File #: A 24-156    Name: A1 to SA MYA 6459 Smile Business Products, Inc.
Type: BoS Agreement Status: Public Works, Facilities & Parks - Consent
File created: 4/8/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 4/23/2024 Final action:
Title: a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Agreement Multi-Year Agreement (MYA)*6459 between the County of Monterey and Smile Business Products, Inc., to provide printers, copiers and associated repair and maintenance services for Public Works, Facilities and Parks, to increase the not to exceed amount by $150,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $225,000. b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, up to two (2) additional amendments to this Agreement, each extending the term by one year, with no increase in the not to exceed amount.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Attachment A - Amendment No 1 to Agreement MYA 6459, 3. Attachment B - Standard Agreement MYA 6459, 4. Attachment C - Sum of Agmts Ann'l Expenditure & Balance, 5. Completed Board Order Item No. 29
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a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Agreement Multi-Year Agreement (MYA)*6459 between the County of Monterey and Smile Business Products, Inc., to provide printers, copiers and associated repair and maintenance services for Public Works, Facilities and Parks, to increase the not to exceed amount by $150,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $225,000.

b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, up to two (2) additional amendments to this Agreement, each extending the term by one year, with no increase in the not to exceed amount.



It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:

a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Standard Agreement Multi-Year Agreement (MYA)*6459 between the County of Monterey and Smile Business Products, Inc., to provide printers, copiers and associated repair and maintenance services for Public Works, Facilities and Parks, to increase the not to exceed amount by $150,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $225,000.

b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, up to two (2) additional amendments to this Agreement, each extending the term by one year, with no increase in the not to exceed amount.



The County and Smile Business Products, Inc. (hereinafter “Smile BPI) have negotiated an amendment to Agreement MYA*6459 to increase to the not to exceed amount by $150,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $225,000. The Amendment will allow Smile BPI to continue to provide copiers and associated maintenance service and consumables for Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP). The original Agreement term of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025 remains unchanged at this time.


County departments are responsible for maintaining their own copier, scanner and printer contracts. PWFP has contracted with Smile BPI under a competitively bid Sourcewell cooperative agreement to ensure competitive pricing for these services.



The Office of the County Counsel has reviewed and approved Amendment No. 1 as to form.  The Auditor-Controller’s Office has reviewed the proposed Amendment No. 1 as to fiscal provisions.



There is no minimum guaranteed work under this Agreement.  Funding for individual work orders is verified within the approved budget allocations prior to commencement of work. The proposed not to exceed amount of $225,000 for Agreement MYA*6459 is intended to allow services to continue in future fiscal years.



Competitive pricing and continuity of services across the department ensure PWFP is efficiently utilizing County funds.


     Economic Development

 X Administration

     Health & Human Services

__ Infrastructure

      Public Safety


Prepared by:    John Snively, Administrative Operations Manager, 831-759-6617

Reviewed by:  Florence Kabwasa-Green, Interim Chief of Facilities

                        Lindsay Lerable, Assistant Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks

Approved by:  Randell Ishii, MS, PE, TE, PTOE, Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks


The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board:

Attachment A - Amendment No. 1 to Agreement MYA-6459

Attachment B - Standard Agreement MYA*6459

Attachment C - Summary of Agreement Annual Expenditures and Balance