a. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 1 to the Amended and Consolidated Agreement (A-12063) with Truven Health Analytics Inc. for additional Software Services at NMC through June 30, 2016 (no extension of the previously approved term) for a cost of $51,993 and for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $747,344 (a decrease of $154,811) in the aggregate.
b. Authorize non-standard travel expense language to the Monterey County Travel Policy, whereby copies of receipts associated with reimbursable travel expenses will be submitted instead of originals.
It is recommended the Board of Supervisors:
a. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 1 to the Amended and Consolidated Agreement (A-12063) with Truven Health Analytics Inc. for additional Software Services at NMC through June 30, 2016 (no extension of the previously approved term) for a cost of $51,993 and for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $747,344 (a decrease of $154,811) in the aggregate.
b. Authorize non-standard travel expense language to the Monterey County Travel Policy, whereby copies of receipts associated with reimbursable travel expenses will be submitted instead of originals.
Truven Health Analytics Inc. offers a number of products under their Care Discovery Solutions platform: 1) Care Discovery Clinical Suite, 2) Care Discovery Quality Measures, and 3) Meaningful Use Quality Manager. The Care Discovery Clinical Suite is a database and reporting system that provides NMC with a dashboard of critical benchmarks and objective, fact-based information needed to make quick, confident decisions in support of the hospital's quality improvement initiatives. The database and reporting system allows NMC to: evaluate our performance as compared to peer hospitals; and evaluate our outcomes including the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) national indicators, complications, and risk-adjusted mortality and resource metrics. It provides NMC with the capability to drill into transaction-level details to identify specific opportunities for improving the process of care. The database and reporting system allows NMC to compare patient-care patterns among physicians and compare expected results to observed results. The database is used to run many required reports for Joint Commission accreditation. NMC has been using the database for over three years. The Care Discovery Quality Measures database and reporting system provides NMC with the tools to comply with the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement for quarterly reporting of clinical quality measures also known as Core Measures. NMC has been using this product for over six years. The Meaningful Use Quality Manager product is assisting NMC pursue meaningful use objectives linked to incentive payments for developing a complete Electronic Health Record (EHR) provided by CMS. One of the objectives for meaningful use is the reporting of clinical quality measures. As per the current regulations, providers are responsible for submitting the clinical quality measure results to CMS through attestation using the CMS web site. The Meaningful Use Quality Manager product generates reports that provide the information needed for reporting the clinical quality measures to CMS. NMC has been using this product for one year.
This Renewal and Amendment No. 1 adds an additional module for concurrent Core Measure case abstracting allowing NMC to manage core measure cases in a more efficient and expeditious manner and provides for reimplementation of the Meaningful Use Module which is required for NMC's reporting to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to comply with 2014 Meaningful Use Requirements.
The Board of Supervisors approved the Truven Health Analytics Amended and Consolidated Agreement on November 5th, 2013. At that time the request was for a total Agreement amount of $902,155. After a review of the Agreement costs and adding the dollar amount needed for this Renewal and Amendment No. 1, it has been determined that the true and revised total not to exceed amount should be $747,344 (a decrease of $154,811).
As part of this Renewal and Amendment No. 1, Truven Health Analytics Inc. (Truven) is requesting that the County accept photocopied receipts as opposed to original receipts which are required per the County Travel Policy. Truven is required to provide original receipts for employee travel as part of their own company's. The Auditor/Controller's office has reviewed the request and will agree to accept the photocopied receipts.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved this Renewal and Amendment No. 1 as to legal form and risk provisions. Auditor-Controller has reviewed and approved this Renewal and Amendment No. 1 as to fiscal provisions. The Renewal and Amendment No. 1 has also been reviewed and approved by Natividad Medical Center's Finance Committee on June 26, 2014 and Board of Trustees (July 2014).
The cost for this Renewal and Amendment No.1 is $51,993 over three years. $14,500 is included in the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Adopted Budget. Amounts for remaining years of the Renewal and Amendment No. 1 will be included in those budgets as appropriate. There is no impact to the General Fund.
Prepared by: Jane Finney, Quality Director, 783-2502
Approved by: Harry Weis, Chief Executive Officer, 783-2553
Attachments: Amended & Consolidated Agreement, Renewal and Amendment No. 1 and Truven Cost Sheet.
Attachments on file with the Clerk to the Boards Office