a. Adopt a resolution to authorize the application for and acceptance of the Transitional Housing Program (THP) Round 6 in the amount of $389,766 and the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP) Round 3 in the amount of $63,527, to be expended as of two years from the “effective date” of the fully executed Standard Agreement, to help young adults who are 18 to 24 years of age secure and maintain housing, with priority given to former foster or probation youth; and
b. Affirm that if THP funds or HNMP funds remain available for allocation after the deadline for submitting a signed Allocation Acceptance Form, and if eligible, the County will authorize acceptance of this additional allocation of funds up to the amount authorized by the Department but not to exceed $779,532 (THP) and $172,054 (HNMP), respectively; and
c. Authorize the Director of Social Services, or designee, to act on behalf of the County in connection with the THP and HNMP allocation awards/allocations, and enter into, execute, and deliver any and all documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to participate in the THP and HNMP programs; and
d. Agree that the County shall be subject to the terms and conditions that are specified in the THP Round 6 and HNMP Round 3 Allocation Award documents and will use the funds in accordance with the Allocation Acceptance Form, award documents, amendments, requirements, or other applicable laws; and
e. Affirm that the County is authorized to accept either of the allocations independent of each other.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Adopt a resolution to authorize the application for and acceptance of the Transitional Housing Program (THP) Round 6 in the amount of $389,766 and the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP) Round 3 in the amount of $63,527, to be expended as of two years from the “effective date” of the fully executed Standard Agreement, to help young adults who are 18 to 24 years of age secure and maintain housing, with priority given to former foster or probation youth; and
b. Affirm that if THP funds or HNMP funds remain available for allocation after the deadline for submitting a signed Allocation Acceptance Form, and if eligible, the County will authorize acceptance of this additional allocation of funds up to the amount authorized by the Department but not to exceed $779,532 (THP) and $172,054 (HNMP), respectively; and
c. Authorize the Director of Social Services, or designee, to act on behalf of the County in connection with the THP and HNMP allocation awards/allocations, and enter into, execute, and deliver any and all documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to participate in the THP and HNMP programs; and
d. Agree that the County shall be subject to the terms and conditions that are specified in the THP Round 6 and HNMP Round 3 Allocation Award documents and will use the funds in accordance with the Allocation Acceptance Form, award documents, amendments, requirements, or other applicable laws; and
e. Affirm that the County is authorized to accept either of the allocations independent of each other.
Pursuant to item 2240-103-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2024 (Chapter 22 of the Statutes of 2024) and Chapter 11.8 (commencing with Section 50811) of Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC), the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is allocating funding to counties for the purpose of housing stability to help young adults 18 to 24 years of age, inclusive, secure and maintain housing, with priority given to young adults formerly in the foster care or probation systems. The allocation is based on each county's percentage of the total statewide number of young adults 18 through 20 years of age in foster care and homeless unaccompanied young adults (ages 18 through 24). The funds may be used to identify housing services, assist this population to secure or maintain housing, improve coordination of services, link to community resources, or provide outreach to target those with the most severe need.
Pursuant to item 2240-103-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2024 (Chapter 22 of the Statutes of 2024) and Chapter 11.8 (commencing with Section 50811) of Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC), the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is allocating funding to counties for the support of housing navigators to help young adults 18 years and up to 24 years of age, inclusive, secure and maintain housing, with priority given to young adults currently or formerly in the foster care system. The formula allocation is based on each county's percentage of the total statewide number of young adults 17 through 21 years of age in the foster care and probation system. The funds may be used to assist youth in securing housing, provide housing case management, homelessness prevention, and improved coordination of services and linkages to key resources across the community.
These are State allocations for $389,766 (THP) and $63,527 (HNMP), to be expended as of two years from the “effective date” of the fully executed Standard Agreement which will be sent after they have received the County Acceptance form. Appropriations and revenues will be incorporated into the Future FY 2025-26 budget cycle.
This agreement correlates to the Health & Human Services Strategic Initiative adopted by the Board of Supervisors by allowing the Department of Social Services to provide services to transitional age youth.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
___Economic Development
X Health & Human Services
__Public Safety
Prepared by: Chelsea Chacon, Management Analyst III, x8596
Approved by: Lori A. Medina, Director, x4430
Attachments: Resolution
Acceptance Form THP-R6 and HNMP-R3
Proposed resolution is on file with the Clerk of the Board as an attachment to this Board report.