Committee Members: Supervisor Glenn Church, Chair; and Supervisor Luis Alejo, Vice-Chair.
Committee Staff: Nicholas E. Chiulos, Chief Assistant CAO; Annette D’Adamo, Legislative
Program Manager; and Rocio Quezada, Committee Secretary.
• Copies of staff reports or other written documentation relating to items referenced on this agenda
and/or submitted after distribution of the agenda packet are on file and available for public inspection
at the County Administrative Office, Monterey County Government Center, 168 West Alisal Street,
3rd Floor, Salinas.
• Meetings of the Budget Committee are accessible to individuals with disabilities. The
Administration Building and Monterey Conference Room are wheelchair accessible. Please contact
the Monterey County Civil Rights Office at 831-755-5117 if you need assistance or accommodations
in order to participate in a public meeting or if you need the agenda and public documents modified as
required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
• The following services are available when requests are made by 5:00 p.m. of the Friday before this
noted meeting: American Sign Language interpreters during a meeting, large print agenda or
minutes in alternative format.
• If you require the assistance of an interpreter, please contact Sophia Magana, in the County
Administrative Office at 831-755-5115. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for
translation assistance. Requests should be made as soon as possible, and at a minimum 24 hours in
advance of any meeting.
• Si usted requiere la asistencia de un interprete, por favor comuniquese con las oficina de
Administracion localizada en el Centro de Gobierno del Condado de Monterey, (Monterey County
Government Center), 168 W. Alisal, Tercer Piso, Salinas - o por telefono llamar a Sophia Magana,
831-755-5115. La asistente hara el esfuerzo para acomodar los pedidos de asistencia de un
interprete. Los pedidos se deberan hacer lo mas pronto posible, y a lo minimo 24 horas de anticipo
de cualquier junta.