Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Reestablish the County of Monterey as a Welcoming County for Immigrants and Refugees, and Declaring the County a Place of Trust and Safety for Immigrants; and,
b. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $25,000 to fund the placement of public service announcements in County Administrative Office- Communications (001-1050-CAO004-8597) financed by a decrease in appropriations in Contingencies, General Fund 001, Appropriation Unit CAO020 (4/5th vote)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to:
a. Reestablish the County of Monterey as a Welcoming County for Immigrants and Refugees, and Declaring the County a Place of Trust and Safety for Immigrants; and,
b. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $25,000 to fund the placement of public service announcements in the County Administrative Office- Communications (001-1050-CAO004-8597) financed by a decrease in appropriations in Contingencies, General Fund 001, Appropriation Unit CAO020.
On November 7, 2024, Board Referral 2024.15 (Alejo/Lopez) was issued, discussing President-Elect Donald Trump’s stated commitment to take drastic and severe actions against immigrants across our nation, including mass detentions and deportations. The County of Monterey has the highest percentage of immigrants in California, with 28.9% foreign-born. The referral sought the creation of an Immigrants’ Rights Ad Hoc Committee (Ad Hoc Committee) to facilitate bringing nonprofits, agriculture, hospitality, education, labor, local law enforcement, attorneys, healthcare, and other stakeholders together to help make recommendations, enhance communication, and deploy resources in defense and protection of our immigrant communities in Monterey County.
On December 3, 2024, the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the formation of the Ad Hoc Committee and directed staff to return with an updated Welcoming Resolution. The previous resolution was adopted by the Board in 2017 and is included as Exhibit A. Enclosed as Exhibit B is the updated resolution for the Board’s consideration.
The Board further directed staff to proceed with a comprehensive public education campaign entitled “Know Your Rights,” to inform about immigration rights. Staff has been working diligently to advance this effort by developing social media graphics, a resource webpage with downloadable materials, and printed informational cards for distribution to the community. An augmentation of $25,000 is being sought to fund the placement of public service announcements (PSAs) on local television and radio outlets. The PSAs will primarily target the Spanish-speaking population.
The County Administrative Office coordinated with the Office of County Counsel.
The recommended action would increase appropriations in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget for CAO-Communications for $25,000 financed by a decrease in appropriations in Contingencies, General Fund 001, Appropriation Unit CAO020
Prepared by: Karina Bokanovich, Management Analyst III
Approved by: Sonia M. De La Rosa, Chief Assistant County Administrative Officer
Attachment: Exhibit A - 2017 Resolution
Exhibit B - Updated Welcoming Resolution