Welcome to the County of Monterey’s Official Meeting and Legislative Information Center. This site provides quick and easy access to our meeting information and legislative process. It also houses archival records from 2009 to present. Links to historical records are available on the Historical Records tab.
For questions about legislation or this website, please contact the Clerk of the Board at cob@countyofmonterey.gov. The Clerk of the Board is the keeper of public trust, facilitating access to information through technology, transparency, and excellent customer service.
To volunteer for one of one our Boards, Committees or Commissions visit: Boards, Committees and Commissions | County of Monterey, CA
You can translate Accessible Agendas and Minutes
using browser built-in machine translation with these steps
in Google Chrome or Edge:
Puede traducir agendas y actas accesibles utilizando
la traducción automática integrada del navegador con estos pasos
en Google Chrome o Edge:
1. Click on the Accessible Agenda or Accessible Minutes link you are interested in. |
1. Haga clic en el enlace Agenda Accesible o Minutos Accesibles que le interese. |
2. It will download as an HTML file to your computer.
Once it's fully downloaded, click to open it.
It will open in the same browser you are already in as a new tab.
2. Se descargará como un archivo HTML en su computadora.
Una vez que esté completamente descargado, haz clic para abrirlo.
Se abrirá en el mismo navegador en el que ya está como una nueva pestaña.

3. Translate the document:
In Google Chrome:
- Right click
- Select the "translate" option under "Search Images with Google Lens".
- Choose your language. You can access more languages by click the "..." and then "Choose Another Language".
Select your language and then click "Done".
3. Traducir el documento:
En Google Chrome:
- Botón derecho del ratón
- Seleccione la opción "traducir" en "Buscar imágenes con Google Lens"
- Elige tu idioma. Puede acceder a más idiomas haciendo clic en "..." y luego en "Elegir otro idioma".
Seleccione su idioma y luego haga clic en "Listo".
In Edge:
- A popup may appear asking which language to translate into.
- If the options popup does not appear, you can right click and select
"Translate to ..." underneath "Read aloud".
- To get back to the language option after making your selection,
click on the language icon on the right side of the URL bar.
En Edge:
- Puede aparecer una ventana emergente preguntando a qué idioma traducir.
- Si no aparece la ventana emergente de opciones, puede hacer clic derecho y seleccionar "Traducir a..." debajo de "Leer en voz alta".
- Para volver a la opción de idioma después de hacer su selección,
haga clic en el ícono de idioma en el lado derecho de la barra de URL.
Please note:
Accessible Agendas and Minutes may not be available for every meeting body, nor for meetings that took place before February 2022. |
Tenga en cuenta:
Es posible que las agendas y actas accesibles no estén disponibles para todos los órganos de reunión, ni para las reuniones que tuvieron lugar antes de febrero de 2022. |
Search Agenda Items
Search legislative items, such as ordinances, resolutions, claims, board reports, and board orders. You can search for items in upcoming or past meetings. You can search by the file number, by the agenda date, or for words within the title of the item.
For Search tips, click here.
Learn about upcoming and past meetings for the official meeting bodies, including the Board of Supervisors. Some meeting bodies provide online agendas and agenda packets before the meeting. Please note agenda packets can be large as they contain supplemental attachments for each agenda item.
To view a live broadcast of an in-progress meeting, you can click on the “In Progress” link in the Video column for that meeting. NOT all Board and Commission meetings are video or audio recorded.
Please note that the majority of the Boards and Commissions consist of community volunteers who meet on an as-needed basis. While the County encourages the members to provide this public access, regularly posted agendas and minutes may not always be available.
Board of Supervisors
See a filtered view of the calendar, with only information about recent Board of Supervisors meetings. You can filter for a different meeting body as well.
Video Archive
Browse our video or audio meetings archive available online. You may find some records here that are not available on our Calendar page as we originally maintained these records separately.
Sign Up For Alerts
To create an Alert please Sign In or Sign Up if you need an account. After creating an Alert you can edit or delete it by going to My Account.
Note: Alerts are email notifications from alerts-noreply@legistar.com. If you don't see the alert email in your inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folders.
Your Alert is built on the terms entered and selected in the search section of the Meeting Calendar page. Even if your search does not produce immediate results, you can create an alert for the search terms. Any alerts you create will send you emails if your search terms are added to the content on the Meeting Calendar page.
- Click the Alerts button, after you run a search from the Meeting Calendar page. The Alerts button is located on the right-hand side of the Meeting Calendar page. Sign In or Sign Up if you need an account.
- Edit the Alert Name; this will appear as the subject of the email you receive. (Optional)
- Confirm the Search Terms, Time Period, and Department parameters are correct. To change them, return to the Meeting Calendar interface and generate a new search.
- Select an occurrence of how often you would like to receive an alert.
- Confirm the email address is correct; this should be the email address associated with your user login.
- Enter a secondary email address in the CC field. (Optional)
- Click the Add Alert button.
Your Alert is built on the Meeting Details from a meeting displayed on the Meeting Calendar page. After selecting the Meeting Calendar tab > List View tab, select the Meeting Details link of a particular meeting. Alerts will then send you emails if changes are made to the Meeting Details of the selected meeting.
- Click the Alerts button, after you select the Meeting Details link associated with a meeting from the Meeting Calendar interface. The Alerts button is located on the right-hand side of the Meeting Calendar page. Sign In or Sign Up if you need an account.
- Edit the Alert Name; this will appear as the subject of the email you receive. (Optional)
- Confirm the Meeting parameters are correct. To change them, return to the Meeting Calendar interface and select a new Meeting Details link.
- Select an occurrence of how often you would like to receive an alert.
- Confirm the email address is correct; this should be the email address associated with your user login.
- Enter a secondary email address in the CC field. (Optional)
- Click the Add Alert button.
Your Alert is built on the terms entered and selected in the search section of the Search Agenda Items page. Even if your search does not produce immediate results, you can create an alert for the search terms. Any alerts you create will send you emails if your search terms are added to the Agenda Items page.
- Click the Alerts button, after you run a search from the Search Agenda Items interface. The Alerts button is located on the right-hand side of the Search Agenda Items page. Sign In or Sign Up if you need an account.
- Edit the Alert Name; this will appear as the subject of the email you receive. (Optional)
- Confirm the Search Terms, Time Period, and Type are correct. To change them, return to the Search Agenda Item page and generate a new search.
- Select an occurrence of how often you would like to receive an alert.
- Confirm the email address is correct; this should be the email address associated with your user login.
- Enter a secondary email address in the CC field. (Optional)
- Click the Add Alert button.
Your Alert is built on a particular Agenda Item Legislative File. Select Search Agenda Items and click Search Legislation. All of the stored Legislative Files will display. You can also enter search terms to limit your Legislative File results. Select a particular Legislative File ID on which to build your Alert. If the selected Agenda Item Legislative File is ever updated, you’ll receive notification.
- Click the Alerts button, after you select an Agenda Item Legislative File ID from the Search Agenda Items page. The Alerts button is located on the right-hand side of the Search Agenda Items page. Sign In or Sign Up if you need an account.
- Edit the Alert Name; this will appear as the subject of the email you receive. (Optional)
- Confirm the Agenda Item Legislative File displayed in Search Terms is correct. To change them, return to the Search Agenda Items page and generate a new search.
- Select an occurrence of how often you would like to receive an alert.
- Confirm the email address is correct; this should be the email address associated with your user login.
- Enter a secondary email address in the CC field. (Optional)
- Click the Add Alert button.
To find out more about the Clerk of the Board please visit our main page: https://www.co.monterey.ca.us/government/departments-a-h/clerk-of-the-board/.