File #: A 22-566    Name: Alisal MOU
Type: BoS Agreement Status: Public Works, Facilities & Parks - Consent
File created: 10/26/2022 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 11/8/2022 Final action: 11/8/2022
Title: Adopt a Resolution to: a. Approve the 2022 Alisal Memorandum of Understanding (Alisal MOU) with the City of Salinas regarding the mutual planning of government services and facilities in East Salinas; and b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Adopted Budget, General Fund, Fund 001, Facility Services Appropriation Unit PFP054, by increasing appropriations by $50,000, financed by the release of $50,000 from the Cannabis Tax Assignment (BSA 001-3132) (4/5ths vote required);
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Attachment A - City and County Draft Alisal MOU, 3. Attachment B - Proposed Resolution, 4. Attachment B - Proposed Resolution, 5. Completed Board Order Item No. 66, 6. Completed Resolution Item No. 66


Adopt a Resolution to:

a. Approve the 2022 Alisal Memorandum of Understanding (Alisal MOU) with the City of Salinas regarding the mutual planning of government services and facilities in East Salinas; and

b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Adopted Budget, General Fund, Fund 001, Facility Services Appropriation Unit PFP054, by increasing appropriations by $50,000, financed by the release of $50,000 from the Cannabis Tax Assignment (BSA 001-3132) (4/5ths vote required);



It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to:

a.                     Approve the 2022 Alisal Memorandum of Understanding (Alisal MOU) with the City of Salinas regarding the mutual planning of government services and facilities in East Salinas; and

b.                     Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Adopted Budget, General Fund, Fund 001, Facility Services Appropriation Unit PFP054, by increasing appropriations by $50,000, financed by the release of $50,000 from the Cannabis Tax Assignment (BSA 001-3132) (4/5ths vote required);



The 2022 Alisal MOU outlines an agreed upon approach for the City and County to coordinate planning activities for the Alisal Vibrancy Plan (AVP) implementation, which is a Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiative and City Council Economic Development Goal Strategy (2022-2025), and to commit staff and financial resources to undertake identified planning activities.  The three (3) primary areas of coordinating and planning are:


1.                     Development of a Division Avenue Opportunity Site Master Plan Concept;

2.                     Creation of mobility and connectivity to and between parks, government facilities and services; and

3.                     Coordination of resources and expansion of health and mental health services.


The term of the Alisal MOU is five (5) years, expiring September 30, 2027.  The terms of the Alisal MOU require that an annual review, including an update on the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit A to the MOU), be presented to the Board of Supervisors in October of each year.  The proposed Alisal MOU is provided as an attachment to this report.  This report provides a summary of the MOU terms and provisions.  


Should the Board of Supervisors authorize the execution of the MOU it is further recommended that the Board authorize $50,000 from the Cannabis Tax Assignment to cover the County’s portion of Master Planning Activities expenses. 




In November 2019, the City of Salinas City Council unanimously adopted the Alisal Vibrancy Plan (AVP) as a strategic planning document for the Alisal neighborhood in East Salinas. The AVP priorities focus on the production of affordable housing, safe pedestrian and bicycle access to community parks, government facilities and services, and increased health and mental health services in the Alisal. 


In March 2022, the City/County Joint MOU Ad Hoc Committee (Committee) expressed an interest in the Alisal neighborhood as an area of joint coordinated planning to meet the recommendations identified in the AVP and support the County Board of Supervisor’s Strategic Initiatives.   On April 18, 2022, the Committee toured the Division Avenue Opportunity site in the Alisal (Exhibit B to the MOU).  This area consists of multiple developed and undeveloped parcels owned by the City and three (3) adjacent County owned parcels that are developed and under development.  In June 2022, the Committee directed staff to develop the Alisal MOU focused on planning and coordination efforts in the Alisal neighborhood.


On September 23, 2022, City and County staff presented the draft Alisal MOU outlining the objectives, areas of joint planning activities and a schedule of performance (Exhibit A to the Alisal MOU) to the Committee.  The Committee directed staff bring forth to the respective Board and Council for consideration with a recommendation to adopt and implement the Alisal MOU.


Alisal MOU Objectives

The 2022 Alisal MOU has three (3) primary areas of focus for County and City planning for coordination and collaboration:  1) affordable housing, 2) mobility and connectivity, and 3) increased health and mental health services.


Division Avenue Opportunity Site Planning Activities

Per Section I of the proposed Alisal MOU, the County and City (Parties) agree to work collaboratively to undertake feasibility and planning activities (Planning Activities) for the City and County owned parcels.  A map of the Division Avenue Opportunity Site and a listing of property ownership is provided as Exhibit B to the Alisal MOU.   The City will lead Planning Activities for design and development of City owned parcels identified as “Phase I” and the County will be lead for design and development of County owned parcels identified as “Phase II”.  The Parties agree to coordinate master planning efforts to ensure maximum production of affordable housing, associated amenities and government and community services.  Key provisions include the following:



A.                     The Parties will designate staff who will meet at least monthly to: a) jointly develop project goals, objectives and actions; b) share Planning Activity progress and expenditure reports; and c) jointly develop proposals and scopes of work for a Master Plan Concept for Phase I and Phase II.

B.                     The Parties will contribute fifty percent (50%) each of the cost for a Master Plan Concept development, as outlined in Exhibit A of the MOU for a combined total, not to exceed amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2022-2033, of which the County will contributed up to $50,000 to fund its portion of Planning Activity costs.

C.                     The parties agree to individually fund staff time for the roles and responsibilities outlined in the MOU and Exhibit B to said MOU.  Staff shall identify, pursue, and administer funding in support of Planning Activities.

D.                     The City of Salinas agrees to lead and coordinate Phase 1 Planning activities and the County of Monterey agrees to concurrently take lead and coordinate Phase II Planning Activities.


Exhibit A to the MOU is a Schedule of Performance which includes a list of Planning Activities, identifies the lead party for implementation, and provides estimated completion dates.


Mobility and Connectivity

Section II of the MOU calls for the Parties to collaborate to improve and expand a pedestrian and bicycle network that provides for attractive, safe and convenient pedestrian crossing, linkages, trials, and green/open spaces between and among government facilities, city parks, and primary commercial corridors consistent with the AVP.


Coordination of Resources and Expansion of Services

Section III of the MOU identifies increased access to and expansion of health and mental health services as a priority.  The Parties agree to coordinate and collaborate on opportunities to improve access to and increase the availability of mental health, physical health, and social services resources and activities.  This includes, but is not limited to, coordinating, and facilitating the implementation of AVP recommendations to increase the number of locations, expand hour hours, and improve ease of access and the provision of bilingual and bicultural services.  Coordination activities may also include dedicating and leveraging of resources to further public health through, public art, farmers markets, and coordination of resources to respond to emergency situations.


Schedule of Performance

The County identified specific planning activities within the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit A of the MOU) to identify needed services to meet the MOU key objectives.  Key planning Activities include:


A.                     Coordination with County departments to identify their capital project needs in the Alisal neighborhood in the five (5) year Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

B.                     Secure funding and complete the Youth Facility Consolidation study.

C.                     Present the 5-year CIP to identify capital project priority and potential funding needs for the Board of Supervisors consideration.

D.                     Complete the Alisal integrated health clinic at 331 N. Sanborn Road.



Section 15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines states that when it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question, in this case the adoption of an MOU, may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA.  This MOU outlines the City and County’s intent for planning and policy coordination for the Alisal area in East Salinas.  If recommended policies or actions progress to a “project” level further CEQA analysis will be required to address potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. 



Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP) has worked collaboratively with Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), County Health Department (Health), Department of Social Services (DSS) and other County staff (as appropriate) attend monthly City/County coordination meetings and along with City staff contributed to the development of identified focus area objectives, Planning Activities, and the Schedule of Performance.  The City/County MOU Ad Hoc Committee meet quarterly to review and advise staff on the areas of coordination and review and advise on the schedule of performance.



The Alisal MOU terms outlines in Exhibit A, states that the Parties will contribute fifty percent (50%) each of the cost for a Mater Plan Concept, not to exceed amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, of which the County will contribute up to $50,000 to fund its portion of Planning Activity costs.  The FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget does not include funding for this project.  Cannabis Tax Assignment has been identified as a possible funding source.  Cannabis Tax Assignment has an available balance of $5,893,934. The cost of the master plan concept would reduce the available balance of the Cannabis Tax Assignment to $5,843,934.



Approving the MOU supports the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Initiatives for Infrastructure and Economic Development through the coordination of resources and public services between the City and the County in east Salinas.


  X                                          Economic Development

___                     Administration

___                     Health & Human Services

  X                                           Infrastructure

___                     Public Safety



Prepared by:   Lindsay Lerable, Chief of Facilities 831-755-5061

Reviewed by: Tom Bonigut, PE, Assistant Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks

                                                    Jessica Cordiero-Martinez, Finance Manger

Approved by: Randell Ishii, MS, PE, TE, PTOE, Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks



Attachment A - City and County Alisal MOU

Attachment B - Proposed Resolution