File #: WRAG 24-116    Name: PSA RW Permit CSIP - BOD
Type: WR General Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/9/2024 In control: Water Resources Agency Board of Directors
On agenda: 7/15/2024 Final action:
Title: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Larry Walker Associates for the preparation of an updated Title 22 Engineering Report for the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project and to assist the Agency in migration to the required Recycled Water Use Permit under the California State General Order for Water Reclamation Requirements, for a total amount not to exceed $181,390, and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract. (Staff: Peter Vannerus)
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Professional Service Agreement - Larry Walker Associates, 3. Board Order
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Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Larry Walker Associates for the preparation of an updated Title 22 Engineering Report for the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project and to assist the Agency in migration to the required Recycled Water Use Permit under the California State General Order for Water Reclamation Requirements, for a total amount not to exceed $181,390, and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract. (Staff: Peter Vannerus)



It is recommended that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors:


Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Larry Walker Associates for the preparation of an updated Title 22 Engineering Report for the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project and to assist the Agency in migration to the required Recycled Water Use Permit under the California State General Order for Water Reclamation Requirements, for a total amount not to exceed amount of $181,390 and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract. 



The Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project (CSIP) became active in 1998 and the recycled water usage area is permitted and regulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). This project was historically regulated under the Wastewater Discharge Requirement (WDR) Order No. 97-52, but the RWQCB has reviewed the CSIP system and determined the Project should be migrated to a Recycled Water Use Permit. In 2016, the State Water Quality Control Board adopted the Water Reclamation Requirements for Recycled Water Use (Order WQ 2016-0068-DDW) and has since been migrating users of Recycled Water over to this permit.


The Agency received a letter from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board on June 5, 2023, outlining the requirements to migrate to the new Recycled Water Permit with the deadline of September 1st, 2023, to submit the required approved Title 22 Engineering Report, a Notice of Intent and the annual permit fee of $3,453. These are required to migrate to the new recycled water use permit. The Agency responded by letter on August 3rd, 2023, to inquire regarding the background for determination of the migration need, along with other questions and requested a meeting. After the meeting with the RWQCB and Agency staff in September 2023, it was determined that the Project did need to migrate to this newer permit as well as provide an updated Title 22 Engineering Report. The RWQCB acknowledged that the short timeline was insufficient to produce the required documents and is working with the Agency on a time extension.


To complete the permit migration, the Agency must produce a Title 22 Engineering Report for CSIP. The Agency released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to a list of local consulting firms in March 2024. Responses were evaluated by a panel of Agency staff and Larry Walker Associates (LWA) was selected as the most qualified respondent.


The Scope of Work for the project has two main components: producing an updated Title 22 Engineering report for CSIP and assisting the agency in the application and migration to the new Recycled Water Use Permit. To accomplish the task in the scope, the LWA team will first be reviewing all supporting CSIP documentation, reviewing current system equipment and infrastructure orientation as well as operations. They will evaluate the system against current Title 22 Recycled Water Usage Standards and will determine where and if compliance improvements are needed. The LWA team will then prepare the updated Title 22 Engineering report for CSIP. Once complete, the team will submit the required documents to the RWQCB and assist the Agency in the permit application process until its complete and the new permit is issued. Additional tasks may be required and are accounted for under as-needed task estimates. The Agreement will have a term length beginning July 1st, 2024, to June 30th, 2026, with a not to exceed amount of $181,390.


On July 3rd, 2024, this Professional Services Agreement proposal was presented to the Planning Committee, where the action was agreed unanimously to recommend that the Board of Directors approve the Agreement.



Agency staff will work with M1W to identify and locate documents and information required for the Title 22 Engineering Report and permit migration.



The agreement total of $181,390 will be split over the two fiscal years in the agreement term and will be funded through CSIP Fund 131. FY25 includes $125,000 in budgeted funds for this project.



Prepared by:       Peter Vannerus, Associate Water Resources Engineer, (831) 755-4860

Approved by:     Ara Azhderian, General Manager, (831) 755-4860




1. Professional Services Agreement- Larry Walker Associates- CSIP Recycle Water Use Permit

2. Board Order