year Lease Amendment No. 5, to Lease Agreement A-12410, effective March 1, 2025 with Ito
Farms, Inc. (Lessor) for approximately 3,872 rentable square feet of space located at 1611
Bunker Hill Road, Suite 120, Salinas, California, for use by the Health Department’s Behavioral
Health Bureau (Health); and
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make lease payments starting at $8,848 per month for the
first year of the extension period in accordance with the terms and adjusted rent schedule
outlined in the Lease Agreement.
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute Amendment No.
1 to Agreement No. A-17082 with Spay Neuter Imperative Project (SNIP) for the provision of
all-inclusive spay/neuter clinics for domestic and feral cats of residents in unincorporated
Monterey County communities, the City of Salinas, and Shelter Sniptember Clinics, adding
$37,500 for a new total Agreement amount of $352,500, with no change to the Agreement term of
September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to two
future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($31,500) of
the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and the total
Agreement amount does not exceed $384,000.
Criminal Justice
a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,762 for
the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003,
financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation
Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld
narcotics analyzer for the Jail; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's
Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,762 Fund 001,
Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety
Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a
Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail.
a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,685 for
the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003,
financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation
Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband
detectors; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s
Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,685 Fund 001,
Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety
Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two
(2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors.