a. Ratify the submittal of three grant applications to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funds for bicycle/pedestrian projects;
b. Authorize the RMA Director or RMA Deputy Director of Administrative Services to act as the agent for the County in processing all documentation to secure these funds; and
c. Direct the Resource Management Agency (RMA) to return to the Board for approval prior to acceptance of any grant award(s).
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Ratify the submittal of three grant applications to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funds for bicycle/pedestrian projects;
b. Authorize the RMA Director or RMA Deputy Director of Administrative Services to act as the agent for the County in processing all documentation to secure these funds; and
c. Direct the Resource Management Agency (RMA) to return to the Board for approval prior to acceptance of any grant award(s).
The current procedure for processing grant applications requires approval and authorization by the Board of Supervisors prior to submittal of a grant application. The ability to act quickly when grant opportunities present themselves is critical to securing grant funds and avoids the potential of losing future grant opportunities. In the process of announcing and making grant application materials available, Grantors often do not provide the time needed to both prepare all of the grant documentation and present a completed grant application through the board report administrative review process. Due to these challenges, the RMA informed the Board of Supervisors about the re-submittal of three ATP grant applications via memo on July 26, 2017. Applications were due on August 1, 2017.
Senate Bill (SB) 1 was signed by the Governor on April 28, 2017 directing $100 million annually from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to the ATP beginning in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. The 2017 ATP Augmentation is funded from the approximately $200 million allocated from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to the ATP in fiscal years 2017-18 and 2018-19. Distribution is scheduled into the Statewide Component, the Small Urban & Rural component, and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Component. Fund eligibility for the 2017 ATP Augmentation is being made available to projects programmed in the adopted 2017 ATP that can be delivered earlier than currently programmed and projects that applied for funding in the 2017 ATP but were not selected for funding. A call for projects occurred on June 30, 2017 and project submittals to the Commission are due
August 1, 2017.
Monterey County Resource Management Agency Public Works & Facilities Division (RMA) previously submitted three projects for funding in the 2017 ATP grant cycle under the authority of the Board action taken on July 19, 2016 to authorize the RMA Director or his designee to act as the agent to secure funding. The following three projects were ranked but were not selected and did not receive funding. The RMA re-submitted the applications for all 3:
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail (MBSST) - Moss Landing Segment Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Bridge Project -
This project consists of the installation of a Class I bicycle path approximately 0.84-mile long from the North Harbor (northwest of the existing State Highway 1 Bridge) to Moss Landing Road and a 386 foot long bicycle/pedestrian bridge over the Elkhorn Slough (parallel to the existing State Highway 1 Bridge). The total project cost is $12.4 million. The County has secured $4.3 million in Local, State, and Federal grant funds. A $1.5 million State Coastal Conservancy grant is pending. Through the subject ATP grant application, the County is requesting the difference of $6.6 million in ATP grant funds to fully fund the project.
Las Lomas Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Project -
This project consists of the completion of environmental (NEPA), right of way, and design phases. It also consists of the construction of curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, water treatment, retaining walls, and Class II bicycle lanes along Las Lomas Drive from Hall Road to Thomas Road and portions of Sill Road approximately 0.25 mile long. The total project cost is $2.9 million. The County has secured $365k in Local grant funds. Through the subject application, the County is requesting $2.9 million in ATP grant funds to fully fund the project.
San Ardo and San Lucas Schools Pedestrian Improvements Project -
This project consists of the construction of 1.03 miles of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on one side of selected streets in the communities of San Ardo and San Lucas, installation of corresponding pavement marking and signing, and pedestrian activated beacons at two (2) crosswalks. Through the subject application, the County is requesting the full amount of the project costs of $1.3 million in ATP grant funds.
The project scopes and budgets for the 3 submittals have not changed from what the Board ratified on July 19, 2016. These grant applications also do not require local match or obligation of County funds.
In the event that any of the grants are awarded to the County, RMA will present the project(s) and grant(s) to the Board of Supervisors for approval prior to acceptance of the award.
RMA coordinated with Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) and the County of Monterey Health Department.
These grant applications do not require local match or obligation of County funds. Grant funds, if awarded, will fund One Hundred Percent (100%) of the project costs as proposed in the grant applications.
The proposed projects support the initiative to improve public safety by providing sidewalks and bike paths.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
Economic Development
Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
X Public Safety
Prepared by: Christine Poe, Management Analyst II, (831) 755-5399
Approved by: Enrique Saavedra, Acting Chief of Roads and Bridges
Approved by: Carl P. Holm, AICP, RMA Director
The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A - Memo
Attachment B - Las Lomas
Attachment C - San Ardo
Attachment D - Moss Landing