Monterey County  
Board of Supervisors Chambers  
168 W. Alisal St., 1st Floor  
Salinas, CA 93901  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, June 21, 2022  
9:00 AM  
Board of Supervisors  
Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams - District 5  
Vice Chair Supervisor Luis A. Alejo - District 1  
Supervisor John M. Phillips - District 2  
Supervisor Chris Lopez - District 3  
Supervisor Wendy Root Askew - District 4  
9:00 A.M. - Called to Order  
The meeting was called to order by Chair Supervisor Mary L. Adams.  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew and Supervisor John M.  
Phillips, appeared in person, Supervisor Chris Lopez and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Additions and Corrections for Closed Session by County Counsel  
There were no additions or corrections to closed session.  
Closed Session  
Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Military & Veteran Affairs Officer  
(3) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): Units R and S  
(4) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): Units F, H, J, K, R and X  
b. Pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer  
with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation and/or potential initiation of  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or the  
public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(e)(3), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding liability claims against the County of Monterey.  
(1) Giselle Gianna Guido, a minor by and through her Guardian Ad Litem, Jacqueline Giselle Lopez, et  
(2) Christopher Jones and Karen Hout and Estate of Consuelo Calcagno  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
f. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, the Board will confer with real property negotiators:  
(1) Property: Laguna Seca Recreation Area  
Agency Negotiator(s): Randy Ishii, Director of Public Works Facilities and Parks and Leslie J. Girard,  
County Counsel  
Negotiating Parties: A&D Narigi Consulting LLC and Friends of Laguna Seca  
Under negotiation: Price and terms  
Public Comments for Closed Session  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
The Board Recessed for Closed Session Agenda Items  
10:30 A.M. - Reconvened on Public Agenda Items  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor Chris Lopez  
and Supervisor John M. Phillips, appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Peter Adame Surf Rider Foundation.  
Additions and Corrections by Clerk  
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.  
Ceremonial Resolutions  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to adopt  
Ceremonial Resolutions 2 through 5.1.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a resolution honoring the life and career of Donald J. Jacop, Sr. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-219  
Adopt a resolution honoring Carol Cuellar, Human Resources Program Manager on her retirement  
after thirty-four years of dedicated service to Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-218  
Adopt a resolution recognizing July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health  
Awareness Month in Monterey County. (Supervisor Askew)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-217  
Adopt a resolution in appreciation of and recognizing the staff at Salud Para La Gente for their tireless  
and dedicated work during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Supervisor Phillips)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-221  
Adopt a resolution designating July as Parks and Recreation Month in the County of Monterey.  
(Supervisor Adams) (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
Adopted Resolution No. 22-220  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew  
to appoint/reappoint Item Numbers 6 through 14.2.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Reappoint Ana B. Vargas to the Community Action Commission with a term ending on July 1, 2025.  
(Nominated By District 3, Supervisor Lopez)  
Reappoint Larry Bacon to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing Mid  
Valley-Primary with a term ending on June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor Adams)  
Reappoint Michael Waxer to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing At-Large  
Business - Primary with a term ending on June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor  
Reappoint Joseph Hertlein to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing At-Large  
Business - Primary with a term ending on June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor  
Reappoint Tom Gano to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing Cachagua -  
Primary with a term ending of June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor Adams)  
Reappoint Pat Ward to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing Carmel Valley  
Village - Primary with a term ending on June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor Adams)  
Appoint Brad H. Boghosian to the Carmel Valley Recreation & Park District to fill an unexpired term  
ending on December 31, 2022. (Nominated By The Carmel Valley Recreation & Park District)  
Appoint Jeana L. Arnold to the Monterey County Workforce Development Board as a Business  
Representative with a term ending on June 21, 2025. (Nominated By The Monterey County  
Workforce Development Board)  
Appoint Cindy Merzon to the Monterey County Workforce Development Board representing  
Economic Development with a term ending on June 21, 2025. (Nominated By The Monterey County  
Workforce Development Board)  
14.1 Appoint Jordan Caballero to the Housing Advisory Committee with a term ending on June 14, 2024.  
(Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips) (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
14.2 Appoint Kelly J. Stracke to the Parks Commission with a term ending on June 22, 2026. (Nominated  
By District 4, Supervisor Askew) (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
Approval of Consent Calendar – (See Supplemental Sheet)  
See Supplemental Sheet  
Open for public comments; Nina Beety, via Zoom, commented.  
Supervisor Chris Lopez commented on Item Numbers 43, 44 and 46 and Supervisor Wendy Root  
Askew commented on 51, 84, 90 and 100.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips  
to approve Consent Calendar Item Numbers 30 through 101.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
General Public Comments  
General Public Comments  
Open for general public comments for items not on today's agenda; no public comments made.  
Scheduled Matters  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution No. 98-394 Appendix A to add a 2.5%  
base wage salary increase for Unit Y effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2022;  
b. Approve the 2022 Winter Recess for units P, Y and Z (excluding elected officials in unit Y);  
c. Direct the Auditor-Controller to implement the 2022 Winter Recess for these specific units, and  
the Human Resources Department to implement the Unit Y base wage salary increases in the  
Advantage HRM System.  
Kim Moore, Human Resources Manager, in person, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis Alejo to Adopt  
Resolution No. 22-224 to:  
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution No. 98-394 Appendix A to add a 2.5% base  
wage salary increase for Unit Y effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2022;  
b. Approve the 2022 Winter Recess for units P, Y and Z (excluding elected officials in unit Y);  
c. Direct the Auditor-Controller to implement the 2022 Winter Recess for these specific units, and  
the Human Resources Department to implement the Unit Y base wage salary increases in the  
Advantage HRM System.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Adopt a Resolution levying the Emergency Medical Services System Special Tax for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2022-23 at the rate of $12.00 per service unit.  
Teresa Rios, Bureau Chief and Steve Brooks, Emergency Medical Services Analyst both from the  
Health Department, via Zoom, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; not public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Luis Alejo to Adopt  
Resolution No. 22-225 to:  
Levy the Emergency Medical Services System Special Tax for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 at the rate  
of $12.00 per service unit.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Consider adopting a resolution approving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Budget for the County of  
Monterey, incorporating the FY 2022-23 Recommended Budget, which includes the County’s General  
Financial Policies, and additional modifications directed by the Board at the June 1-2, 2022 Budget  
Ezequiel Vega, County Budget Director, in person, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Luis A. Alejo, seconded by Supervisor Wendy Root Askew to  
Adopt Resolution No. 22-226 to:  
Approving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Budget for the County of Monterey, incorporating the FY  
2022-23 Recommended Budget, which includes the County’s General Financial Policies, and  
additional modifications directed by the Board at the June 1-2, 2022 Budget Hearings.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Briefing and update on COVID-19, including impacts, and action, proposals and plans to address  
(verbal report);  
b. Provide direction to staff to address COVID-19  
Kristy Michie, Assistant Bureau Chief, via Zoom, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments, no public comments made.  
Upon consensus the Board received a:  
a. Briefing and update on COVID-19, including impacts, and action, proposals and plans to  
address (verbal report); and  
b. Provided direction to staff to address COVID-19  
12:00 P.M. - Recessed to Lunch  
1:30 P.M. - Reconvened  
Roll Called  
Present: 5 - Supervisor Mary L. Adams, Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, Supervisor Chris Lopez  
and Supervisor John M. Phillips, appeared in person, and Supervisor Luis A. Alejo appeared via  
video conference  
Staff Present  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, Les Girard, County Counsel and Valerie Ralph,  
Clerk of the Board appeared in person.  
Announcement of Interpreter  
Diego Celis, Spanish Interpreter present and announced Spanish interpreter services.  
Scheduled Matters  
Adopt a resolution approving the County of Monterey Capital Improvement Program Five-Year Plan  
(CIP) for Fiscal Years 2022/23 through 2026/27.  
John Snively, Management Analyst III, in person, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Chris Lopez, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to Adopt  
Resolution No. 22-227:  
Approving the County of Monterey Capital Improvement Program Five-Year Plan (CIP) for Fiscal  
Years 2022/23 through 2026/27.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Receive a status update on the commercial cannabis industry’s ability to pay delinquent and current  
taxes due on or before July 31, 2022;  
b. Consider commercial cannabis business tax options and direct staff on which options to further  
develop then return to the Board of Supervisors; and  
c. Provide further direction as appropriate.  
Joann Iwamoto, Cannabis Program Manager II, in person, presented via PowerPoint  
Open for public comments; Kevin Campener, Chief Jay Brooks, Andrew McCann, all in person,  
and Robert Roach, Eloise shim, John Louie, Aaron Johnson, Christopher Bunn, Kieran  
Ringenbug, Michelle Hackett and Joey Espinoza, all via Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor Mary L. Adams, seconded by Supervisor John M. Phillips to:  
a. Receive a status update on the commercial cannabis industry’s ability to pay delinquent and  
current taxes due on or before July 31, 2022;  
b. Consider commercial cannabis business tax options and direct staff on which options to further  
develop then return to the Board of Supervisors; and  
c. Provided further direction as appropriate.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: AYE  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
a. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.72 of the Monterey County Code to remove the  
prohibition on private ownership or operation of a desalinization facility would not have a significant  
effect on the environment and adopt a Negative Declaration; and  
b. Adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 10.72 of the Monterey County Code to remove the  
prohibition on private ownership or operation of a desalinization facility.  
Ric Encarnacion Bureau Chief of Health and Erik Lundquist, Director of Housing Community and  
Development, in person, presented via PowerPoint presentation.  
Open for public comments; Margaret Carbanal, Eric Tynan, Norm Groot and Joe Desmond, all via  
Zoom, commented.  
A motion was made by Supervisor John M. Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Mary L. Adams to:  
a. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.72 of the Monterey County Code to remove the  
prohibition on private ownership or operation of a desalinization facility would not have a  
significant effect on the environment and adopt a Negative Declaration; and  
b. Adopt Ordinance No. 5378 amending Chapter 10.72 of the Monterey County Code to remove the  
prohibition on private ownership or operation of a desalinization facility.  
Roll call vote taken pursuant to Government Code 54953:  
Supervisor Alejo: AYE  
Supervisor Phillips: AYE  
Supervisor Lopez: AYE  
Supervisor Root Askew: NAY  
Chair Supervisor Adams: AYE  
Motion carried 4 to 1  
Other Board Matters  
New Referrals  
New Referrals  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer, shared there was no new referrals this week.  
Referral Responses  
Receive an updated response to Board Referral No. 2021.30 which directs the Health Department to  
partner with the K through 12 school system to increase the rate of vaccination among residents aged 5  
to 11 years in communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19.  
Kristy Michie, Assistant Bureau Chief, via Zoom, presented.  
Open for public comments; Nina Beety, via Zoom, commented.  
Upon consensus the Board:  
Received an updated response to Board Referral No. 2021.30 which directs the Health Department  
to partner with the K through 12 school system to increase the rate of vaccination among  
residents aged 5 to 11 years in communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19.  
Receive an updated written response to Board Referral No. 2022.06 seeking an increase in funding  
allocated to the Virus Integrated Distribution of Aid (VIDA) to maintain operations through December  
31, 2022.  
Elsa Jimenez, Director Health Services, Kristy Michie, Assistant Bureau Chief and Michael Castro,  
all via Zoom, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments, no public comments made.  
Upon consensus the Board:  
Receive an updated written response to Board Referral No. 2022.06 seeking an increase in  
funding allocated to the Virus Integrated Distribution of Aid (VIDA) to maintain operations through  
December 31, 2022.  
Receive an updated response to Board Referral No. 2022.11 requesting a comprehensive  
presentation from the Monterey County Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau on the current  
uses of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds, an expenditure plan to utilize reserve funds in the  
amount of $55,380,337, and that an annual update be brought to the Board of Supervisors on  
expenditures and effectiveness of MHSA funded services and strategies.  
Kathryn Eckert, Bureau Chief, via Zoom, verbally presented.  
Open for public comments; no public comments made.  
Upon consensus the Board:  
Receive an updated response to Board Referral No. 2022.11 requesting a comprehensive  
presentation from the Monterey County Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau on the  
current uses of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds, an expenditure plan to utilize reserve  
funds in the amount of $55,380,337, and that an annual update be brought to the Board of  
Supervisors on expenditures and effectiveness of MHSA funded services and strategies.  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
County Administrative Officer Comments  
Charles McKee, County Administrative Officer's comments can be heard by clicking the following  
Board Comments  
Board Comments  
Board Comments can be heard by clicking the following link:  
Read Out from Closed Session by County Counsel  
1. Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:  
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will provide direction to negotiators:  
(1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): All Units  
(2) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Kim Moore  
Employee Organization(s): Military & Veteran Affairs Officer  
(3) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): Units R and S  
(4) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Ariana Hurtado  
Employee Organization(s): Units F, H, J, K, R and X  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.a.(1)(2)(3)(4)  
b. Pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer  
with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation and/or potential  
initiation of litigation.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.b.  
c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(a), the Board will confer with County Counsel  
regarding matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings, essential public services, or  
the public’s right of access to public services or facilities.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.c.  
d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(e)(3), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding liability claims against the County of Monterey.  
(1) Giselle Gianna Guido, a minor by and through her Guardian Ad Litem, Jacqueline Giselle  
Lopez, et al.  
(2) Christopher Jones and Karen Hout and Estate of Consuelo Calcagno  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.d.(1)(2)  
e. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel  
regarding one matter of potential initiation of litigation.  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.e.  
f. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, the Board will confer with real property  
(1) Property: Laguna Seca Recreation Area  
Agency Negotiator(s): Randy Ishii, Director of Public Works Facilities and Parks and Leslie J.  
Girard, County Counsel  
Negotiating Parties: A&D Narigi Consulting LLC and Friends of Laguna Seca  
Under negotiation: Price and terms  
The Board took no reportable actions on items 1.f.(1)  
The meeting was adjourned in Memory of Justice Nat Agliano at 4:36 p.m. by Chair Supervisor  
Mary L. Adams.  
____/s/ Mary L. Adams______  
BY: ____/s/ Valerie Ralph________  
APPROVED ON: August 23, 2022  
Supplemental Sheet, Consent Calendar  
Natividad Medical Center  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to execute the First Amendment  
to the Agreement with Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford (LPCH) to provide  
medical director services of the Child Advocacy Center (CAC), adding $78,400 for a revised amount  
not to exceed $426,880 in the aggregate, but with no change to the original agreement term September  
1, 2021 through August 31, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to sign up to three (3)  
amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($34,848) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15872; Amendment No.: 1  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to execute the Professional  
Services Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of  
California San Francisco School of Medicine, Department of Medicine (UCSF) to provide family  
medicine services for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024 for an amount not to exceed $540,000;  
b. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad or his designee to sign up to three (3) future  
amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
work and do not exceed ten percent 10% ($54,000) of the original contract amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15873  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to execute the Third Amendment  
to the Professional and Call Coverage Services Agreement (A-13164) with Central Coast Head &  
Neck Surgeons to provide otolaryngology and audiology services, extending the term by twenty-four  
months (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024) for a full revised term of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2024, and  
adding $1,500,000 for a revised amount not to exceed $6,000,000 in the aggregate; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to sign up to three (3)  
amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($150,000) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13164; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to  
execute an agreement with Toyon Associates, Inc. for Rural Floor Budget Neutrality Appeals Services,  
Medicare/Medicaid Crossover Bad Debt Recovery Services, Medicare /Medi-Cal Appeals Services,  
OSHPD Report Preparation Services, Medical Eligible Day Services (POA/Historical),  
Medicare/Medi-Cal/Short Doyle Cost report Preparation Services, and associated Consulting  
services, for a total agreement amount not to exceed $850,000, and an agreement term of July 1, 2022  
through June 30, 2024.  
b. Approve the NMC Chief Executive Officer’s recommendation to accept non-standard automobile  
insurance provisions within the agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15874  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to execute the Third Amendment  
to the Professional Services Agreement (A-13218) with CEP America-California, d.b.a. Vituity to  
provide emergency medicine services, extending the term by twenty-four months (July 1, 2022 to June  
30, 2024) for a revised full agreement term of July 2016 to June 30, 2024, adding $3,725,000, for a  
revised amount not to exceed $14,026,277in the aggregate; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to sign up to three (3)  
amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($301,266) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13218; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to execute the First Amendment  
to the Professional and Call Coverage Services Agreement (A-14763) with Joel Weinstein MD to  
provide general surgery services at Natividad, extending the term by twenty-four months (July 1, 2022  
to June 30, 2024) for a revised full agreement term of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024, and adding  
$500,000 for a revised not to exceed amount of $1,300,000 in the aggregate; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad or his designee to sign up to three (3)  
amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($80,000) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14763; Amendment No.: 1  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute  
amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Huffmaster Crisis Response, Inc. for nurse and allied  
professional staffing services in the event of an emergent staffing crisis at NMC, to add $350,000 for a  
revised total agreement amount not to exceed $901,988, until the conclusion of the staffing need.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15495; Amendment No. 2  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute  
amendment No. 3 to the agreement (A-13194) with SPOK, Inc. for paging services, extending the  
agreement an additional one (1) year period (July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023) for a revised full  
agreement term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2023, and adding $60,000 for a revised total  
agreement amount not to exceed $423,000. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13194; Amendment No.: 3  
37.1 a. Approve and authorize the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) for Natividad Medical Center  
(“NMC”) or his designee to execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with Family Care Medical Group,  
Inc. (“Family Care”), to purchase the assets of the Family Care medical practice located at 17615  
Moro Road, Salinas, California, 93907 for a purchase price of $300,000;  
b. Approve and authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute a Medical Office Lease with  
Drs. Steven and Catherine Petronijevic, on substantially the same terms as presented, for 5,381 square  
feet of medical office space for the operation by County of Monterey of a family medical practice  
within a medical office building owned by the Petronijevics and located at 17615 Moro Road, Salinas,  
California, 93907, for the period September 20, 2022 through September 19, 2027 at the monthly rate  
of: (a) for years one through three of the lease, $23.00 per square foot for a total of $10,313.58 per  
month; and (b) for years four through five of the lease, $23.69 per square foot for a total of  
$10,622.99 per month;  
c. Authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute the one-year Professional Services  
Agreement with Family Care (“Group-PSA”), to provide family medicine services at the family medical  
practice, which shall become effective on the date the agreement is signed by all parties with services  
commencing on a go-live date of September 20, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $500,000;  
d. Authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute the one-year Professional Services  
Agreement with Adelheid Ebenhoech, M.D. (“Individual-PSA”) to provide family medicine services at  
the County’s family medical practice, which shall become effective on the date the agreement is signed  
by all parties with services commencing on a go-live date of September 20, 2022 for an amount not to  
exceed $300,000;  
e. Authorize the CEO for NMC to execute up to two future amendments to each of the Group-PSA  
and the Individual-PSA, provided that the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work,  
and, as to each PSA, the amendments in total do not exceed ten percent (10%);  
f. Authorize the CEO for NMC to execute an Assignment and Assumption Agreement, on substantially  
the same terms as presented, pursuant to which all rights, title, and interest in an athenahealth Master  
Services Agreement dated November 26, 2014 and related data from tablespace 10227 contained in  
the athenaNet System shall be transferred from Family Care to the County of Monterey, with an  
Assignment Effective Date of September 20, 2022; and  
g. Authorize a total contract liability of $300,000 for the period September 20, 2022 through  
November 25, 2024 for the athenahealth Master Services Agreement, which by its terms is  
automatically renewable by additional consecutive one-year terms and terminable based on 90 days’  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15875 - Asset Purchase Agreement with Family Care Medical Group,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15876 - Medical Office Lease Agreement;  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15877 - Professional Services Agreement with Adelheid Ebenhoech,  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15878 - Assignment and Assumption Agreement  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15879 - Athenahealth Master Services Agreement  
Health Department  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute Amendment  
No. 1 to Mental Health Services Agreement A-15539 between County of Monterey and Center for  
Community Advocacy, for the provision of culturally specific mental health prevention and early  
intervention services for unserved adults, children and families for the increased amount of $394,229  
($141,989 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22, $293,109 for FY 2022-23, and $243,109 for FY  
2023-24), for an updated agreement amount not to exceed $678,207 for the extended term of July 1,  
2021 through June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No. A-15539; Amendment No.: 1  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a Standard  
Agreement between County of Monterey and EVALCORP for the provision of evaluation services for  
a total Agreement not to exceed $1,474,000 for the term beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30,  
2026; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three (3) future  
amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($147,400) of the original Agreement amount and  
do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15880  
Adopt the Monterey County Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Update.  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a new  
one-year Mental Health Services Agreement between County of Monterey and Telecare Corporation  
for the provision of skilled nursing services to Monterey County adults with primary diagnoses of  
organic brain syndrome, traumatic brain injury, medical debilitation, and severe mental illness, for a  
maximum County obligation of $584,421 for the term of July 1,2022 through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($58,442) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15881  
Approve and authorize the Director of Health, the Assistant Director of Health, or the Emergency  
Medical Services Agency Director to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Electronic Patient Care  
Reporting (ePCR) Agreement between the County of Monterey and ESO Solutions, Inc. to amend the  
scope of work to implement a bi-directional integration of Health Data Exchange (HDE) with Monterey  
County hospital participants, add a one-time fee of $9,995 for the HDE implementation, and to  
increase the total Agreement amount for an amount not to exceed $713,141.00.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13507; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign an  
Agreement for the use of the Animal Services Center and the provision of other animal services between  
the County of Monterey and California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB), for a term effective  
July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15882  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to execute an Animal  
Services Agreement between the County of Monterey and the City of Del Rey Oaks (City), for the term  
of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024 for the use of the Animal Services Center and the provision of other  
animal services; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or the Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three  
(3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15883  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute a new  
one-year Agreement between County of Monterey and Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. for the  
provision of mental health services for adults with severe psychiatric disabilities, for a maximum County  
obligation of $1,076,750 for the term of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Approve the Director of Health’s recommendation to accept non-standard indemnification, where  
County assumes liability in the event of claims, liabilities, or losses caused by any County negligence or  
willful misconduct; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve  
non-standard terms to the MHS template of the Agreement, specifically the redlining of Sections XIII  
and XIV for Budget and Expenditure and Cost Reporting, the provisions of which are not applicable to  
this vendor; and  
d. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to approve up to three  
(3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($107,675) of the original Agreement  
amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15884  
a. Approve and authorize a Fair Share Agreement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between  
the County of Monterey and the Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD)  
regarding technical assistance and compliance with California Senate Bill 1383; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign the MOU; and  
c. Authorize the payment provisions as contained in the MOU.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15885  
Department of Social Services  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Community Human Services for operation of an emergency shelter for women  
and families with children for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 for a contract amount of  
$100,000; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Community Human Services for operation of a year-round shelter for young  
adults ages 18-24 on the Monterey Peninsula for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024 for a  
contract amount of $60,000; and  
c. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to (3)  
amendments to these agreements where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the contract  
amounts, $10,000 and $6,000 respectively, and do not significantly change the scopes of work.  
Approved -  
Agreement No.: A-15886 - Shelter for women and families with children  
Agreement No.: A-15887 - Shelter for young adults ages 18-24  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
execute an agreement with Coalition of Homeless Services Providers for coordination and management  
of components of Monterey County’s homelessness response services for the period of July 1, 2022 to  
June 30, 2023 in the amount of $670,000; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($67,000) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15888  
a. Approve and authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign Amendment #1 to the  
Agreement with Central California Alliance for Health to provide health plan benefits for eligible  
In-Home Supportive Services providers, adding $5,479,681 for a revised contract total of  
$8,979,786 and extending the term through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign up to three (3) amendments to this  
agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($897,978) of the revised contract amount  
and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15870; Amendment No.: 1  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation for $711,388, to provide  
childcare services to foster youth placed in family care settings for the period of July 1, 2022 through  
June 30, 2024; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to  
three (3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($71,138)  
of the contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15889  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign Amendment #3 to the agreement with Bay Area Community Services (BACS) to operate the  
Salinas Housing Advancement, Resource and Education (SHARE) Center, extending the term through  
June 30, 2023 and adding $1,804,305 for a total contract amount of $3,259,643; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($325,964) of the  
contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15226; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement for $1,032,000 with Aspiranet for operation of the Cherish Receiving Center for the  
period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($103,200) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15890  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with Aspiranet for staffing and support of the Visitation Center component of Family  
Reunification for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 in the amount of $472,432; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to (3)  
amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($47,243) of the  
original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15891  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
execute an agreement with University Corporation at Monterey Bay for $250,000 to operate a  
county-wide homeless outreach and engagement services system for the period of July 1, 2022 through  
June 30, 2023 with nonstandard termination and indemnification terms; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($25,000) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15892  
a. Approve and authorize the Chair of the Board to sign and ratify a zero cost Memorandum of  
Understanding with the San Mateo County Human Services Agency to continue as the lead for the  
Bay Area Consortium for the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants for the period of July 1, 2022  
through June 30, 2026; and  
b. Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign up to three (3) amendments to this agreement where the  
amendments do not encompass payment or significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15893  
a. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, under the terms of Region 4 Education Service Center  
Cooperative Agreement R191104, to sign and approve purchase orders for the maintenance of and  
components for printers and copiers from Xerox Corporation retroactive to April 1, 2021, for a full  
term of April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024, with non-standard indemnification, warranty and liability  
terms for a total contract amount of $215,000; and  
b. Authorize the Monterey County Contracts/Purchasing Officer to approve modifications to the  
purchase orders where the modifications do not exceed 10% ($21,500) of the total contract amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15894  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign an agreement with TMD Creative for the provision of outreach, marketing, website design, and  
technical assistance services in the amount of $165,390 for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30,  
2023; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($16,539) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15895  
Approve the proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council.  
Adopt a resolution to authorize and Direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22  
Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and revenues by $108,585 in Social Services - Area  
Agency on Aging’s Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SOC010 funded by an increase in  
California Department of Aging (CDA) funding to support various programs (4/5ths vote required).  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-229  
a. Approve and authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to  
sign amendment #1 to Agreement #5010-197 with the City of Salinas to provide non-congregate  
shelter, wrap around services, and rapid re-housing to individuals experiencing homelessness, extending  
the term through June 30, 2023, and adding $2,062,293 for a revised total contract amount of  
$3,858,925; and  
b. Authorize the Director or Assistant Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three  
(3) amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% ($385,892) of the  
contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15896  
Criminal Justice  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute a non-standard Agreement with  
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (PPMM) to provide program funding and training for Power  
Though Choice Program (PTC) for the term of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign associated documentation and future amendments  
to the Agreement where each amendment does not significantly alter the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15871  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute a Memorandum of Understanding  
(MOU) with the Monterey County Office of Education for reimbursement for services for the Salinas  
Community School program at Rancho Cielo in the amount of $100,000, for a term of July 1, 2022  
through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign future amendments to the MOU where each  
amendment does not exceed ten percent ($10,000) of the original MOU amount and does not  
significantly change the scope of services.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15897  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a Professional Services  
Agreement (“PSA”) with Elliott S. Sanford for legal representation in indigent juvenile criminal cases,  
through the Alternate Defenders Office, with a term of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, in the  
amount of $86,231; and  
b. Approve non-standard insurance provisions in PSA, as recommended by the Public Defender.  
c. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute up to three (3) amendments,  
extending the terms of each by one (1) fiscal year per amendment, provided there is no significant  
change to the scope of work or increase in cost that exceeds ten percent ($8,623) of the original  
amount of the Agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15898  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a Professional Services Agreement  
(“PSA”) with the Law Office of William Scott Erdbacher, to provide case management and case  
supervision for the Alternate Defender Office with a term of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. in the  
amount of $126,000; and  
a. Approve non-standard insurance provisions in PSA, as recommended by the Public Defender; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute up to three (3) amendments,  
extending the term of each by one (1) fiscal year per amendment, provided there is no significant  
change to the scope of work or increase in cost that exceeds ten percent ($12,600) of the original  
amount of the Agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15899  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute Amendment No. 1 to each of  
the Professional Services Agreements (“PSA”) with the following attorneys, for legal representation in  
indigent adult and/or juvenile criminal cases, through the Alternate Defender’s Office, extending the  
term of each PSA by one year, for a total revised term of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023, and  
adding the following amounts: Jeffrey Gobell adding $96,731; Kelly Duncan, adding $88,200; Jan  
Lindberg, adding $100,800; Tara Higgins, adding $108,675; Richard West, adding $108,675; and  
Monique Hill, adding $108,675 for a total aggregate liability of $1,194,381; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute up to three (3) amendments to  
these PSAs, extending the term of each by one (1) fiscal year per amendment, provided there is no  
significant change to the scope of work or increase in cost that exceeds ten percent (10%) of the  
original amount of each PSA.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15900  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
Amendment 3 with GEO Reentry Services, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The GEO Group. Inc.,  
for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 in the amount of $297,000, for a new not to  
exceed amount of $1,791,000.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14944; Amendment No.: 3  
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign  
sole-source Agreement with Jesse Aguirre, Doing Business as J.K. Mortuary Services for on-call pick  
up, transport and delivery of deceased remains for the coroner for the period of July 1, 2022 - June  
30, 2025, in the amount of $600,000; and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign two (2) one  
(1) year amendments to the agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of  
work, and where the cost of the amendment does not exceed $200,000 plus 10% of the total contract  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15901  
General Government  
a. Approve and Authorize the Library Director or her Designee, to sign a Professional Services  
Agreement (PSA) with Envisionware, Inc., for library automation software and purchase of hardware  
equipment (self-check machines), in the amount not to exceed $130,000, for the period of three years  
beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025; and  
b. Approve non-standard risk provisions in PSA and in End User License Agreement, Exhibit B to  
PSA, as recommended by the Library Director; and  
c. Authorize the Library Director or his/or her Designee, to execute up to one future Amendment to this  
agreement that does not significantly change the scope of work and does not cause an increase of more  
than 10% ($13,000) of the original contract amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15902  
a. Ratify the execution by the County Contracts/Purchasing Officer, while performing the functions and  
duties as the EOC Logistic Section Chief, of standard services agreements with food, sanitation,  
decontamination/custodial and transportation vendors to address the COVID-19 Pandemic, as outlined  
in the attached Exhibit A, for periods between March 18, 2020, through June 30, 2023.  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor, to execute  
amendments to the agreements in an amount not to exceed 10% of the aggregate total of each  
agreement, that does not substantially change the scope of the agreement, during the pendency of  
identified emergencies.  
a. Authorize the Chief Information Officer, or his designee, to execute an Agreement with Cruzio  
Internet, to build, deploy, operate, and maintain broadband services to unserved and underserved  
areas in Monterey County, set forth in Request for Proposal (RFP) Number 10819, in the amount of  
$320,333 for the term of June 21, 2022 through December 31, 2024; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Information Officer the option to extend the agreement up to three (3) additional  
up to three (3) additional amendments to this Agreement, extending the term by one year, where the  
additional costs per year do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the cost of the prior year, subject to  
County Counsel review, and provided that the terms and conditions of the agreement remain  
substantially the same.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15903  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer or his designee to execute a Standard  
Agreement with Vatsula Visuals for broadcast and production services in an amount not to exceed  
$150,000, for the term of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer or his designee to execute up to one (1)  
extension of the Agreement of one (1) year if needed, subject to County Counsel review, provided  
there is no significant change in Agreement terms and provided any increase in cost is limited to no  
more than ten (10) percent of the yearly amount ($15,000 maximum increase).  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15904  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Sheriffs’ Management  
Association (MCSMA) Unit C for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15905  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Probation Managers’  
Association (MCPMA) Unit L for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15906  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Monterey County Probation Association  
(MCPA) Unit M&N for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15907  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer to sign a Standard Agreement for maintenance  
services, technical support and system upgrades of the Monterey County Mitel telephone system with  
D&S Communications, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $258,000, retroactive to May 1, 2022,  
through July 1, 2023; and  
b. Authorize the Chief Information Officer, or his designee, to execute order forms and such documents  
as are necessary to implement the Agreement; and  
c. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer to execute up to two (2) future amendments to  
this Agreement, extending the term by one (1) year each, subject to County Counsel review, provided  
the terms of the Agreement remain substantially the same and provided the additional costs per year do  
not exceed ten percent (10%) of the cost of the prior year.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15908  
Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisors to sign a  
Renewal and Amendment No. 1 with Monterey Bay Office Products, Inc., dba Monterey Bay  
Systems (“MBS”), for the lease of one printer and related maintenance and supplies, extending the term  
to March 31, 2025 for a revised full term of March 16, 2019 through March 31, 2025, and increasing  
the agreement by $12,600 for a total contract liability of $18,200.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15909; Amendment No.: 1  
Adopt a Resolution to Approve a Zero Property Tax Transfer for the Proposed Marina Coast Water  
District Updated Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation Proposal for APN 031-151-054  
located in the Campus Town Specific Plan area, City of Seaside.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-223  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to  
execute Countywide Service Agreements to provide HVAC Equipment and Control Repair Services  
based on the criteria set forth in RFP #10749. The agreements are between the County of Monterey  
and the three (3) named vendors as follows: Val’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc, Honeywell International,  
Inc., and ACCO Engineered Systems-Wilson, Inc. dba Geo H. Wilson Mechanical Contractors on an  
as-needed basis for the initial term of three (3) years from July 1, 2022 through and including June 30,  
2025 with the option to extend the agreements for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, for a total  
not to exceed a maximum five (5) year Agreement. The aggregate amount over the term of all  
Agreements shall not exceed $950,000, in accordance with the terms and conditions set within each  
Agreement; and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute, after one  
year, similar additional Agreements for HVAC Equipment and Control Repair Services with qualified  
contractors who meet the minimum requirements and comply with the County of Monterey standard  
terms and conditions, where each individual agreement does not affect the total aggregate amount  
authorized. Any additional Agreements shall terminate June 30, 2025; and  
c. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to increase the  
cumulative “not to exceed” amount by up to 10% of the original aggregate amount, or $95,000, even if  
no additional Agreements are entered into.  
Approved -  
Agreement No.: A-15910 - Val’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc  
Agreement No.: A-15911 - Honeywell International, Inc.  
Agreement No.: A-15912 - Geo H. Wilson Mechanical Contractors  
Approve the proposed amended bylaws of the Economic Opportunity Committee.  
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts Purchasing Officer, or designee, to execute Amendment No. 2  
to the Agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP to provide audit services of the County’s financial  
statements, Single Audits, and non-ACFR entities for an additional 12 month period, for a revised term  
of August 1, 2018 to June 30, 2023, and adding $171,940 for the additional one year term, for a  
revised total agreement amount not to exceed $845,400 for the term August 1, 2018 through June 30,  
2023; and  
b. Approve and authorize the Contracts Purchasing Officer, or designee, to approve up to two (2)  
future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) and do not significantly alter the scope of  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15572; Amendment No.: 2  
a. Approve and authorize the Agricultural Commissioner to sign a Memorandum of Understanding  
(MOU) with the Grower Shipper Association Foundation not to exceed $50,000, to provide support  
of agricultural education efforts in Monterey County, and;  
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make payments in accordance with the terms of the MOU.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15913  
a. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to increase FY 2021-22 revenues and appropriations  
in the Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Budget (001-2810-AGR001-8001) by $674,133, financed  
by Mill Tax revenue; (4/5ths Vote Required)  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-230  
Approve and authorize the County Counsel to execute a renewal and amendment no. 2 to the  
professional services agreement with Marsh USA, Inc. dba Marsh Risk and Insurance Services, for  
insurance brokerage services extending the agreement for two years for a one-time payment in the  
amount of $10,000.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-14759; Amendment No.: 2  
a. Accept grant funds from the California Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation  
Planning grant award in the amount of $248,596 to fund a feasibility study for zero emissions  
micromobility options in the County; and  
b. Enter into, execute, and deliver a restricted State of California Grant Agreement and all other grant  
documents as required by the Department of Transportation subject to review and approval of the  
Office of the County Counsel as to form and legality.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-231  
a. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer to sign an Amendment No. 1 to a non-standard  
License Agreement with American Tower, LLC for the Next Generation Radio System (NGEN) -  
Fremont Peak site extending the agreement for an additional five (5) years to December 28,2027, and  
adding $370,000 for a total agreement of $593,000; and  
b. Accept non-standard provisions as recommended by the Chief Information Officer; and  
c. Authorize the Chief Information Officer or designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments,  
subject to County Counsel review, to extend the non-standard License Agreement term for five (5)  
additional years per amendment and to allow for a four percent (4%) annual increase per year provided  
the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work and do not alter the non-standard terms  
of the License Agreement.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-13701; Amendment No.: 1  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Approve consenting to inclusion of commercial properties within the County’s jurisdiction in Golden  
State Finance Authority Community Facilities District No. 2014-1 (Clean Energy) to finance renewable  
energy improvements, energy efficiency and water conservation improvements, including electric vehicle  
charging infrastructure, and seismic strengthening and wildfire safety improvements; and  
b. Approve consenting to inclusion of commercial properties within the County’s unincorporated area  
in Golden State Finance Authority’s program to finance renewable energy generation, energy and water  
efficiency improvements, including electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and seismic strengthening and  
wildfire safety improvements.  
Adopted -  
Resolution No.: 22-232 - County’s jurisdiction in Golden State Finance Authority  
Resolution No.: 22-247 - County’s unincorporated area in Golden State Finance Authority’s  
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Assistant County Administrative Officer to:  
a. Apply for and accept grant funds for the Transformative Climate Communities from the California  
Strategic Growth Council in the amount of $300,000 to fund a community based assessment of  
potential climate action projects designed to lead to implementation of those projects; and  
b. Enter into, execute, and deliver all grant award documents subject to review and approval of the  
Office of the County Counsel as to form and legality.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-233  
87.1 Approve and authorize advanced step placement for Jake Stroud at Step 4 of the Assistant  
Treasurer-Tax Collector salary range, effective June 18, 2022, in accordance with Personnel Policies  
and Practices Resolution No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1, A.1.11.2, and A.1.11.5. (ADDED VIA  
Housing and Community Development  
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development and the Director of  
Public Works, Facilities, and Parks to sign a memorandum of agreement between the County of  
Monterey and Big Sur Land Trust for the implementation of a mitigation measure for the Carmel River  
Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement (CRFREE) Project (REF 140048); and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development to execute  
amendment No. 1 to Reimbursement Agreement No. A-15537 with Big Sur Land Trust to increase the  
not to exceed amount of $487,050 by $100,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $587,050 to  
allow the completion of restoration design and implementation activities, using funds from the Wildlife  
Conservation Board.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-234 and Approved - Agreement No.: A-15537; Amendment No.: 1  
Adopt a Resolution to:  
a. Approve a report on the status of development traffic impact fees for fiscal year ending June 30,  
2021; and  
b. Adopt findings, in accordance with Government Code section 66000, et seq. that the need for the  
improvements for which the fees are being collected still exists, and as such the funds will be retained.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-235  
a. Find that an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter is exempt per CEQA  
Guidelines section 15308 because the ordinance is an action taken by the County to assure the  
enhancement and protection of the environment and involves procedures for protection of the  
environment; and  
b. Adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to modify regulations  
for the control of nighttime noise and enforcement mechanisms of the Chapter.  
Adopted - Ordinance No.: 5379  
a. Find that the project involves a Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed, which qualifies as a Class  
17 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15317 of the CEQA Guidelines and no exception under  
section 15300.2 applies;  
b. Approve and accept a Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed covering approximately 1.7 acres  
of environmentally sensitive habitat on property located at 48200 Coast Ridge Road, Big Sur  
(Assessor’s Parcel Number: 419-031-034-000) as a required by condition 15 of Zoning Administrator  
Resolution 21-041 (File No. PLN190088);  
c. Authorize the Chair to execute the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed; and  
d. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed to the County  
Recorder for filing with all recording fees to be paid by the applicant.  
(Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed - PLN190088, Peter Barbur, 48200 Coast Ridge Road,  
Big Sur)  
a. Approve and authorize a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”), substantially as to form,  
between the County of Monterey and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, the Monterey  
Peninsula Water Management District, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the  
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District, and Big Sur Land Trust for the construction phase of the  
Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement (CRFREE) Project (REF  
140048); and  
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development to sign the MOU; and  
c. Approve Temporary Construction Easements with the Big Sur Land Trust and Monterey Peninsula  
Regional Parks District for the construction of the CRFREE Project.  
Adopted Resolution No.: 22-248 and Approved - Agreement No.: A-15914  
Adopt Resolutions to:  
a. Authorize the County Administrative Officer or his designee to request the California Department of  
Housing and Community Development (HCD) approve Amendment 1 to the County’s Permanent  
Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) program Standard Agreement.  
b. Enter into, execute and deliver a State of California an amended Agreement (Standard Agreement as  
required by PLHA, subject to review and approval of the Office of the County Counsel as to form and  
c. Authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development to enter into a Grant Agreement  
with Interim, Inc. to provide $400,213 in PLHA Activity 6 funding for construction cost overruns at the  
Sun Rose Gardens Permanent and Transitional Housing Development in Salinas.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-236 and Approved - Agreement No.: A-15915; Amendment No.: 1  
Public Works, Facilities and Parks  
a. Approve and authorize the Monterey County Laguna Seca Representative to execute a Standard  
Agreement between Telfer Design, Inc. and the County of Monterey to provide official artwork for  
events at WeatherTech® Raceway at Laguna Seca in exchange for certain rights and accommodations  
to sell artwork at said events, with a term retroactive to March 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022;  
b. Approve and authorize the Monterey County Laguna Seca Representative to execute up to three  
(3) future amendments to the Standard Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed County  
Code thresholds for executing contracts without prior Board of Supervisors approval, and do not  
significantly change the scope of work, subject to County Counsel approval.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15916  
a. Adopt the Plans and Special Provisions for the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration Environmental  
Enhancement (CRFREE) Phase 1 floodplain restoration Project, REF 140048; and  
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to advertise the “Notice to Bidders” in  
the Monterey County Weekly.  
a. Adopt a resolution to reallocate Parks Operation Fund 001, Appropriation Unit PFP058, Unit  
8556 ARPA Revenue Loss allocation of $631,546 to Facility Services Fund 001, Appropriation Unit  
PFP054, Unit 8552 and Utilities Fund 001, Appropriation Unit PFP055, Unit 8553;  
b. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget to  
increase appropriations by $371,828 in Facility Services Fund 001, Appropriation Unit PFP054, Unit  
8552, financed by a decrease in appropriations of $371,828 from Park Operations Fund 001,  
Appropriation Unit PFP058, Unit 8556, from its ARPA Revenue Loss appropriations; (4/5th vote  
required); and  
c. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget to  
increase appropriations by $259,718 in Utilities Fund 001, Appropriation Unit PFP055, Unit 8553,  
financed by a decrease in appropriations of $259,718 from Park Operations Fund 001, Appropriation  
Unit PFP058, Unit 8556, from its ARPA Revenue Loss appropriations (4/5th vote required).  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-237  
Adopt a resolution:  
a. Adopting a list of projects funded by Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) for Fiscal Year 2022-23; and  
b. Authorizing the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to submit the list to the California  
Transportation Committee (CTC).  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-238  
a. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with GHD Inc. to provide professional engineering  
services for the Blackie Road Extension Project, Project No. 1151, under Request for Proposals  
#10864, in a total amount not to exceed $449,683 for Phase 1, for an initial term of three (3) years  
effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025, with the option to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional  
one (1) year period(s); and  
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute the  
Professional Services Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do  
not significantly alter the scope of work or increase the approved Agreement amount.  
Approved - Agreement No.: A-15917  
a. Adopt a resolution to adopt the County of Monterey Chualar Assessment Bond and  
Boronda County Sanitation District Revenue Bond budgets for Fiscal Year 2021-22;  
b. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget to:  
1) Increase appropriations and revenues in the Chualar Assessment Bond, Fund 312, Appropriation  
Unit PFP051 by $15,709, and 2) Increase appropriations in the Boronda County Sanitation District  
Revenue Bond, Fund 306, Appropriation Unit PFP052 by $38,850, funded by an operating transfer in  
from Boronda County Sanitation District, Fund 156, Appropriation Unit PFP049 of $38,350, and  
unassigned fund balance of $500 (Fund 306, BSA 3101) (4/5th vote required); and  
c. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to transfer $38,350 for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 from  
Boronda County Sanitation District, Fund 156, Appropriation Unit PFP049, to Boronda County  
Sanitation District Revenue Bond, Fund 306, Appropriation Unit PFP052, where Boronda County  
Sanitation District has sufficient appropriations available in the adopted budget to cover the transfer.  
(4/5th vote required).  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-239  
Adopt a resolution to:  
a. Approve revised proposed COVID-19 Memorial design concept to be further developed; and  
b. Authorize and direct Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP) staff to return in FY23 to request  
any budget surplus, up to $50,000, from District 1, Fund 001, Appropriations Unit BOA001, Unit  
8013, upon the Budget Office FY22 year-end report is completed to be used for the construction of  
the COVID-19 Memorial project.  
Adopted - Resolution No.: 22-240  
a. Consider adoption of an ordinance; (i) amending Article III of Title 12 to establish all-way stop  
control at Stevenson Drive, Alvarado Lane, and Forest Lake Road intersection, private roads, in  
Pebble Beach, an unincorporated area of the County of Monterey, and (ii) amending Article III of Title  
12 to establish pedestrian crossings at Stevenson Drive at Forest Lake Road and Alvarado Lane  
intersections, private roads, in Pebble Beach, an unincorporated area of the County of Monterey.  
b. Find that the adoption of this ordinance is categorically exempt per California Code of Regulations  
(CCR) Section 15301(c) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines because the  
action involves negligible changes to the regulations that govern the existing highways and streets.  
Proposed CEQA Action: Categorically exempt per CCR Section 15301(c).  
Adopted Ordinance No. 5380  
Added under Ceremonial Resolutions  
5.1 Adopt a resolution designating July as Parks and Recreation Month in the County of Monterey.  
(Supervisor Adams)  
Correction to Item No. 10 - Appointments  
10. Reappoint Tom Gano to the Carmel Valley Road Advisory Committee representing Cachagua -  
Primary with a term ending of June 30, 2025. (Nominated By District 5, Supervisor Adams)  
Added under Appointments  
14.1 Appoint Jordan Caballero to the Housing Advisory Committee with a term ending on June 14,  
2024. (Nominated By District 2, Supervisor Phillips)  
14.2 Appoint Kelly J. Stracke to the Parks Commission with a term ending on June 22, 2026.  
(Nominated By District 4, Supervisor Askew)  
10:30 Scheduled Matters  
Revised Exhibit - 1 FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget Countywide Position Summary  
19. Consider adopting a resolution approving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Budget for the County of  
Monterey, incorporating the FY 2022-23 Recommended Budget, which includes the County’s General  
Financial Policies, and additional modifications directed by the Board at the June 1-2, 2022 Budget  
Addend under Natividad Medical Center - Consent  
37.1 a. Approve and authorize the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) for Natividad Medical Center  
(“NMC”) or his designee to execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with Family Care Medical Group,  
Inc. (“Family Care”), to purchase the assets of the Family Care medical practice located at 17615  
Moro Road, Salinas, California, 93907 for a purchase price of $300,000; and  
b. Approve and authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute a Medical Office Lease with  
Drs. Steven and Catherine Petronijevic, on substantially the same terms as presented, for 5,381 square  
feet of medical office space for the operation by County of Monterey of a family medical practice  
within a medical office building owned by the Petronijevics and located at 17615 Moro Road, Salinas,  
California, 93907, for the period September 20, 2022 through September 19, 2027 at the monthly rate  
of: (a) for years one through three of the lease, $23.00 per square foot for a total of $10,313.58 per  
month; and (b) for years four through five of the lease, $23.69 per square foot for a total of  
$10,622.99 per month;c. Authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute the one-year  
Professional Services Agreement with Family Care (“Group-PSA”), to provide family medicine  
services at the family medical practice, which shall become effective on the date the agreement is signed  
by all parties with services commencing on a go-live date of September 20, 2022 for an amount not to  
exceed $500,000;d. Authorize the CEO for NMC or his designee to execute the one-year  
Professional Services Agreement with Adelheid Ebenhoech, M.D. (“Individual-PSA”) to provide  
family medicine services at the County’s family medical practice, which shall become effective on the  
date the agreement is signed by all parties with services commencing on a go-live date of September  
20, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $300,000;e. Authorize the CEO for NMC to execute up to two  
future amendments to each of the Group-PSA and the Individual-PSA, provided that the amendments  
do not significantly change the scope of work, and, as to each PSA, the amendments in total do not  
exceed ten percent (10%);f. Authorize the CEO for NMC to execute an Assignment and Assumption  
Agreement, on substantially the same terms as presented, pursuant to which all rights, title, and interest  
in an athenahealth Master Services Agreement dated November 26, 2014 and related data from  
tablespace 10227 contained in the athenaNet System shall be transferred from Family Care to the  
County of Monterey, with an Assignment Effective Date of September 20, 2022; andg. Authorize a  
total contract liability of $300,000 for the period September 20, 2022 through November 25, 2024 for  
the athenahealth Master Services Agreement, which by its terms is automatically renewable by  
additional consecutive one-year terms and terminable based on 90 days’ notice.  
Added under General Government - Consent  
87.1 Approve and authorize advanced step placement for Jake Stroud at Step 4 of the Assistant  
Treasurer-Tax Collector salary range, effective June 18, 2022, in accordance with Personnel Policies  
and Practices Resolution No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1, A.1.11.2, and A.1.11.5.