& Paula Guidotti Revocable Trust dated March 17, 1998, Roy Anthony Marci and Dorothy Rose
Marci, Trustees of the 1992 Marci Revocable Trust dated June 26, 1992, Milton Guidotti and
Rosemary Guidotti, Trustees of the 1995 Milton & Rosemary Guidotti Revocable Trust dated
December 28, 1995, James E. Guidotti and Paula A. Guidotti, Trustees of the 1998 James & Paula
Guidotti Revocable Trust U/D/T dated March 17, 1998, Elmer J. Guidotti and Irene P. Guidotti,
Trustees of the 1995 Guidotti Revocable Trust U/D/T dated January 12, 1995, Irene P. Guidotti and
John E. Guidotti, Co-Trustees of the Exemption Trust under the 1995 Guidotti Revocable Trust
dated January 12, 1995, John E. Guidotti, Janice Andreotti, and Fred H. Guidotti and Judy P.
Guidotti, Trustees of The Guidotti Family Trust dated July 18, 2006; APN 183-021-032-000;
Approximately 326 acres with +/- 280 farmable acres in the Central Salinas Valley Area Plan;
h. FSZ Application No. 2025-11 - Lisette Moore Allen, Successor Trustee of the Joe S. Moore Trust
Agreement dated April 27, 2000 (APN 167-052-005-000); Lisette Moore Allen, Successor Sole
Trustee of the Joe S. Moore Trust Agreement dated April 27, 2000 and The Louis and Myrna
Moore Family Trust, initially created October 4, 2000, Louis Charles Somavia Moore and Myrna
Silvia Zepeda Moore as Trustees (APN 223-011-041-000); Approximately 284 acres in the Central
Salinas Valley Area Plan;
i. FSZ Application No. 2025-12 - Arroyo Vineyards LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company;
APNs 109-391-013-000 and 419-491-007-000; Approximately 186 acres in the Central Salinas Valley
Area Plan; and
3. Continue without prejudice two (2) applications to the 2026 round of applications:
a. FSZ Application No. 2025-03 - R2 Hunter, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; APNs
177-081-005-000; 177-081-006-000; and 177-081-007-000; Approximately 83 acres in the Greater
Salinas Area Plan;
b. FSZ Application No. 2025-04 - The 1996 Morgantini Revocable Trust Under Declaration of Trust
dated August 16, 1996, Beverly Joan Morgantini, Trustee; APNs 111-021-005-000 and
111-021-007-000; Approximately 400 acres in the Central Salinas Valley Area Plan; and
4. Deny without prejudice one (1) application:
a. AGP-LCC Application No. 2025-01 - Coker Ellsworth Family Trust dated September 7, 2000,
Shawn McNamara, Tom Thompson and Amy Thompson; APNs 423-071-030-000 and
423-071-055-000; Approximately 627 acres in the South County Area Plan; and
5. Accept one (1) application withdrawal and issue an application fee refund of $6,755:
a. FSZ Application No. 2025-13 - Arroyo Vineyards LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company;
APNs 183-021-008-000; 183-021-016-000; 183-021-033-000; and 183-021-034-000; Approximately 318
acres in the Central Salinas Valley Area Plan; and
6. Authorize the Chair to execute nine (9) FSZ Contracts for the corresponding nine (9)
applications recommended for approval to create nine (9) FSZs and Contracts; and
7. Direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to record the FSZ Contracts prior to the January 1,
2025, property tax lien date subject to the submittal of the corresponding recording fees by the
property owners of record.
Item No. 26 has been moved to Scheduled Matters - A.M. under the Wednesday, December 4th
portion of the agenda as Item No. 32.1
Item No. 26 has been moved to Scheduled Matters - A.M. under the Wednesday, December 4th
portion of the agenda as Item No. 32.1
26.1 RCRC Presentation (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)
Item No. 26.1 taken out of order and called before the Appointments and other agenda items.
The Board upon consensus received both:
Supervisor Chris Lopez and Patrick Blacklock, Chief Executive Officer of Rural County
Representatives of California (RCRC) remarks. Rancho Cielo, Greenfield Science Workshop,
South County Animal Rescue, Soledad Mission Recreation District and Gonzales Community
Center were presented with checks to put towards their organizations.