a. Approve and Authorize the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute an Agreement including non-standard provisions on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) with Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Conduent) for software maintenance of ACS-GRM Exigent, aiIndex/aiRedaction, IBM Content Manager, Kofax, Electronic Recording Delivery System (ERDS), and G2G Electronic Recording, in an amount not to exceed $93,043.00, retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and
b. Approve a policy allowing the use of the same proposed non-standard provisions, as determined by the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be appropriate, in future Conduent/County Clerk-Recorder Agreements of $100,000 or less, specific to the related unique and necessary services provided by this vendor, utilizing existing Purchasing Agent execution authority. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute an Agreement including non-standard provisions on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) with Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Conduent) for software maintenance of ACS-GRM Exigent, aiIndex/aiRedaction, IBM Content Manager, Kofax, Electronic Recording Delivery System (ERDS), and G2G Electronic Recording, in an amount not to exceed $93,043.00, retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and
b. Approve a policy allowing the use of the same proposed non-standard provisions, as determined by the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be appropriate, in future Conduent/County Clerk-Recorder Agreements of $100,000 or less, specific to the related unique and necessary services provided by this vendor, utilizing existing Purchasing Agent execution authority.
On May 23, 2017, the Board authorized the County, on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR), to enter in an agreement with ACS Enterprise Solutions, LLC (now known as Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC) for Data Conversion. We are now asking the Board to approve the annual software maintenance agreements with that vendor under their new name that contain the same non-standard provisions as the agreement approved on May 23, 2017. The CCR will still require ongoing services from Conduent until full implementation of the new Tyler Eagle Clerk/Recorder Computer Software System (Tyler) is completed, which is expected in November 2017. Approval of a policy authorizing utilization of the non-standard provisions in subsequent amendments or new agreements with this vendor will facilitate a more seamless provision of these necessary services in the future.
The CCR expects to be fully operation in the Tyler system by November 2017; however, due to expected transition/conversion issues, the CCR expects to require continued short-term access into the Conduent system after implementation for certain reports and images. Therefore, the CCR requests the Board of Supervisors approval of this action, retroactive to the date of the automatic termination of the prior agreements with Conduent; the delay in presentation of this request is due to the unanticipated unavailability of necessary participants in the process.
County Counsel has reviewed the Agreement and has approved it as to form only, but has not approved it as to non-standard audit, liability, and indemnification provisions. ITD has reviewed and approved the Agreement. County Risk Management cannot approve the Agreement due to non-standard indemnity and liability provisions. The Auditor-Controller has approved the fiscal provisions.
There is no negative impact to the general fund as a result of this action. Funding for software maintenance services has been included in the CCR’s budget (1180-ACR002-8004) for FY 2017-18.
This report correlates to the Administration Strategic Initiatives adopted by the Board of Supervisors by allowing the County Clerk/Recorder to continue to provide required services.
___Economic Development
___Health & Human Services
___Public Safety
Prepared by: Corina Morgan, Finance Manager, x5821
Authorized by:
Stephen L. Vagnini
Assessor-County Clerk/Recorder, x5803
ACS-GRM Exigent Software Agreement
aiIndex/aiRedaction Agreement
IBM Content Manager Agreement
Kofax Scanner Agreement
G2G Electronic Recording Agreement
ERDS Agreement