Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget for Office of Emergency Services (OES) 001-1050-CAO005-8056 to allocate two (2) FTE Management Analyst II (14C30), as indicated;
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget for Office of Emergency Services (OES) 001-1050-CAO005-8056 to increase appropriations by $135,983 financed by a decrease in appropriations in General Fund Contingencies 001-1050-CAO020-8034 (4/5ths vote required); and,
c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position changes in the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution:
a. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget for Office of Emergency Services (OES) 001-1050-CAO005-8056 to allocate two (2) FTE Management Analyst II (14C30), as indicated;
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adopted Budget for Office of Emergency Services (OES) 001-1050-CAO005-8056 to increase appropriations by $135,983 financed by a decrease in appropriations in General Fund Contingencies 001-1050-CAO020-8034 (4/5ths vote required); and,
c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position changes in the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.
OES has a critical need for two additions unbudgeted positions:
1. One Management Analyst II is required to oversee and coordinate Disaster Cost Recovery Group activities. Each emergency that a State proclamation or Federal Declaration is issued opens up Public Assistance Grants for the County to recovery losses/expenses due to that emergency. To track the County costs and documentation required, per the Disaster Cost Recovery Plan, a Disaster Cost Recovery group (DCRG) is formed. This group contains members from The EOC Finance Section, Budget and Analysis Division, and Auditor/Controller. Each emergency has a different DCRG, and depending on the length of the emergency, rotating personnel in the DCRG. The County is consistently managing multiple emergencies for cost recovery. Currently, eight emergencies are being managed. There is no oversight position to provide consistency and connectivity to CalOES and FEMA. This lack of consistency has resulted in lost or missing documentation resulting in significant financial losses to the County. Additionally, OES manages approximately $2 million in grants that are becoming increasingly time-consuming. Additional grant opportunities have been turned down, potentially costing the County significant financial losses due to inadequate OES staff not being available to manage these grants. This Management Analyst position would also perform these duties giving the County the best opportunity to recover all grant funds possible.
2. A second Management Analyst II is required to manage OES training. The EOC is developing a plan for 3 EOC teams. Each team will consist of 70 County Disaster Service Workers (DSW). These DSW positions require a significant amount of training to become proficient in their job duties. This will become a permanent and recurring training need as attrition and rotation occur. OES also provides training to OES staff and our responder agencies. This position would facilitate and manage that training. This Training is also recurring annually. Additionally, the County has a need to organize and manage Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). This function is currently not being performed. This position would manage that task. OES also manages the Counties Alert and Warning program. This position would also manage these functions.
These positions have been reviewed and approved by the Human Resources Department.
Emergencies and disasters are more frequent and more damaging, mostly due to climate change. This is a fact that OES must deal with, however, additional resources are required to manage these issues correctly. Without additional resources, the County is at risk of losing millions of dollars of recovery and grant funds.
Because of the frequency and magnitude of emergencies, the EOC is in a constant state of activation. The EOC is currently managing eight activations simultaneously. As the County is stressed with staffing needs, it has become very difficult to staff the EOC with DSWs. The formation of EOC teams is essential to have consistent, highly trained DSWs to manage the emergency while providing County Departments the ability to manage their staff. Significant training will be required and requires a position to manage that and other training that OES is responsible for. These positions are critically essential to allow the County to meet its emergency response obligations effectively and efficiently.
The Budget Committee supported the recommendation to add two positions financed by Contingencies on December 16, 2021.
The Human Resources Department appropriately classified these positions. The Budget and Finance Division assisted in developing the job description.
The cost of the two requested positions totals $135,983 for the period of February 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022. The request proposes one-time funding use from General Fund Contingencies for FY2021-22. The recommended action will reduce the General Fund Contingencies balance to zero.
For FY 2022-23, the annualized cost for the two positions totals $311,934 and will be incorporated into the FY 2022-23 budget development process. One of the two positions will be eligible for FEMA reimbursement of costs up to 60% for as long as FEMA extends the disaster, totaling $93,580 in annualized potential reimbursements.
These positions meet the Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives in multiple areas. Preventing potential financial losses assists economic development. Addressing the need for adequate DSWs assists each Department’s administration, and a well trained and robust EOC assist public safety.
Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
_X Economic Development
_X Administration
_ _ Health & Human Services
__ Infrastructure
_X_Public Safety
Prepared by: Gerry R. Malais, Manager, Office of Emergency Services
Approved by: Nicholas E. Chiulos, Assistant County Administrative Officer
Attachment A - Position Count
Attachment B - Resolution