvenile Ward Trust Fund 020 to  
Fund 001, Department 2550-Probation, where Probation has sufficient appropriations available in their  
adopted budget to cover the transfer (4/5th vote required).  
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
Amendment #1 to Agreement with Kurt Ashley dba Secure Solutions, to perform background  
investigations, extending the agreement one (1) year adding $100,000 for a total not to exceed amount  
of $199,000 and a new term ending date of June 30, 2023; and  
b. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
two (2) additional one (1) year amendments to the agreement where the amendment does not  
significantly change the scope of work and where the amendment does not increase by more than 10  
percent plus the total contract value, per amendment.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15709; Amendment No. 1  
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
a renewal and Amendment #3 with Telmate Inc., to incorporate California Public Utilities Commission  
(CPUC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) changes and extend the agreement by two  
(2) years retroactive to January 1, 2022, with a new term end date of December 31, 2023, which will  
allow time to go out to RFP; and  
b. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
Amendments as necessary based on CPUC and/or FCC changes.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15710; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
Agreement with Precision Survey Supply, LLC., to provide Laser Scanner equipment, training, etc. for  
$157,183 from March 15, 2022 to June 30, 2027.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15703  
General Government  
a. Authorize the Assistant County Administrative Officer and/or the Economic Development Manager  
to execute an Agreement for ARPA Economic Recovery Wine Signage Standard Agreement for  
Monterey Winegrowers Council (Monterey County Vintners and Growers Association) to perform all  
tasks necessary to develop and implement wine signage services in Monterey County, for the period of  
one (1) year, for the term March 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023, in the amount not to exceed  
$100,000; and  
b. Authorize the Assistant County Administrative Officer and/or the Economic Development Manager  
to work with Monterey County Winegrowers Council (Monterey County Vintners and Growers  
Association) to request encroachment permits from public organizations for signage in public  
right-of-way; and  
c. Find that the signage program identified in the 2010 County General Plan was evaluated pursuant to  
General Plan EIR, resulting in the installation of signage being exempt pursuant to section 15311 of the  
CEQA guidelines.  
Proposed CEQA action: Exempt pursuant to section 15311  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15713  
a. Authorize to amend the Auditor-Controller FY 2021-22 Budget 1110-8372-Fund  
001-Appropriation Unit AUD001 to reallocate one (1) 1.0 FTE Accounts Payable Supervisor (80J80)  
to one (1) 1.0 FTE Accountant Auditor III (20B22) and three (3) 3.0 FTE Senior Account Clerks  
(80J22) to three (3) 3.0 FTE Accounting Technicians (80J30) as indicated in Attachment A; and  
b. Authorize the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved  
position changes in the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget.  
Approved - Resolution No.: 22-064  
Approve and authorize the Library Director and/or her Designee to enter into Amendment 1 to  
Agreement by and between Monterey County and Farber Specialty Vehicles, Inc., extending the  
original term of the Agreement from March 21, 2021 through March 30, 2022, to a new revised term  
of March 21, 2021 through June 30, 2022, with no change to the total agreement amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15711; Amendment No.: 1  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer of the Information Technology Department to  
execute Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Agreement with HelpSystems, LLC for renewal of current  
JAMS scheduling tool services supporting the County’s Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP),  
extending the agreement for an additional three (3) years to April 30, 2025, and adding $73,208 for a  
total agreement amount of $144,008; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Information Officer of the Information Technology Department to execute  
service order forms and such documents as are necessary to implement extension of the agreement;  
c. Authorize the Chief Information Officer of Information Technology Department to sign, up to three  
(3) additional amendments to this Agreement, extending the term by one year, where the additional  
costs per year do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the cost of the prior year, subject to County  
Counsel review, and provided that the terms and conditions of the agreement remain substantially the  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15712; Amendment No.: 1  
Adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 7.100 of the Monterey County Code to reduce commercial  
cannabis business tax rates, remove automatic increases, and waive penalties and interest for cultivation  
activities in the second and third quarters of Fiscal Year 2021-22.  
Adopted Ordinance No.  
Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute a Standard  
Agreement with Employnet, Inc. for temporary staffing services for the term March 4, 2022 through  
December 31, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $300,000.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15704  
Receive the action minutes from the Legislative Committee meetings on December 13, 2021 and  
January 10, 2022.  
Receive the District Fiscal Impact Analysis related to the East Garrison Community Services District  
proposed consolidation with even-year statewide general elections.  
Introduce, waive reading of, and set March 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.90 of the Monterey County Code to make  
administrative changes including, but are not limited to, clarifying commercial cannabis operation  
requirements, fee and refund provisions, revising on-site tobacco provisions, and cessation of business  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Appendix A to adjust the  
base wage salary ranges of the Patient Services Representative I/II, Senior Patient Services  
Representative, and Supervising Patient Services Representative classifications as indicated in  
Attachment A;  
b. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-065  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Health Department Budget Unit 4000-8450-Fund 001-Appropriation Unit HEA007 to  
reallocate and approve the reclassification of one (1) Clinic Office Supervisor to one (1) Supervising  
Patient Services Representative as indicated in Attachment A;  
b. Amend the Health Department Budget Unit 4000-8099-Fund 001-Appropriation Unit HEA007 to  
reallocate and approve the reclassification of one (1) Clinic Office Supervisor to one (1) Supervising  
Patient Services Representative as indicated in Attachment A;  
c. Direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved  
position changes in the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-066  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Appendix A to adjust the  
base wage salary range of the Fleet Manager classification as indicated in Attachment A;  
b. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-067  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Appendix A and B to  
create the classification of Chief Assistant Public Defender with the salary range as indicated in  
Attachment A;  
b. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Section A.10.2 - Assistant  
Department Heads Designated to add the classification of Chief Assistant Public Defender as indicated  
in attachment A;  
c. Amend the Public Defender Budget Unit 2270-8169-Fund 001 - Appropriation Unit PUB001 to  
reallocate and approve the reclassification of one (1) Assistant Public Defender to one (1) Chief  
Assistant Public Defender as indicated in Attachment A;  
d. Direct the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position change in  
the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in  
the Advantage HRM system.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-068  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Auditor-Controller’s Office - Budget Unit 1110-8373-Fund 001 -Appropriation Unit  
AUD001 to allocate a Departmental Information Systems Manager II as indicated in Attachment A;  
b. Direct the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position change in  
the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in  
the Advantage HRM system.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-069  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Approve P-126 Monterey County 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and SB 114  
Leave Implementation Policy; and  
b. Direct the Director of Human Resources and Auditor Controller Office to implement the  
Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and the SB 114 Leave in the Advantage HRM/Payroll system.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-070  
Approve the Monterey County Board of Supervisors Draft Action Meeting Minutes for the following  
meeting dates: Tuesday, October 12, 2021, Tuesday, October 19, 2021, Tuesday, January 11, 2022,  
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Tuesday, February 1, 2022, and Tuesday, February 8, 2022.  
73.1 Adopt a resolution ratifying a Proclamation of Local Emergency issued by the County Administrative  
Officer dated February 24, 2022, in accordance with California Government Code section 8630 et  
seq., due to damage caused by the Tonga tsunami which damaged coastal areas of Monterey County,  
specifically the Moss Landing Harbor District. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-071  
Housing and Community Development  
a. Approve the revised Records Retention Schedule for Housing and Community Development (HCD)  
Planning for the storage and/or destruction of County records as set forth by federal and state laws,  
county codes, and policies; and  
b. Authorize the Director of HCD or his or her designee to destroy or cause the destruction of County  
records in accordance with the approved Records Retention Schedule for Housing and Community  
Development (HCD) Planning.  
Adopted - Resolution No. 22-080  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Amend the Housing and Community Development Department Budget Appropriation Unit  
HCD002, Unit 8543 to authorize two (2) FTE Code Compliance Inspector II, and one (1) FTE Office  
Assistant; and  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position  
changes in the FY 2021-22 Housing and Community Development Department Adopted Budget  
Appropriation Unit HCD002, Unit 8543.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-072  
Public Works, Facilities and Parks  
a. Approve an Agreement for Purchase of Real Property to purchase Permanent Roadway  
Easements, Permanent Utility Easements, and Temporary Construction Easements, (3.298 acres,  
4.275 acres, and 5.175 acres, respectively) between the County of Monterey and Merrill Jacks Ranch  
#2, L.P., (APN’s 203-041-004, 203-041-005, 207-041-011 and 203-051-016), in the amount of  
$698,450 for right-of-way for the construction of Davis Road Bridge Replacement and Road  
Widening project, Project No. 3600; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks or their designee to execute the  
Agreement for Purchase of Real Property to purchase Permanent Roadway Easements, Permanent  
Utility Easements, and Temporary Construction Easements.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15705  
a. Approve and authorize the Monterey County Laguna Seca Representative (MCLSR) to execute a  
two-year, nonstandard, retroactive Master Services Agreement and Order Form, beginning February  
1, 2022, and expiring January 31, 2024, between Cision US, Inc. and the County of Monterey  
(County) for a marketing analytics subscription to be used by Laguna Seca Recreation Area and  
WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca in the amount of $19,000 plus applicable taxes, for a total  
not-to-exceed amount of $20,520;  
b. Approve nonstandard risk provisions regarding limitation of liability and indemnification as  
recommended by MCLSR;  
c. Approve and authorize MCLSR to execute a two-year, nonstandard, retroactive Order Form and  
Service Appendix, beginning February 1, 2022, and expiring January 31, 2024, between and  
the County for a marketing analytics subscription to be used by Laguna Seca Recreation Area and  
WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca in the amount of $15,000 plus applicable taxes, for a total  
not-to-exceed amount of $16,200;  
d. Approve nonstandard risk provisions regarding limitation of liability and indemnification as  
recommended by MCLSR; and  
e. Approve and authorize MCLSR to execute one (1) future combined amendment with Cision US,  
Inc. and that does not exceed the total fees set forth in the original Master Services  
Agreement, Order Form, and Service Appendix and does not significantly alter the scope of services,  
subject to County Counsel approval.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15706  
a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Bradley Road Bridge Scour Repair Project, project No.  
3852; and  
b. Authorize the Public Works, Facilities & Parks Director to advertise the “Notice to Bidders” in the  
Monterey County Weekly.  
a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement, Project No. 3854;  
b. Authorize the Public Works, Facilities & Parks Director to advertise the “Notice to Bidders” in the  
Monterey County Weekly; and  
a. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Quincy Engineering, Inc. to provide bridge design  
services for the Monte Road Bridge Preventative Maintenance Painting Project, Project No. 3857,  
under Request for Proposals #10771, in a total amount not to exceed $290,357, for an initial term of  
three (3) years effective March 1, 2022, to February 28, 2025, with the option to extend the  
Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year period(s); and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute the  
Professional Services Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do  
not increase the approved Agreement amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15707  
a. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Standard Agreement No. A-14041 (SA) between the County and  
The Don Chapin Company, Inc. dba Green Line Liquid Waste Hauler and Tom’s Septic Construction  
to continue to provide on-call grease trap and sewer lift station pumping, water jetting and video  
inspection of sewer lines and storm drain lines at various locations throughout the County, Request for  
Proposals #10652, to increase the not to exceed amount by $850,000 for a total amount not to exceed  
$1,150,000; and to extend the expiration date for one (1) additional year through June 18, 2023, for a  
revised term from June 19, 2018 to June 18, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute  
Amendment No. 2 to Standard Agreement #10652 and up to one (1) future amendment to the  
Agreement where the amendment does not change the approved amount of the Agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14041; Amendment No. 2  
a. Approve and authorize the Monterey County Laguna Seca Representative to execute a zero-dollar,  
five-year nonstandard License Agreement, effective March 1, 2022, between Tesla, Inc., a Delaware  
corporation, and the County of Monterey for the right to use approximately 1,225 sq. ft. of parking and  
500 sq. ft. of equipment space for allocation and installation of eight (8) Supercharger Charging  
Stations for a 5-year term (2022-2026).  
b. Accept nonstandard risk provisions as recommended by the Monterey County Laguna Seca  
c. Authorize the Monterey County Laguna Seca Representative to negotiate and execute up to two (2)  
future Amendments to the nonstandard License Agreement for five-year periods that do not  
significantly change the scope of work, subject to County Counsel approval.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15708  
Adopt a Resolution to approve the Conflict of Interest Code of the Public Works, Facilities, & Parks  
Department of the County of Monterey (PWFP).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-073  
Attachment corrected  
19. Appoint Don Chesterman to the Pajaro Sunny Mesa Board of Directors to fill an unexpired term  
ending on November 30, 2023. (Nominated by Supervisor Phillips)  
New Referrals  
30. Revised Board Referral Matrix (3/1/22)  
General Government - Consent  
Added to the agenda  
73.1 Adopt a resolution ratifying a Proclamation of Local Emergency issued by the County  
Administrative Officer dated February 24, 2022, in accordance with California Government  
Code section 8630 et seq., due to damage caused by the Tonga tsunami which damaged coastal  
areas of Monterey County, specifically the Moss Landing Harbor District.