File #: ORD 24-021    Name: PLN210053 – GRIMES CHRISTOPHER TR
Type: Ordinance Status: Scheduled PM
File created: 6/21/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/9/2024 Final action:
Title: PLN210053 - GRIMES CHRISTOPHER TR Public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance to add a Historic Resources "HR" combining district overlay to an approximately 5.71 acre property, changing the zoning from Rural Density Residential with a density of 40 acres per unit with a Design Control overlay (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D (CZ)] to Rural Density Residential with a density of 40 acres per unit with Design Control and Historic Resources overlays (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D-HR(CZ)]. Project Location: 51410 Partington Ridge Road, Big Sur (Assessor's Parcel Number 420-221-011-000), Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone. Proposed California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") action: Find the project qualifies for Class 31 categorical exemptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15331.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Attachment A - Zoning Administrator Resolution 22-003, 3. Attachment B - Combined Phase I and II Historic Report, 4. Attachment C - Historic Register Listing, 5. Attachment D - Draft Ordinance, 6. Attachment E - Planning Commission Resolution 24-016, 7. Attachment F - Re-Zoning Request Letter, 8. Item No. 14 Presentation, 9. Completed Board Order Item No. 14, 10. Ordinance No. 5421



Public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance to add a Historic Resources “HR” combining district overlay to an approximately 5.71 acre property, changing the zoning from Rural Density Residential with a density of 40 acres per unit with a Design Control overlay (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D (CZ)] to Rural Density Residential with a density of 40 acres per unit with Design Control and Historic Resources overlays (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D-HR(CZ)].

Project Location: 51410 Partington Ridge Road, Big Sur (Assessor's Parcel Number 420-221-011-000), Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone.

Proposed California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) action: Find the project qualifies for Class 31 categorical exemptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15331.



It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:

a. Find the project qualifies for Class 31 categorical exemptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15331, and that none of the exceptions from section 15300.2 apply; and

b. Adopt an ordinance amending Section 48 of the Sectional District Maps of Section 20.08.060 of Title 20 (Monterey County Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Monterey County Code to reclassify a 5.71 acre parcel located directly east of Highway 1 on Partington Ridge Road, respectively, from Rural Density Residential, 40 Acres to a unit, with a Design Control Overlay (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D(CZ)] to Rural Density Residential, 40 Acres to a unit, with a Design Control and Historic Resources District Overlay (Coastal Zone)[RDR/40-D-HR(CZ)].



Owner: Christopher Grimes Tr

Agent: Christopher Grimes

APN: 420-221-011-000

Zoning: Rural Density Residential with a density of 40 acres per unit with a Design Control overlay (Coastal Zone) [RDR/40-D (CZ)]

Parcel Size: 5.71 acres

Plan Area: Big Sur Land Use Plan

Flagged and Staked: N/A

Planner: Edgar Sanchez, Assistant Planner

(831) 783-7058




On January 13, 2022, the Monterey County Zoning Administrator approved a Combined Development Permit (Attachment A) for a parcel located on 51410 Partington Ridge Road, Big Sur. The proposed project had three primary components: remodel of an existing historic home; construction of a new detached garage and workshop; and construction of a new onsite wastewater treatment system to serve both the home and workshop.


The historic report (Attachment B) identified the home on the site as a historic resource, as it represents an example of the Wrightian Organic “Usonian” style. The term Usonian typically refers to group of approximately sixty homes designed by Wright beginning in 1934, as a form of residential architecture intended to be affordable to middle class Americans and employing his concepts of organic architecture. The building meets County Historic Preservation Review Criterion A.5 (Monterey County Code Section 18.25.070.A.5) since the building’s architecture is from the work of master architect Rowan Maiden who studied under Frank Lloyd Wright beginning in 1939. The home is known as the “Donald G. Thompson” house and is the last know example of Maiden’s work.


In accordance with the requirements of the Big Sur Coastal Implementation Plan Section 20.145.110(C)(4), Condition No. 11 in Resolution No. 22-003 requires the owner request the parcel be rezoned combining the Historic Resources (HR) District with the parcel’s existing zoning in order to protect, maintain, enhance, and restore Big Sur Coast cultural resources. This condition shall be applied prior to the issuance of building or grading permits. According to the file, the request was made by the applicant on August 20, 2022. Therefore, staff are bringing the re-zoning request forward to be processed.


Title 20 of the Monterey County Code is the County’s coastal zoning ordinance, which is Part 1 of our Coastal Implementation Plan. While most amendments to the Coastal Implementation Plan require certification by the California Coastal Commission prior to going into effect, Monterey County Code Section 20.94.042 states that zoning designation reclassifications constituting an amendment to Title 20 and initiated for the purpose of preserving or enhancing the coastal resources including adding any "B", "A", "HR", "Z" overlay zoning designations shall not require certification by the Coastal Commission.


After issuance of this Coastal Development Permit, on December 6, 2022, the Board of Supervisors also added the property to the Monterey County Register of Historic Resources and approved a Mills Act contract for the property (a historic property contract which reduces the property tax obligation in exchange for a commitment to rehabilitate and maintain the historic property). The historic register listing is included as Attachment C. This re-zoning would not affect either the listing or contract.


The item before the Board today is consideration of adoption of an ordinance (Attachment D) that would effectuate the zoning changes contemplated in Condition No. 11 in Resolution No. 22-003.  On May 29, 2024, at a noticed public hearing, the Monterey County Planning Commission recommended that the Board adopt the draft ordinance.  (Attachment E).  Certification by the California Coastal Commission is not required in this instance because Monterey County Coastal Implementation Plan Section 20.94.042 states that zoning designation reclassifications constituting an amendment to Title 20 and initiated for the purpose of preserving or enhancing the coastal resources including adding any "B", "A", "HR", "Z" overlay zoning designations shall not require certification by the Coastal Commission.  As such, if the Board adopts this ordinance, it will become effective 31 days after adoption. 



This project qualifies as a categorical exemption from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15331. Exemption 15331 applies to projects for the preservation of historical resources in a manner consistent with Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (1995), Weeks and Grimmer. The establishment of the Historic Resources District Overlay on the parcel is consistent preservation of Historical Resources. None of the exceptions under CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply to this project.

                     The location of a project site is not within any areas where an environmental resources of hazardous or critical concern has been mapped by a government agency;

                     The project would not result in a significant cumulative effect over successive projects;

                     The project does not have any unusual circumstance that would cause a significant effect to the environment;

                     The project would not cause damage to scenic resources within view of a state scenic highway;

                     The project is not on a hazardous waste site listed pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code; and

                     The project would not cause a substantial adverse change to a historical resource. The proposed project would preserve identified historic home through the Historic Resources District Overlay.



The Office of the County Counsel has reviewed and approved the ordinance as to form. No other departments or agencies were involved in processing this re-zoning request.



Funding for staff time associated with this re-zoning is included in the FY2023-24 HCD Adopted Budget, Appropriation Unit HCD002 Unit 8543. This staff time is recovered through a condition compliance deposit fee paid on April 4, 2024 (Receipt No. 1082754).


Prepared by: Edgar Sanchez, Assistant Planner, x7058

Reviewed by: Phil Angelo, Senior Planner (Working out of Class)

Approved by: Melanie Beretti, AICP, Acting Chief of Planning


The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board:

Attachment A - Zoning Administrator Resolution 22-003

Attachment B - Combined Phase I and II Historic Report

Attachment C - Historic Register Listing

Attachment D - Draft Ordinance

Attachment E - Planning Commission Resolution 24-016

Attachment F - Re-zoning Request Letter


cc:  Front Counter Copy; Zoning Administrator; Christopher Grimes, applicant; The Open Monterey Project (Molly Erickson); LandWatch (Executive Director); Lozeau Drury LLP; Phil Angelo, Senior Planner (Working out of Class); Project File PLN210053