Monterey County  
Board of Supervisors Chambers  
168 W. Alisal St., 1st Floor  
Salinas, CA 93901  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, January 25, 2022  
9:00 AM  
Board of Supervisors  
Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams - District 5  
Vice Chair Supervisor Luis A. Alejo - District 1  
Supervisor John M. Phillips - District 2  
Supervisor Chris Lopez - District 3  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew - District 4  
9:00 A.M. - Called to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M. Phillips, Supervisor Mary L.  
Adams, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo who appeared via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Iracema Lopez,  
Management Analyst I appeared in person and Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board who appeared  
via video conference.  
Additions and Corrections for Closed Session by County Counsel  
There were no additions and corrections for the agenda.  
Closed Session  
Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or the  
public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) Guadalupe Rivera, et al. v. County of Monterey, et al. (United States District Court for the  
Northern District, Case No. 20CV07665-SVK)  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment to  
the position of Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
Public Comments for Closed Session  
Open for public comments; Martha Rodriguez, via Zoom, commented.  
The Board Recessed for Closed Session Agenda Items  
10:30 A.M. - Reconvened on Public Agenda Items  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M. Phillips, Supervisor Mary L.  
Adams, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo who appeared via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Iracema Lopez,  
Management Analyst I appeared in person and Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board who appeared  
via video conference.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Fire Chief Michael B. Urquides.  
Additions and Corrections by Clerk  
The following additions and corrections were read into the record:  
For the Consent Calendar - General Government:  
Item No. 31 is in receipt of Revised Exhibit A.  
Ceremonial Resolutions  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips  
to adopt Ceremonial Resolutions 2 through 4.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a resolution recognizing Captain Don Harvey upon his retirement after 26 ½ years of loyal  
service to North Monterey County Fire Protection District. (Supervisor Phillips)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-023  
Adopt a resolution commending Fire Chief Michael B. Urquides for thirty-four years of service to the  
Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-022  
Adopt a resolution honoring Gloria Perez upon her retirement after forty-two years of service with the  
Monterey County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Revenue Division. (Supervisor Alejo)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-024  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
appoint/reappoint Item Numbers 5 through 9.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Reapoint Kevin Kreyenhagen to the Fish and Game Commission, with a term ending date of February  
1, 2025. (Nominated by Supervisor Adams, District 5)  
Appoint Ryan O’Connell to the CSA 15 Serra Village, with a term ending date of June 30, 2024.  
(Nominated by Supervisor Adams, District 5)  
Reappoint Carla Strobridge to the Animal Control Program Advisory Board, with a term ending date  
of July 1, 2023. (Nominated by Supervisor Lopez, District 3)  
Reappoint Belinda Taluban to the Historic Resources Review Board, with a term ending date of  
December 31, 2024. (Nominated by Supervisor Phillips, District 2)  
Reappoint Nona Childress to the Commission on Disabilities, with a term ending date of December 31,  
2024. (Nominated by the Commission on Disabilites)  
Approval of Consent Calendar – (See Supplemental Sheet)  
See Supplemental Sheet  
Open for public comments; Brent Salma and Wes White, in person, and Anna Velasquez and  
Wildfire, via Zoom, commented.  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew commented on Item Numbers 31, 34 and 43.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez to  
approve Consent Calendar Item Numbers 22 through 43 excluding Item No. 21 which was moved  
to a scheduled matter as Item No. 13.1 at 1:30 p.m. and Item No. 34 which a separate vote will be  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
A substitute motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo  
with Supervisor Mary L. Adams and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, voting no, to approve  
Consent Calendar Item Number 34.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: NAY  
Motion carried 3 to 2  
General Public Comments  
General Public Comments  
Open for general public comments for items not on today's agenda; Wes White, in person, and  
Wildfire, via Zoom, commented.  
10:30 A.M. - Scheduled Matters  
Conduct a public hearing to receive and accept the 2021 Annual Carmel Valley Traffic Report on  
traffic volumes for Segments 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 (on Carmel Valley Road), pursuant to the 2010  
General Plan, Carmel Valley Master Plan (CVMP).  
Public hearing commenced.  
Randy Ishii, Director and Chad Alino, Senior Civil Engineer from the Public Works, Facilities and  
Parks, via Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to:  
Accept the 2021 Annual Carmel Valley Traffic Report on the traffic volumes for Segments 3, 4, 5,  
6, 7, and 10 (on Carmel Valley Road), pursuant to the 2010 General Plan, Carmel Valley Master  
Plan (CVMP).  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Briefing and update on Covid19, including impacts, and action, proposals and plans to address (oral  
b. Provide direction to staff to address Covid-19.  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, in person, Nick Chiulos, Assistant County  
Administrative Officer; Dr. Edward Moreno, Health Officer, Kim Stemler, Executive Director of  
Monterey County Vintners & Growers Association and Dan Baldwin, all via Zoom, verbally  
Open for public comments; Barbara Meister, via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
receive a:  
a. Briefing and update on Covid19, including impacts, and action, proposals and plans to address  
(verbal report); and  
b. Authorized staff the ability to expend up to 1 million dollars for COVID tests to be distributed as  
directed by the Health Department to address Covid-19; funding source to come from ARPA and or  
Cannabis at the discretion of the County Administrative Officer after discussions with the Budget  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
12:00 P.M. - Recessed to Lunch at 12:45 p.m. back into closed session  
1:30 P.M. - Reconvened  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor John M. Phillips, Supervisor Mary L.  
Adams, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo who appeared via video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Iracema Lopez,  
Management Analyst I appeared in person and Valerie Ralph, Clerk of the Board who appeared  
via video conference.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
1:30 P.M. - Scheduled Matters  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Accept a grant (“Grant”) from the Natividad Medical Foundation (“NMF”) in the amount of  
$1,000,000, inclusive of $18,560.66 in in-kind support in the form of architectural services already  
rendered by NMF, for proposed improvements to three distinct exterior areas of the grounds of Natividad  
Medical Center (“the Improvements”); and  
b. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer or his designee to execute a Grant Agreement with  
NMF in the amount of $1,000,000, inclusive of $18,560.66 in in-kind support in the form of architectural  
services already rendered by NMF, for the Improvements, in substantially the same form as that which  
has been presented to the Board without significant change to its content; and  
c. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Natividad Medical Center or his designee to accept,  
administer, and execute documents to secure the Grant from NMF. (MOVED VIA SUPPLEMENTAL)  
Dr. Charles Harris, Interim Chief Executive Officer; Andrea Rosenburg, Assistant Administrator and  
Jennifer Williams, President of Natividad Foundation from Natividad Hospital, all via Zoom,  
verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to:  
Adopt Resolution No. 22-025 to:  
a. Accept a grant (“Grant”) from the Natividad Medical Foundation (“NMF”) in the amount of  
$1,000,000, inclusive of $18,560.66 in in-kind support in the form of architectural services already  
rendered by NMF, for proposed improvements to three distinct exterior areas of the grounds of  
Natividad Medical Center (“the Improvements”); and  
b. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer or his designee to execute a Grant Agreement  
with NMF in the amount of $1,000,000, inclusive of $18,560.66 in in-kind support in the form of  
architectural services already rendered by NMF, for the Improvements, in substantially the same  
form as that which has been presented to the Board without significant change to its content; and  
c. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Natividad Medical Center or his designee to  
accept, administer, and execute documents to secure the Grant from NMF.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Introduce, waive reading, and set February 8, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider  
adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.80 of the Monterey County Code to ban the sale of  
flavored tobacco products and single use electronic cigarettes; and  
b. Provide direction to staff as appropriate.  
Elsa Jimenez, Director, Michelle House, Health Program Coordinator from the Health Department,  
via Zoom, and Marina S. Pantchenko, Deputy County Counsel III, via Zoom, from the County  
Counsel office presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; Joe Cubbage, in person, and Alix Winston, Alexa Wohrman, Rima S.  
Khoury, Anne Wheelis, Alexandra Burke, Drew (no last name provided), Jen Grand-Lejano,  
Jackie Gash, Jaime Rojas, Jr., Sheila Phan, George Johnson, and Claudia (no last name  
provided) all via Zoom, commented.  
A substitute motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez  
with Supervisor Mary L. Adams and Supervisor Wendy Root Askew voting no, to:  
a. Introduce, waive reading, and set February 8, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to  
consider adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.80 of the Monterey County Code to ban  
the sale of flavored tobacco products and single use electronic cigarettes; and  
b. Directed staff to add the following additional language to the ordinance "but does not include  
any Modified Risk Tobacco Products for which the FDA has issued an order pursuant to 21 U.S.C.  
Section 387k".  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: NAY  
Motion carried 3 to 2  
Public hearing to consider:  
a. Finding that the project involves construction of three retaining walls, installation of drainage culvert  
improvements, and acceptance of an amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed, which  
qualifies as a Class 3 and Class 17 Categorical Exemption pursuant to section 15303 and 15317 of the  
CEQA Guidelines and no exceptions under section 15300.2 apply;  
b. Accepting the Amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed for the Kostigen & Starks TRS  
c. Authorize the Chair to execute the amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed;  
d. Directing the Clerk of the Board to submit the amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed  
and Map to the County Recorder for recording with all applicable recording fees paid by the applicant;  
e. Approving an after-the-fact Coastal Development Permit and Design Approval to partially clear  
Code Enforcement violation (19CE00007) to allow development on slopes exceeding 30% for the  
construction of three retaining walls and installation of drainage culvert improvements.  
Project Location: 24956 Lincoln Street, Carmel, Carmel Area Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone.  
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt per section 15303 and 15317 of the  
CEQA Guidelines  
Public hearing commenced.  
Fionna Jensen, Associate Planner from the Housing Community and Development Department,  
via Zoom, presented, via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to:  
Adopt Resolution No. 22-026 to:  
a. Find that the project is subject to two Categorical Exemptions under CEQA: 1) a Class 3  
categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15303 construction of three retaining walls and  
installation of drainage culvert improvements; and 2) a Class 17 Categorical Exemption pursuant  
to section 15317 of the CEQA Guidelines based on the County’s acceptance of an amended  
Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed;  
b. Find that no exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2  
c. Authorize the Chair to execute the amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed;  
d. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed  
and Map to the County Recorder for recording with all applicable recording fees paid by the  
applicant; and  
e. Approve an after-the-fact Coastal Development Permit and Design Approval to partially clear  
Code Enforcement violation (19CE00007) to allow development on slopes exceeding 30% for the  
construction of three retaining walls and installation of drainage culvert improvements.  
A draft resolution, including findings and evidence, is attached for consideration (Attachment A).  
Staff recommends approval subject to four (4) conditions. The amended Conservation and Scenic  
Easement Deed is attached to this Board Report as Attachment B.1.  
Agent: Thomas Rettenwender  
Owner: Gregory and Donna Kostigen  
APN: 009-122-026-000  
Parcel Size: 0.17 acres  
Plan Area: Carmel Area Land Use Plan  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Accept public comments and close the public comment period for the First Substantial Amendment  
to the Monterey Urban County 2021-2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual  
Action Plan;  
b. Adopt and authorize the Housing and Community Development Director to submit the First  
Substantial Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and  
Urban Development;  
c. Authorize the Housing and Community Development Director to execute a Subrecipient Agreement  
in the amount $80,500.00 with the Veterans Transition Center, including making minor changes as  
necessary, subject to review and approval by County Counsel, to implement the First Substantial  
Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan; and,  
d. Direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2021-22 Housing and Community Development  
(HCD) Adopted Budget to increase appropriations and revenue for Community Development Grant  
(013-3100-8546-HCD005) by $202,800, financed by CDBG funds from prior years to implement  
the First Substantial Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan.  
Public hearing held to open and close public comment.  
Darby Marshall, Project Analyst from the Housing Community and Development Department, via  
Zoom, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor Chris Lopez to:  
a. Accept public comments and close the public comment period for the First Substantial  
Amendment to the Monterey Urban County 2021-2022 Community Development Block Grant  
(CDBG) Annual Action Plan;  
b. Adopt and authorize the Housing and Community Development Director to submit the First  
Substantial Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing  
and Urban Development;  
c. Authorize the Housing and Community Development Director to execute a Subrecipient  
Agreement in the amount $80,500.00 with the Veterans Transition Center, including making minor  
changes as necessary, subject to review and approval by County Counsel, to implement the First  
Substantial Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan; and,  
d. Direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2021-22 Housing and Community Development  
(HCD) Adopted Budget to increase appropriations and revenue for Community Development Grant  
(013-3100-8546-HCD005) by $202,800, financed by CDBG funds from prior years to implement the  
First Substantial Amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Other Board Matters  
County Administrative Officer  
New Referrals  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer from the County Administrative office shared that  
there were no new referrals this week.  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer from the County Administrative office made  
County Administrative Officer comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Referral Responses  
a. Receive status update on Board referral No. 2021.23 seeking to create a new management  
position of Monterey County Director of Homeless Strategies and Services  
b. Provide direction to staff as necessary  
Nick Chiulos, Assistant County Administrative Officer, via Zoom, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; Wes White, via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to:  
a. Receive status update on Board referral No. 2021.23 seeking to create a new management  
position of Monterey County Director of Homeless Strategies and Services; and  
b. Provided direction to staff as necessary  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Board Comments  
Board Comments  
Board Comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Read Out from Closed Session by County Counsel  
1. Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or  
the public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.a.  
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.b.(1)  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding existing litigation:  
(1) Guadalupe Rivera, et al. v. County of Monterey, et al. (United States District Court for the  
Northern District, Case No. 20CV07665-SVK)  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.c.(1)  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will confer regarding appointment  
to the position of Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.d.  
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. in Memory of Supervisor Barbara Shipnuck and Norm  
Anthony by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
____/s/ Mary L. Adams______  
BY: ____/s/ Valerie Ralph________  
APPROVED ON: March 1, 2022  
Supplemental Sheet, Consent Calendar  
Natividad Medical Center  
Item Removed. Moved to 1:30 P.M. - Scheduled Matters, Item 13.1.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo to  
move Item No. 21 to Item No. 13.1 at 1:30 p.m. to be hears as a scheduled item.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee  
to execute an agreement with Hologic, Inc. for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis data conversion services  
for an amount not to exceed $8,000 with a retroactive agreement term of November 1, 2021 through  
October 31, 2022.  
b. Approve the Interim NMC Chief Executive Officer’s recommendation to accept non-standard  
limitations on liability, and limitations on damages provisions within the agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15668  
Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer for NMC or his designee to execute an amendment No. 4  
to the agreement (A-14280) with Optuminsight, Inc. for perioperative and case advisor consulting  
services to analyze and advise regarding the quantity and quality of certain patient procedures, adding  
$234,000 for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $2,454,000, with no change to the  
agreement term March 26, 2019 through March 31, 2025.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14280; Amendment No. 4  
Health Department  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a Mental  
Health Services Agreement, retroactive to November 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, with Oak Grove  
Institute Foundations, Inc. dba Oak Grove Center for the provision of Short Term Residential  
Therapeutic Program and mental health services in the amount of $343,944 for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2021-22, $515,916 for FY 2022-23, and $515,916 for FY 2023-24, for a total Agreement amount  
not to exceed $1,375,776; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($13,757.76) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly change the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.:A-15669  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a new  
five-month Mental Health Services Agreement with A&A Health Services, LLC for the provision of  
mental health services to Monterey County adult residents with severe psychiatric disabilities in a Board  
and Care facility, for a maximum County obligation of $155,495 for the term of February 1, 2022  
through June 30, 2022; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($15,549) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15670  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health, Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) Agency Director to execute a Third Party Organizer Super User Agreement  
with the American Heart Association (AHA) to furnish access to the Stroke and Coronary Artery  
Disease (CAD) modules of the Get With The Guidelines® (GWTG) Program via a Super User  
Account that permits access to a Limited Data Set from participating hospitals for a period of five years  
in the amount of $10,769 per year; and  
b. Approve nonstandard indemnification provisions as recommended by the Director of Health; and  
c. Authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency Medical  
Services Director, to sign up to three (3) future amendments to this Agreement where each amendment  
does not exceed ten percent (10%) ($1,076.90) of the original amount and does not significantly  
change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15671  
a. Approve and authorize the Acting Contracts and Purchasing Officer to sign an Agreement with  
Accountable Care Transactions, Inc. dba Activate Care for the provision of software license  
subscription, software maintenance/support in a vendor hosted data environment, and professional  
services for the implementation of a case management solution for the period of January 25, 2022  
through January 24, 2025 in an aggregate amount not to exceed $260,000; and  
b. Approve the Director of Health’s recommendation to accept the non-standard risk provisions in this  
Agreement (indemnification, limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranty, insurance); and  
c. Authorize the Director of Health or her designee to execute amendments over the term of the  
agreement to incorporate statements of work (“SOWs”) into the Agreement, subject to further County  
Counsel and County Auditor-Controller approval, so long as the SOWs do not significantly change the  
scope of work and do not change the maximum liability of the Agreement; and  
d. Approve and authorize the Acting Contracts and Purchasing Officer to approve up to three (3)  
future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($26,000) of the original Agreement amount  
and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15672  
a. Approve a request to use unexpended FY 2020-21 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds  
allocated to the Health Department in the amount of $879,250 to enhance Crime Prevention Through  
Environmental Design (CPTED) efforts in Salinas and Greenfield from March 1, 2022 through  
December 31, 2024; and  
b. Approve the request for the implementation of CPTED in two additional Salinas schools and one  
location in Greenfield such as Greenfield High School, along with the surrounding neighborhoods.  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a three-year  
term Mental Health Services Agreement (February 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024) with the University of  
Southern California for the provision of “Teletherapy,” for ages 12 and above who live in underserved  
geographic areas of Monterey County in the amount of $193,009 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22,  
$218,292 for FY 2022-23 and $218,953 for Fiscal Year FY 2023-24 for a total Agreement amount  
not to exceed $630,254; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($63,025) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15673  
Criminal Justice  
a. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts Purchasing Supervisor to execute a  
Renewal and Amendment to the Agreement between Hayashi and Wayland and the County, for  
auditing services for the Office of the District Attorney, extending the agreement to December 31,  
2024 and increasing the total amount payable to $150,180; and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Office or Contract Purchasing Supervisor to issue purchase  
orders on an as-needed basis pursuant to this Renewal and Amendment over the period July 1,  
2021 through December 31, 2024.  
Adopted Resolution No.: 22-027; Approved - Agreement No.: A-15674  
General Government  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Authorize the Assistant County Administrative Officer and/or the Economic Development Manager  
to execute an Agreement for ARPA Economic Recovery Countywide Business Retention Standard  
Agreement for Monterey County Business Council to perform all tasks necessary to develop and  
implement business retention programming in Monterey County, for the period of three (3) years,  
for the term January 25, 2022 through December 31, 2024, in the amount not to exceed  
$3,000,000; and  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2021-22 County Administrative Office  
Development Set-Aside Adopted Budget 001-1050-CAO036-8512 to increase appropriations  
by $500,000, financed by an increase in non-program revenue 001-1050-CAO019-8041 funded  
by ARPA revenue (4/5th vote required);  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-028; Agreement No.: A-15675  
Approve and authorize the Treasurer-Tax Collector, on behalf of Monterey County, to sign and  
execute an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (Amendment) Between the California  
State Association of Counties - Finance Corporation (CSAC FC) Tax Refund Exchange and  
Compliance System (Cal-TRECS) and the County of Monterey and sign all necessary related  
documents that add clarifying language to Section IV of the existing MOU subject to review and  
approval by the Office of the County Counsel as to form.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15676  
a. Authorize the Director of the Information Technology Department or his designee to execute an  
Order Form with Equinix, LLC. for continued colocation of County technology infrastructure within an  
Equinix-hosted facility, for an additional 5 years, resulting in a revised agreement term of July 25, 2017  
through October 14, 2026, adding an additional $375,122 for a total agreement amount of $579,907;  
b. Accept additional non-standard contract provisions as recommended by the Director of Information  
Technology; and  
c. Authorize the Director of Information Technology or his designee to execute order forms and change  
order forms as necessary to secure services as required by the County; and  
d. Authorize the Director of Information Technology to sign up one (1) amendment to this Agreement,  
extending the term by one year, where the additional costs per year do not exceed ten percent (10%)  
of the cost of the prior year, subject to County Counsel review, and provided that the terms and  
conditions of the agreement remain substantially the same.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15677  
Approve Property Tax Transfer for the proposed “Miramonte Reorganization” involving Sphere of  
Influence amendment, annexation of approximately 647 acres to the City of Soledad and detachments  
from the Monterey County Resource Conservation District, the Soledad Mission Recreation District  
and the Mission Soledad Rural Fire Protection District.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-029  
Receive and Accept the Treasurer’s Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending December 31,  
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Emergency Services Manager to execute a Master Agreement  
between the County of Monterey and the City and County of San Francisco. The term of this  
Agreement shall commence on December 1, 2021 and shall end at 11:59 p.m. San Francisco time on  
November 30, 2025.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-030; Agreement No.: A-15678  
Housing and Community Development  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend the Housing and Community Development Department Budget Unit Environmental Services  
(001-3100 -8543-HCD002) to authorize one (1) FTE Water Resources Technician; and  
b. Direct the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the approved  
position changes in the FY 2021-22 Housing and Community Development Department Adopted  
Budget (001-3100-8543-HCD002).  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-031  
a. Accept an Amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed for the Conservancy for the Range of  
the Condor properties;  
b. Authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amended Conservation and Scenic  
Easement Deed; and  
c. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed to  
the County Recorder for recordation; and  
d. Find that execution of the Amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed is categorically  
exempt under CEQA Guidelines section 15317  
(Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed Amendment - PLN210263/Conservancy for the Range of  
the Condor, Lots 1 and 8 of the Rocky Creek Ranch Subdivision, Big Sur (Assessor's Parcel  
Numbers 418-132-001-000 and 418-132-008-000), Big Sur Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone)  
a. Find that the project involves a Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed, which qualifies as a Class  
17 Categorical Exemption pursuant to section 15317 of the CEQA Guidelines and no exception under  
section 15300.2 applies;  
b. Approve and accept a Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed of approximately 0.47 acres of  
008-491-021-000 as a required condition of approval for Planning Commission Resolution 17-032  
(File No. PLN160117).  
c. Authorize the Chair to execute the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed; and  
d. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed to the County  
Recorder for filing with all recording fees to be paid by the applicant.  
(Conservation Easement Deed - PLN160117, El Why Square LLC, 3168 Seventeen Mile Drive,  
Pebble Beach)  
Public Works, Facilities and Parks  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to increase fiscal year 2021-22 appropriations and  
revenue in Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP), Fund 404, Appropriation Unit PFP057, Unit  
8564 for the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement Project  
(CRFREE), in the amount of $937,637 with currently held grant funds from the Department of Water  
Resources, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Conservation Board. 4/5ths  
vote required; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development (HCD), as the  
successor to the Director of the Resource Management Agency (RMA) to execute grant funding  
agreements from the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Coastal Watershed Flood Risk  
Reduction Grant Program for $5,147,149, and the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) grant  
for $4.25 million, for the CRFREE Project, with the approval of County Counsel; and  
c. Authorize Director of the Housing and Community Development to sign any agreement, amendment,  
or extensions, and documentation required by the DWR and SCC, after review and approval as to  
form by County Counsel.  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-032  
a. Approve the Quitclaim Deed between the County and UCP East Garrison LLC, for the conveyance  
of an approximately 7,197 square foot vacant lot located on a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number  
031-161-032, further identified as being off of Watkins Gate Road within the County of Monterey  
jurisdictional limits, pursuant to the Disposition and Development Agreement dated October 4, 2005;  
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to execute the Quitclaim Deed, and  
any related documents needed to complete the transaction, subject to the review and approval of the  
Office of the County Counsel; and  
c. Find that the subject parcel transfer is categorically exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15312.  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to  
execute a Non-Standard Agreement with TK Elevator Corporation in an amount not to exceed  
$300,000 for elevator maintenance and repair services;  
b. Approve non-standard insurance and indemnification contract provisions as recommended by the  
Director of Public Works, Facilities & Parks; and  
c. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign, subject to  
prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management,  
amendments to the Agreement provided that said amendments do not significantly change the terms of  
the Agreement or increase the not to exceed amount by ten percent (10%) of the original Agreement  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15679  
Introduce, waive reading, and adopt an urgency ordinance to prohibit overnight parking from 10:00 pm  
to 6:00 am on Potrero Road: on the south side, from State Route 1, westerly to the terminus of Potrero  
Road at the north side of the Salinas River State Beach parking lot; and on the north side, from the  
centerline of Laguna Place westerly to the terminus of Potrero Road at north side of the Salinas River  
State Beach parking lot, in the unincorporated area of Monterey County. (4/5ths vote required).