a. Authorize the Chair to sign and submit a Letter of Interest to the Board of State and Community Corrections for participation in the Community Recidivism Reduction Grant;
b. Accept funding in the amount of $50,000 for FY 15-16;
c. Accept future funding, should it become available through the same grant; and
d. Distribute these funds to service providers as specified in statute.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a.) Authorize the Chair to sign and submit a Letter of Interest to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) for participation in the Community Recidivism Reduction Grant;
b.) Accept funding in the amount of $50,000 for FY 15-16;
c.) Accept future funding, should it become available through the same grant; and
d.) Distribute these funds to service providers as specified in statute.
The Budget Act of 2015 (Chapter 11, Statutes of 2015) allocates $4 million statewide to the Board of State and Community Corrections for the Community Recidivism Reduction Grant described in Penal Code section 1233.10.
Each county Board of Supervisors (BOS) must notify the BSCC of its intention to participate in this grant program by sending a Letter of Interest by September 30, 2015, indicating that the Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) is also in agreement.
California Penal Code Section 1233.10 (a) (2) identifies the funding distribution by County, based on population. Monterey will receive a total of $50,000 for community recidivism and crime reduction services to adult and juvenile populations, including, but not limited to, delinquency prevention, homelessness prevention, and reentry services.
Counties must award its grant dollars through a competitive process to a nongovernmental entity or a consortium or coalition of nongovernmental entities that provide community recidivism and crime reduction services to persons who have been released from state prison, a county jail, or a juvenile detention facility, who are under the supervision of a parole or probation department, or any other person at risk of becoming involved in criminal activities.
Counties may also allocate FY 15-16 funding to those service providers who competed for the FY 14-15 funding. The maximum allocation to each service provider is $25,000; County administrative costs for managing the grant are allowed by statute up to 5%.
Counties interested in receiving their grant allocation must submit a Letter of Interest to BSCC by September 30, 2015.
Counties will also be required to collect and submit data to BSCC, according to established reporting cycles.
The Community Corrections Partnership has approved submitting the Letter of Interest and collaborating with the BOS to award funding to providers in compliance with statutory regulations.
Pursuant to PC 1233.10, Monterey County is eligible to receive a total of $50,000 to be disbursed, over a maximum of 4 years, to multiple nongovernmental entities for the provision of recidivism and crime reduction services to juvenile or adult target populations. Pursuant to PC 1233.10 (e) (1) (C), the total amount awarded to each service provider cannot exceed $25,000 for a mid-size county such as Monterey.
There is no additional County General Fund Contribution (GFC) associated with the current recommended action.
Prepared by: Marisa Fiori, Management Analyst III, ext. 1100
Approved by: Marcia Parsons, Chief Probation Officer, ext. 3913
Draft Letter of Interest