Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve the Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission’s recommendation for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Funds to award $49,900;
b. Designate the grant applicants approved by the Board to receive the recommended funding award; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks or designee to execute required grant agreements with the applicants approved by the Board to receive a Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Fund Program award and to disburse the funding awards as delineated in Exhibit 1.
a. Approve the Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission’s recommendation for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Funds award;
b. Designate the grant applicants approved by the Board to receive the recommended funding award; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks or designee to execute required grant agreements with the applicants approved by the Board to receive a Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Fund Program award and to disburse the funding awards as delineated in Exhibit 1.
California Fish and Game Code Section 13100 (Code) establishes that fish and wildlife propagation funds be expended for the protection, conservation, propagation, and preservation of fish and wildlife resources, under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the Fish and Game Code. Funds are received through various State of California Fish and Wildlife fines issued by Game Wardens as well as court fees and case settlements. The Code defines the purposes for which a county may award fish and wildlife propagation grant funds (PGF) (Attachment A). PGF funds are intended to provide financial resources to qualified agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals working to protect, preserve, enhance, and promote fish and wildlife resources. County distribution of propagation funds is subject to State audit.
The Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission (Commission) was formed on April 28, 1981, by the Board of Supervisors (Board) through Resolution #81-239 relative to the preservation and propagation of fish and wildlife, use of fish and game propagation funds, and investigate and evaluate proposals for projects intended to enhance and protect fish and wildlife (Attachment B). Board Resolution 81-239 requires all expenditures using these grant funds be approved by the Board.
The Department of Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP) issued a solicitation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 PGF applications, with applications due on November 1, 2024. The solicitation was advertised in general-circulation newspapers throughout the County. Eleven applications were received in response to the solicitation, with grant requests totaling $63,311. The projects are summarized in Exhibit 1 to the draft Resolution (Exhibit 1).
On December 10, 2024, the Commission reviewed the FY 2024-25 PGF applications and compiled a funding recommendation for the Board. The Commission adjusted some applicant requests to fund allowable activities only or allocate the award amount to available funding. FY 2024-25 grant project descriptions are attached as Attachment C).
The Commission budgeted $50,000 for the FY 2024-25 PGF. Following Board approval, awarded applicants will enter into a grant agreement with the County. Awarded applicants must submit a final report detailing how the funds were spent. The Commission’s funding recommendation totaled $49,900, leaving a balance of $100. Staff recommends the $100 balance remain in Fund 006 for future grant awards.
The Commission requested staff: 1) to prepare the report for Board approval and 2) to make funding award adjustments should funds not be awarded. Staff prepared a draft Resolution (Attachment D) to award $49,900 of PGF to 11 applicants for FY 2024-25 for the Board’s consideration. The Commission’s recommendation is detailed in Exhibit 1 to Attachment D.
PWFP requests the Board: 1) approve the Commission’s recommendation for awards; 2) adopt a resolution designating Board approval of the grant applicants and the funding recommended; and 3) approve and authorize the PWFP Director or designee to execute the grant agreements approved for FY 2024-25 PGF awards and to disburse the funding awards set forth in Exhibit 1.
The Office of County Counsel reviewed and approved the process for consistency with Board Resolution 81-239 and the Code. The Commission received presentations from the applicants seeking propagation grant funds and requested staff to bring this item to the Board for approval.
The FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget for Fish and Game Fund 006, Appropriation Unit PFP059, includes $50,000 allocated for propagation grants. The Commission recommends a total grant award of $49,900 for eleven projects. If the recommended awards are approved by the Board, the projected FY 2024-25 ending fund balance will be $25,923.
The recommendation supports the Board of Supervisors Economic Development Strategic Initiatives. By funding qualified projects and programs designed to protect and improve ecological resources, the daily lives of Monterey County residents are enriched, and visitors are drawn to the area for recreation and sport activities, which in turn stimulates the local economy.
X Economic Development
Health & Human Services
Public Safety
Prepared by: Bryan Flores, Chief of Parks (831) 755-4831
Approved by: Randell Ishii, MS, PE, TE, PTOE, Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks
Attachment A - California Fish and Game Code Section 13103
Attachment B - Board Resolution #81-239
Attachment C - Proposed FY2024-25 Grant Award Project Descriptions
Attachment D - Draft Resolution/Exhibit 1 Recommendation for FY 2024-25 PGF Award
(Attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board)