a. Authorize the Assessor to continue to participate in the State-County Assessors’ Partnership Program with the California Department of Finance; and
b. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to release $200,000 from the Productivity Investment Program Assignment (Fund 001-3125) to match the $200,000 grant funds. (4/5th Vote Required)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
A. Authorize the Assessor to continue to participate in the State-County Assessors’ Partnership Program with the California Department of Finance; and
B. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to release $200,000 from the Productivity Investment Program Assignment (Fund 001-3125) to match the $200,000 grant funds. (4/5th Vote Required)
The State of California has established a three-year pilot program, beginning FY 2014-15 thru FY 2016-17, to selected representative counties in order to ensure more accurate assessment of local property. It is believed that, a more accurate assessment process will reduce otherwise escaped valuation and help offset the State’s General Fund obligations to local K-14 schools and offices of education. The success of the program shall be determined by enhanced statewide implementation of local equalization by properly valuing property; thereby, capturing property tax revenues for local K-14 schools and offices of education that might otherwise escape recognition and collection in an amount that is not less than the total amount of General Fund revenues expended to fund the pilot program. Monterey County has been selected as a participant. To participate, Monterey County is required to match, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, the Program Grant funds apportioned to Monterey County. Program funds provided by the State must be used to supplement, and not supplant, existing funding.
On January 27, 2015, the Board approved the Assessor’s participation in the pilot program. The Monterey County Assessor’s office was awarded $200,000 each in FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. The Monterey County Assessor’s office has used these funds to hire four additional full-time Appraisers and one part-time Appraiser. The grant funded Appraisers assessed and enrolled $513.2 million in property value into the 2015-16 tax roll. The 7,356 properties included new construction, changes of ownership, and modifications. The Assessor’s office has complied with all reporting requirements imposed by the California Department of Finance.
Another $200,000 has been awarded to the Assessor’s office for FY 2016-17 to help expedite the enrollment of properties that are newly constructed or that change ownership. The office goal is an appropriate and accurate tax roll to facilitate the collection of tax revenue funds for all entitled entities, including but not limited to local K-14 schools and offices of education. Efforts for a successful program can only be accomplished with the continued support of the Board. Therefore, it is recommended that the Board approve this action.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved this report as to form.
The Assessor’s office will receive $200,000 from the State and the County will match the $200,000 from the Productivity Investment Program Account (Fund 001-3125). The Assessor’s FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget includes the $200,000 in estimated revenue and $400,000 in increased appropriations.
Prepared By: Approved By:
________________________________ _________________________________
Corina Morgan Stephen L. Vagnini
Finance Manager Assessor-County Clerk/Recorder
Ext. 5821 Ext. 5803