a. Approve and authorize the Equal Opportunity Officer to sign an Agreement with iSight for $22,500, to provide Case Management Software for the period of August 31, 2017, through August 31, 2020; and,
b. Approve the Equal Opportunity Officer’s recommendation to accept the non-standard warranties, termination, indemnification, and insurance requirement provisions of the Agreement.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Equal Opportunity Officer to sign an Agreement with iSight for $22,500.00, to provide Case Management Software for the period of August 31, 2017, through August 31, 2020; and
b. Approve the Equal Opportunity Officer’s recommendation to accept the non-standard warranties, termination, indemnification, and insurance requirement provisions of the Agreement.
The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) administers a discrimination, harassment, and retaliation complaint process for employees, applicants for employment, and recipients of County services. Through the complaint process, the EOO investigates complaints of violation of federal and state statutes and County policies.
The Equal Opportunity Office currently does not have case management software to track complaints, relying instead on manual means.
iSight Case Management Software is an organizational tool that will allow the Equal Opportunity Office to manage investigations in a more efficient manner and to collect and analyze investigative data to manage risk and identify opportunities for improvement. Deploying case management software will allow the EOO to more efficiently manage its caseload by monitoring case progress, enforcing a consistent investigative process, providing early notice for cases that are off track, closing cases faster by creating investigation reports, understand the root cause of misconduct, reduce risk and forecast trends, and save time and money. In addition, iSight will allow the EOO to obtain statistical information for Managing for Performance, if needed in the future.
iSight agreed to use the County’s standard contract. However, as is common for software providers, they requested modifications to the warranties and indemnification clauses. Additionally, there are non-standard insurance provisions because iSight will not be performing any physical work in the State of California.
The Office of the County Counsel has reviewed and approved this Agreement as to legal form. The Auditor Controller Office has reviewed and approved as to payment provisions. Information Technology has been in contact with iSight to ensure the necessary compatibility with County’s network systems.
The total cost for this Agreement is not to exceed $22,500, of which $12,500 was included in the Fiscal Year 2017-18 adopted budget. Funding for future years of the Agreement will be included in those budgets, as appropriate. There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.
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Prepared by: Cynthia Juarez, Equal Opportunity Analyst, 759-6619
Approved by: Juan P. Rodriguez, Equal Opportunity Officer, 759-6614
iSight Agreement