Adopt Resolution to:
a. Amend the FY 2024-25 Natividad Medical Center Adopted Budget (Fund 451-Dept. 9600-Unit 8358-Appropriation Unit NMC001) to reallocate three (3) Administrative Secretary-Confidential positions to two (2) Administrative Services Assistant positions and one (1) Administrative Services Manager as indicated in Attachment A effective February 22, 2025;
b. Authorize and direct the Human Resources Department to designate the reallocated positions as confidential positions in accordance with the applicable provisions of the County of Monterey Employer-Employee Relations Resolution; and
c. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes into the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors consider adopting a Resolution to:
a. Amend the FY 2024-25 Natividad Medical Center Adopted Budget (Fund 451-Dept. 9600-Unit 8358-Appropriation Unit NMC001) to reallocate three (3) Administrative Secretary-Confidential positions to two (2) Administrative Services Assistant positions and one (1) Administrative Services Manager as indicated in Attachment A effective February 22, 2025;
b. Authorize and direct the Human Resources Department to designate the reallocated positions as confidential positions in accordance with the applicable provisions of the County of Monterey Employer-Employee Relations Resolution; and
c. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes into the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
Natividad Medical Center (NMC) is seeking consideration from the Board of Supervisors to adopt a Resolution to reallocate three (3) Administrative Secretary-Confidential positions to two (2) Administrative Services Assistant positions and one (1) Administrative Services Manager position to re-organize the administrative services support structure for the executive level administrative team. It is recommended that after reallocation, the positions be designated as confidential pursuant to Section II.C of the County of Monterey Employer-Employee Relations Resolution, as defined below:
“CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEE means an employee, who, in the course of his or her duties, has access to information relating to the County's administration of employer-employee relations, is required to develop or present management positions with respect to employer-employee relations, or whose duties normally require access to confidential information that is used to contribute significantly to the development of management positions, and is designated by the County Administrative Officer as confidential.”
The Monterey County Office of County Counsel has reviewed this recommendation.
The salary and benefits increased costs for the current positions (3.0 FTE vacant) budgeted for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024-25 is approximately $15,970 and then $20,761 annually thereafter. The funding for personnel costs is provided by Natividad Medical Center’s enterprise fund comprised of patient services revenues received from commercial insurance, state, and federal government agencies. Funding will be provided from NMC’s Enterprise Fund 451-9600-6111.
The proposed recommended actions address the Board of Supervisors Administration Strategic Initiative. The actions demonstrate the County’s commitment to meeting the Board’s initiatives in recruiting, retaining, and attracting a diverse, talented workforce that supports the mission of Monterey County.
__Economic Development
X Administration
__Health & Human Services
__Public Safety
Prepared by: Janine Bouyea, Hospital Assistant Administrator, (831) 783-2701
Approved by: Dr. Charles Harris, Hospital Chief Executive Officer, (831) 783-2553
Attachment A