a. Approve and authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute a Standard Agreement with Delcas Auto Collision, Inc., (Agreement) to provide auto body repair services procured under Request for Proposal (RFP) #10941 for an initial term of five-years retroactive from February 15, 2025 to February 14, 2030, in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000.
b. Authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute this Agreement and up to three (3) additional amendments to this Agreement, where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work and where the additional costs of the Amendments in aggregate does not exceed 10 percent (10% or $125,000) of the original contract amount of $1,250,000, bringing the potential overall Agreement aggregate not to exceed amount to $1,375,000 even if no additional agreements are entered into, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, and review of fiscal provisions by the Auditor Controller's Office.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute a Standard Agreement with Delcas Auto Collision, Inc., (Agreement) to provide auto body repair services procured under Request for Proposal (RFP) #10941 for an initial term of five-years retroactive from February 15, 2025 to February 14, 2030, in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000.
b. Authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute this Agreement and up to three (3) additional amendments to this Agreement, where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work and where the additional costs of the Amendments in aggregate does not exceed 10 percent (10% or $125,000) of the original contract amount of $1,250,000, bringing the potential overall Agreement aggregate not to exceed amount to $1,375,000 even if no additional agreements are entered into, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, and review of fiscal provisions by the Auditor Controller's Office.
The Public Works, Facilities and Parks Department (PWFP) - Facilities Division’s Fleet Operations Unit is responsible for maintaining safe and operational County vehicles and is in need of auto body repair services. Various County departments rely on County-owned vehicles to provide services and reliable auto body repair services are a necessity for Fleet Operations to maintain County’s vehicles in safe and good working order. Securing a standard agreement with Delcas Auto Collision, Inc., (Delcas) will allow PWFP to maintain County’s vehicles in safe and good working order.
On September 27, 2024, the County issued RFP #10941 to solicit proposals from vendors to provide auto body repair services. Following staff’s review and evaluation for the proposal packages, Delcas was selected for an award based on the selection criteria outlined in the RFP.
It is requested that the Board approve this Agreement in accordance with County’s standard terms and conditions for a total amount not to exceed $1,250,000.
The Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management and Auditor-Controller’s Office have reviewed and approved the proposed Agreement as to form and fiscal provisions, respectively.
Funding is available in the FY 2024-25 adopted budget for Fleet in General Fund 001, Appropriation Unit PFP065, Unit 8577. Costs for succeeding fiscal years through the end of the term will be included in the recommended baseline budget for those years, up to the amounts allowed under the agreement.
The recommended actions support the Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives for Administration, Infrastructure and Public Safety, and are necessary to ensure delivery of County core and emergency services.
Mark a check to the related board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
Economic Development
X Administration
Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
X Public Safety
Prepared by: Patty Small, MA II (831) 784-5929
Reviewed by: Richard W. Buell, Fleet Manager
Florence Kabwasa-Green, Chief of Facilities
Lindsay Lerable, Assistant Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks
Approved by: Randell Ishii, MS, PE, TE, PTOE
Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks
The following attachment on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A - Delcas Agreement