Adopt Resolution to approve the amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code of the Soledad Unified School District.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors, as code reviewing body, approve and order the proposed amendments to the conflict of interest code of the Soledad Unified School District, a copy of which is attached hereto (Attachment B) as revised by the memorandum from the Office of County Counsel (Attachment E).
Following the biennial review of its conflict of interest code as required by Government Code section 87306.5, the Soledad Unified School District amended its conflict of interest code to update its designated positions.
Amendments to local agency conflict of interest codes are authorized by section 87306 of the Government Code whenever changes are required by changed circumstances, by creation or deletion of designated positions, or by changes in the duty of such positions. The proposed code as amended and corrected is lawful under the Political Reform Act of 1974. Pursuant to sections 82011 and 87303 of the Government Code, the Board of Supervisors is the code reviewing body and may approve the code as submitted, revise the proposed code and approve it as revised, or return the proposed code to the agency for revision and resubmission.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the amended code as to form as revised by the memorandum from the Office of County Counsel (Attachment E).
There is no fiscal impact upon the County of Monterey as a result of the proposed amendments.
Prepared by: Lucila Sanchez, Management Analyst x5841
Approved by: Gail T. Borkowski, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
Traci A. Kirkbride, Deputy County Counsel
A. Draft Resolution
B. Conflict of Interest Code of the Soledad Unified School District- 2014
C. Conflict of Interest Code of the Soledad Unified School District - 2013 COI
D. Approval Document - Minutes from the Governing Board of The Soledad Unified School District approving changes to conflict of interest code
E. Memorandum from the Office of County Counsel