Adopt a resolution to:
a. Ratify the County Administrative Officer’s February 14, 2025 Proclamation of a Local Emergency for sandbar management activities that are required at the Salinas River Lagoon Mouth (4/5th vote required); and
b. Find the work statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15269(c) for emergency projects. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)
Adopt a resolution to:
a. Ratify the County Administrative Officer’s February 14, 2025 Proclamation of a Local Emergency for sandbar management activities that are required at the Salinas River Lagoon Mouth (4/5th vote required); and
b. Find the work statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15269(c) for emergency projects.
Pursuant to California Government Code section 8630(a) the County Administrative Officer may proclaim the existence of a local emergency when the County is affected by or likely to be affected by a public calamity. The Government Code requires that an emergency proclamation be ratified by the Board of Supervisors within 7 days of its issuance, and be reviewed at least once every 60 days until the emergency is terminated.
Beginning February 13, 2025, heavy rainfall, coastal flooding, and high surf hazards threatened residents, property, critical infrastructure, and transportation systems in the Monterey County. Sandbar management activities are required at the Salinas River Lagoon Mouth by Monterey County Water Resources Agency staff to avoid localized flooding. These conditions could lead to possible loss of life and property in areas near and adjacent to the Salinas Lagoon. Forecasted conditions may result in the following:
• Inundation of residences, including Twin Bridges Cabin Association, Monterey Dunes Colony and Lagoon residences;
• Loss of safe ingress and egress, including emergency service access;
• Inundation of agricultural fields; and
• Erosion and excessive transport of sediment.
The aforesaid conditions of extreme peril necessitated the proclamation of a local emergency on February 14, 2025, which was signed into effect by the County Administrator’s Office that same day. Ratification and approval of this Proclamation of Local Emergency will provide Board confirmation of, and agreement with, the Proclamation made by the County Administrative Officer. This emergency proclamation shall expire sixty days after issuance unless confirmed and extended by the governing body of the County of Monterey.
The mitigation efforts of the foregoing conditions affecting public infrastructure in Monterey County include Monterey County Resource Management Agency and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency.
Payment for the mitigation efforts of the foregoing conditions will come from the Monterey County Water Resources Agency.
Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
__Economic Development
__Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
X Public Safety
Prepared and approved by: Kelly Donlon, Chief Assistant County Counsel x5313
A - Emergency Proclamation, dated February 14, 2025
B - Draft Resolution