a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign a three-year term Mental Health Services Agreement (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016) with Community Human Services for the provision of mental health services to Monterey County residents in the amount of $553,919 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14, $553,919 for FY 2014-15, and $553,919 for FY 2015-16, for a total Agreement amount of $1,661,757; and
b. Authorize the Director of Health to approve up to three future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original amount and do not significantly change the scope of work or result in an increase to the General Fund Contribution.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign a three-year term Mental Health Services Agreement (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016) with Community Human Services for the provision of mental health services to Monterey County residents in the amount of $553,919 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14, $553,919 for FY 2014-15, and $553,919 for FY 2015-16, for a total Agreement amount of $1,661,757; and
b. Authorize the Director of Health to approve up to three future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original amount and do not significantly change the scope of work or result in an increase to the General Fund Contribution.
This new Mental Health Services Agreement with Community Human Services (CHS) replaces Agreement A-11711 which expires on June 30, 2013. CHS will continue to provide outpatient mental health services for approximately three hundred fifty (350) clients, multi-lingual parenting services to approximately three hundred (300) parents, mental health services to approximately forty (40) individual with HIV/AIDS, forty (40) Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual & Transgender (GLBT) individuals, and to clients referred by the Department of Social Services.
As the demand for mental health services continues to grow annually in the community, these services are critical to meeting the goals and objectives of Monterey County's mental health care which includes serving unserved and underserved populations. These services are intended to enable individuals and families to overcome impairment to functioning.
This Agreement contains the County's standard 30-day no cause provision (Section IV,B) and an additional defunding provision (Section IV, D) which provides the County the ability to amend or terminate the Agreement in the event of a reduction and/or termination of funding.
The Auditor-Controller and County Counsel have reviewed and approved this Agreement as to fiscal provisions and legal form, respectively. This Agreement is on file with the Clerk of the Board.
Medi-Cal, Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), and Realignment dollars fund this Agreement.
This Agreement is for $553,919 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14, $553,919 for FY 2014-15, and $553,919 for FY 2015-16, for a total Agreement amount of $1,661,757. The funds for FY 2013-14 have been included in the Health Department's Behavioral Health Bureau (HEA012, Unit 8410) departmental requested budget for FY 2013-14 which the Department anticipates being adopted on June 25, 2013.
Prepared By: Pat Bass, Management Analyst, 4538
Approved By: Ray Bullick, Director of Health, 4526
Agreement is on file with Clerk of the Board