File #: ORD 12-021    Name: South County Housing Corporation
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/19/2012 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/31/2012 Final action: 7/31/2012
Title: Public hearing to consider actions pertaining to the Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, including: a. Adoption of a Negative Declaration; b. Adoption of an Ordinance to rezone a 4.6 acre parcel to add an Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) Zoning District to the existing F/40 Farmland Zoning designation; and c. Approve a Use Permit to allow for the demolition of 44 substandard farmworker housing units and the construction of 44 new farmworker housing units. (Rezone and Use Permit - PLN100446/Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, 32101 McCoy Road, Soledad, Central Salinas Valley Area Plan)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Discussion, 2. Attachment B - Resolution for Adoption of a Negative Declaration, 3. Attachment C - Ordinance Amending MCC Section 21 08 060, 4. Attachment D - Resolution Approving a Use Permit, 5. Attachment E - Vicinity Map, 6. Attachment F - Negative Declaration and Initial Study, 7. Attachment G - Comments on Initial Study-Negative Declaration, 8. Attachment H - Planning Commission Resolution, 9. Ordinance 5205 / Resolution 12-219 / Resolution 12-220
Public hearing to consider actions pertaining to the Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, including:
a. Adoption of a Negative Declaration;
b. Adoption of an Ordinance to rezone a 4.6 acre parcel to add an Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) Zoning District to the existing F/40 Farmland Zoning designation; and
c. Approve a Use Permit to allow for the demolition of 44 substandard farmworker housing units and the construction of 44 new farmworker housing units.
(Rezone and Use Permit - PLN100446/Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, 32101 McCoy Road, Soledad, Central Salinas Valley Area Plan)
Planning File Number: PLN100446
Owner: South County Housing Corporation
Project Location: 32101 McCoy Road, Soledad
APN:  257-031-005-000
Agent: Seth Capron for South County Housing
Plan Area: Central Salinas Valley Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: No
CEQA Action: Negative Declaration
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a.      Adopt a resolution (Attachment B) adopting a Negative Declaration;
b.      Adopt an Ordinance (Attachment C) to rezone a 4.6 acre parcel to add an Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) Zoning District to the existing F/40 Farmland Zoning designation; and
c.      Adopt a resolution (Attachment D) approving a Use Permit for the Camphora Apartment Replacement Project to allow for the demolition of 44 substandard farmworker housing units and the construction of 44 new farmworker housing units consisting of:
1.      22 two-bedroom (880 square foot) and 22 three-bedroom (1,138 square foot) garden apartments;
2.      A 4,300 square foot community building with a meeting room, office, storage, laundry room, and computer lab;
3.      A half-court basketball area, two turf-covered play areas, a tot lot, barbecue patio and seating area, and extensive landscaping;
4.      Solar panels placed on the covered parking areas;
5.      Grading of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of cut and 4,500 cubic yards of fill; and
6.      Connection to the City of Soledad sewer infrastructure.  
The project is the reconstruction of a Soledad area farm labor housing project approved in September of 1958 for 1,000 men on a parcel less than 5 acres in area, known then as Villa Casa Apartments or Villa Camphora. Forty-four units were constructed in the 1960s consisting of seven buildings and all remain without notable modifications for 50 years. Approximately 185 persons live on the property.  Existing structures are legal, but non-conforming to the development standards for the F/40 Zoning district.
The Camphora Apartment Replacement Project is intended to alleviate overcrowded conditions, remove overburdened and failing septic systems, and to bring the property up to current health, safety and building codes.  To do this, the applicants are requesting to add an Affordable Housing Overlay Zoning Designation to the property and then redevelop the site with an Agricultural Employee Housing Project to serve the existing residents. By the Board of Supervisors taking the recommended actions, the property may become legal and conforming to the Monterey County General Plan and Zoning Code.  Public health and safety will be improved.
A detailed discussion is provided in Attachment A.
The following agencies have reviewed the project, have comments, and/or have recommended conditions:
RMA - Public Works Department
Environmental Health Bureau
Water Resources Agency
Mission Soledad Fire Protection District
Parks Department
RMA - Building Department
Economic Development Department
California Department of Transportation, District 5
Regional Water Quality Control Board, District 3
Sheriff's Office
Agricultural Commissioners Office
Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
City of Soledad, Water Resources Department
Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
The project was not referred to a Land Use Advisory Committee as none is assembled for the Central Salinas Valley Area Plan.  The Camphora Apartment Replacement Project was presented and discussed at numerous Housing Advisory Committee meetings.  On November 12, 2008, February 10, 2010, February 2, 2011, and March 14, 2012, the Housing Advisory Committee took action in regard to the funding and support of the project. County Counsel has approved the Ordinance as to form.
Funding for staff time associated with this project is included in the FY11-12 Final Budget for the Planning Department.
Prepared by:      Taven M. Kinison Brown, Senior Planner ext. 5173                              
Approved by:       Mike Novo, Director, RMA-Planning, ext. 5192
<mailto:>            Benny Young, Director Resource Management Agency
This report was prepared with assistance by Jane Royer Barr and reviewed by Laura Lawrence, Planning Services Manager.
cc:      Front Counter Copy; Mike Novo; Laura Lawrence, Planning Services Manager; Seth Capron, Applicant/Owner (South County Housing Corporation); The Open Monterey Project; LandWatch; Project File PLN100446
The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A      Discussion
Attachment B      Resolution for Adoption of a Negative Declaration
Attachment C      Ordinance Amending MCC Section 21.08.060
Attachment D      Resolution Approving a Use Permit
                  D-1      Site Development Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations
                  D-2      Conditions of Approval
Attachment E      Vicinity Map
Attachment F      Negative Declaration and Initial Study
Attachment G      Comments on Initial Study/Negative Declaration
Attachment H       7/25/12 Planning Commission Resolution (added via addendum)