File #: WRAG 25-017    Name: FY24 WRA Financial Final - BoD
Type: WR General Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/10/2025 In control: Water Resources Agency Board of Directors
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Receive the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Fiscal Year 2023-24 Financial Report. (Staff: Nan K. Kim)
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. FY24 WRA FY24 Financials Final, 3. Board Order
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Receive the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Fiscal Year 2023-24 Financial Report. (Staff: Nan K. Kim)



It is recommended that the Board of Directors of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency:


Receive the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Fiscal Year 2023-24 Financial Report.



The Monterey County Water Resources Agency (Agency) Fiscal Year 2023-24 (FY24) Adopted Budget totals $52.15 million in expenditures and $48.89 million in revenue.  On January 23, 2024, Board of Supervisors of the Agency approved amendments to Fund 112 (Pajaro Levee) and Fund 116 (Dam Operations) budgets with appropriations increases by $2,712,000 and revenue increases by $1,212,000 to fund costs of additional maintenance and repair activities at Pajaro Levee.  Agency’s FY24 Amended Budgets are $54,860,209 in expenditures and $50,097,830 in revenue.


Agency’s total actual revenue received in FY24 was $36.52 million, which was 73% of FY24’s revenue budget.  The total actual expenditure in FY24 were $40.76 million, which was 74% of the budgeted expenditures.    In addition, $105,000 was moved from unassigned fund balance to capital project BSA in Fund 116, with an ending fund balance of $735,000


Summary of Agency’s consolidated fund balance for FY24 is as follows:

                                                                        Amended Budget                        Actual

    FY24 Fund Balance                                             $25,163,601                         $25,163,601               

    FY24 Revenues                                     50,097,830                            36,522,350

                 FY24 Expenditures                              (54,860,209)                         (40,764,223)

                 Capital Project Assignment                                                                    (105,000)   

                               FY24 Fund Balance (use)                    (4,786,643)                                     (4,346,873)

   FY24 Ending Fund Balance            $20,401,222                          $20,816,728







Due to a significant variance between budgeted and actual revenues realized of Fund 116, FY24 actual ending fund balance of Fund 116 is approximately $2 million lower than estimated when the Fiscal Year 2024-25 (FY25) was developed.  Staff has been monitoring Fund 116 expense and revenue status in FY25 and regularly reporting updates to Finance Committee.  



Prepared by:                            Nan Kyung Kim, Finance Manager III, (831) 755-4860

Approved by:          Ara Azhderian, General Manager, (831)755-4860



1. FY24 Financial Status Report