Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a Lease Agreement, effective upon mutual execution, with Westat, Inc. for a Term of Five (5) Months for the use of “Building G” approximately 2,880 square feet of “Office” space and a 10,000 square foot “Pad” located at 855 E. Laurel Drive Salinas, California 93901.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a Lease Agreement, effective upon mutual execution, with Westat, Inc. for a Term of five (5) Months for the use of “Building G” approximately 2,880 square feet of “Office” space and a 10,000 square foot “Pad” located at 855 E. Laurel Drive Salinas, California 93901.
Currently “Building G” at the Laurel Public Works Yard is vacant. The space was occupied by the Monterey County Parks Department, and is no longer needed with Parks staff relocated to Schilling Place. The proposed Lessee will occupy the vacant building and pay five (5) months of rent upfront, along with associated Utility Reimbursements and Fees outlined in the Lease. The Lessee will also, at their cost, place 4”- 6” of base rock, and install temporary and permanant utilities near the Fuel Station at the Laurel Yard to accommodate the Lessee’s four (4) Mobile Examination Trailers. This project will provide an improved pad which may be used for overflow parking, amongst other uses at the Laurel Yard once the Lease is terminated.
This Lease will support the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) program. NHANES is a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. This program combines interviews and physical examinations. NHANES is a major program of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) which is responsible for producing vital and health statistics for the nation.
The NHANES program began in the early 1960s and has been conducted as a series of surveys focusing on different population groups or health topics. In 1999, the survey became a continuous program that has a changing focus on a variety of health and nutrition measurements to meet emerging needs. The survey examines a nationally representative sample of about 5,000 people each year. Subjects are located in counties across the country, 15 counties are visited each year.
The NHANES interview includes demographic, socioeconomic, dietary, and health-related questions. The examination component consists of medical, dental, and physiological measurements, as well as laboratory tests administered by highly trained medical personnel.
Findings from this survey will be used to determine the prevalence of major diseases and risk factors for diseases. Information will be used to assess nutritional status and its association with health promotion and disease prevention. NHANES findings are also the basis for national standards for such measurements as height, weight, and blood pressure.
Data from this survey will be used in epidemiological studies and health sciences research which help develop sound public health policy, direct and design health programs and services, and expand the health knowledge of the nation.
The Resource Management Agency facilitated negotiations, developed the Lease, and the Report. The Health Deparment held the initial meeting and introduced WESTAT and the CDCP to the County of Monterey. The Office of the County Counsel approved the Lease as to form, Risk Management approved the insurance and indemnification provisions, and the Auditor Controller approved the fiscal provisions.
Approval of this Lease will result in $64,000 dollars in rental income. Income derived from this Lease will be deposited in the Property Management Unit within the RMA 001-3000-8481-RMA103. Lessee will reimburse the County for their ultiilites. Tenant improvements, totaling approximately $55,000 will be borne by the Lessee and provide some permanent improvements to County property. There should be no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this recommendation.
This project represents operational improvements at, and effective use of, County facilities. The new electrical infrastructure, and aggregate base pad will allow for future use of either parking, possibly a new facility, or even emergency operations in the form of a temporary trailer. The support of the NHANES project itself will provide medical knowledge as provided for in the discussion above, to advance human health. This Lease will also employ local contractors in the area to facilitate operations and will provide the County with additional revenue, contributing to the economic development of our community.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
X Economic Development
X Administration
X Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
__Public Safety
Prepared by: Brett Fulgoni, Real Property Specialist (831) 755-8912
Approved by: Shawne Ellerbee RMA Deputy Director of Finance and Administration
Approved by: Carl P. Holm, AICP, Resource Management Agency Director
Attachment A -Lease
Attachment B - Location Map
(Attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board)