File #: RES 18-006    Name: Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration & Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program-Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project
Type: BoS Resolution Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 1/12/2018 In control: Advance Reports Over 50 Pages
On agenda: 1/12/2018 Final action:
Title: Adopt a Resolution to: a. Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project, Project No. 3854, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO - 5944 (103); b. Adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; c. Authorize Resource Management Agency (RMA) - Public Works & Facilities to proceed with the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project; and d. Authorize the RMA Director or the RMA Deputy Director of Public Works & Facilities to acquire Right of Way for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project. (APN 153-011-060, 153-011-053, 137-141-001, 107-031-013).
Sponsors: Public Works / RMA
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Attachment A - Resolution, 3. Attachment B - Project Budget, 4. Attachment C - Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration, 5. Attachment D - Location Map
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Adopt a Resolution to:

a.  Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project, Project No. 3854, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO - 5944 (103);  

b.  Adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program;

c.  Authorize Resource Management Agency (RMA) - Public Works & Facilities to proceed with the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project; and

d.  Authorize the RMA Director or the RMA Deputy Director of Public Works & Facilities to acquire Right of Way for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project.

(APN 153-011-060, 153-011-053, 137-141-001, 107-031-013).




It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution to:


a.  Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project, Project No. 3854, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO - 5944 (103);


b.  Adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program;


c.  Authorize Resource Management Agency (RMA) - Public Works & Facilities to proceed with the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project; and


d.  Authorize the RMA Director or the RMA Deputy Director of Public Works & Facilities to acquire Right of Way for the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project.

(APN 153-011-060, 153-011-053, 137-141-001, 107-031-013).



The Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project (Project) site is located in the unincorporated area, east of the City of Salinas.  Currently, there are no shoulders along the road on the Hartnell Bridge.  The proposed Project will replace the existing bridge with a new bridge that is approximately 45-feet long and 46 feet wider (adds 11-foot wide shoulders on each side) over Alisal Creek and 400-foot long road approaches (0.085 mile).  The proposed Project will provide a continuous, convenient, and safe access.


An Initial Study and a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) have been prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to assess potential environmental impacts of the Hartnell Road Bridge Replacement Project.  A Notice of Intent to Adopt an IS/MND was filed with the Monterey County Clerk on October 20, 2017.  The document was circulated for a 30-day public review period from October 19, 2017 to November 20, 2017.   Comments were received from Monterey County Regional Fire District and from the California State Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and resulted in no changes to the IS/MND.


As identified in the MND, the Project would impact agricultural land; however, with mitigation measures, the impacts are determined to be less than significant.  During construction, the Project will temporarily disturb 0.71 acre of farmland and permanently impact 0.40 acre.  To mitigate the temporary impact, the farmland will be restored and returned to agricultural use after construction of the new bridge.  The permanent impact is to be mitigated by preservation of 0.80 acre of equivalent farmland (2:1 replacement ratio).  This would be accomplished by payment of a fee to the Monterey County Agricultural Land Trust to be used solely for acquiring agricultural land and/or agricultural conservation easements.


The Project would also impact biological resources and with mitigation measures, the impact is determined to be less than significant.  Based on the database review and professional knowledge of species that may occur in the region, 19 special status plant and animal occurrences were identified within 2.0 miles of the Biological Sensitive Area (BSA).  Of the 19 special status species identified, ten (10) are federally or state-listed as threatened or endangered.  However, none of the ten (10) listed species have suitable habitat present in the BSA.  Similarly, the remaining nine (9) non-listed special status species that are known from the region were all determined to be absent from the BSA due to a lack of suitable habitat and negative survey results.  The only special status plant species potentially occurring within the BSA is Congdon’s tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. congdonii).  Suitable growing conditions and habitat are present in portions of the ruderal habitat within the BSA; however, Congdon’s tarplant was not observed during appropriately timed rare plant surveys.  A preconstruction survey of the BSA for Congdon’s tarplant will be conducted during the blooming period (May to November), prior to any ground disturbance.  If Congdon’s tarplant is found, an appropriate buffer will be established around the area. 



The County of Monterey is the lead agency for the Project.  The RMA - Public Works & Facilities prepared and circulated an IS/MND through the California State Clearinghouse.  The Planning Commission considered the Project as part of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and found it to be consistent with the General Plan.



The total estimated project cost, including project management, engineering, utility relocation and construction, is $3,119,600. The fiscal year 2017-18 Adopted Budget (Fund 002, Appropriation Unit RMA012, Unit 8195) includes $2,478,267, which is sufficient to complete the design and right of way phases of the project and initiate the construction phase.  Design, environmental, right of way, and a portion of construction costs are funded one hundred percent (100%) by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Bridge Funds and State Toll Credit Funds. The Project is anticipated to cross over into FY 2018-19 and those costs will be included in the recommended budget.  The funds for the construction phase of the Project will be allocated by FHWA once the design and right-of-way phases are completed.



The Project will replace the existing Hartnell Road Bridge that will meet Caltrans and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO) standards.


__Economic Development


__Health & Human Services

X Infrastructure

X Public Safety


Prepared by:                     José L. Gómez, Assistant Engineer, (831) 755-4816

Approved by:                     Donald D. Searle, RMA Deputy Director of Public Works & Facilities

Approved by:                     Carl P. Holm, AICP, RMA Director


The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board: 

Attachment A - Resolution

Exhibit A - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Attachment B - Project Budget

Attachment C - Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Attachment D - Location Map