a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a one (1) year Master License Agreement (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) with Ovid Technologies, Inc. to provide an Internet-based subscription product of Medical Psychiatry Journals and Databases, for a total contract amount not to exceed $14,480;
b. Accept the non-standard Agreement and risk terms regarding limitations on liability, limited warranties, removal of indemnification and insurance provisions, as recommended by the Director of Health; and
c. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three (3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($1,448) of the original Agreement amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a one (1) year Master License Agreement (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) with Ovid Technologies, Inc. to provide an Internet-based subscription product of Medical Psychiatry Journals and Databases, for a total contract amount not to exceed $14,480;
b. Accept the non-standard Agreement and risk terms regarding limitations on liability, limited warranties, removal of indemnification and insurance provisions, as recommended by the Director of Health; and
c. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three (3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($1,448) of the original Agreement amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.
Ovid Technologies, Inc. (Ovid) will provide an annual licensed web-based subscription of Medical Psychiatry Journals and Databases to Monterey County Health Department/Behavioral Health Bureau (BHB). BHB will be enabled to conduct individual research and obtain answers to clinical questions. Ovid provided BHB a 30-day trial subscription. After the trial subscription period, BHB determined that the Ovid subscription meets the need of BHB for clinical research. Authorized users shall consist of psychiatrists, mid-levels, faculty, nurses and medical professionals who are employed by Monterey County Health Department/BHB.
Risk has reviewed and cannot approve the Ovid Technologies, Inc. Agreement. This Agreement removes the County’s standard insurance and indemnification provisions, and carries limitation of liability and limited warranties. The Health Department recommends moving forward as this is an Internet-based subscription service that will not require on-site training or assistance. This Agreement provides BHB a log-in website account setup. The Ovid account setup and use does not involve downloading software to any County computer.
This work supports the Monterey County Health Department 2011-2015 strategic initiative ensure access to culturally and linguistically appropriate, customer-friendly, quality health services and supports three of the ten essential public health services, specifically: 2) Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community; 3) Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues; and 8) Assure competent public and personal health care workforce.
County Counsel, the Auditor-Controller and Contracts/Purchasing have reviewed and approved the Agreement. Risk Management has reviewed and cannot approve the deletion of the County’s indemnification and standard insurance provisions, or the limitation of liability, and limited warranties.
The funds ($14,480) for this Agreement are included in the Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau’s (HEA012, Unit 8410) FY 2017-18 Adopted Budget.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
☐Economic Development:
• Through collaboration, strengthen economic development to ensure a diversified and healthy economy.
X Administration:
• Promote an organization that practices efficient and effective resource management and is recognized for responsiveness, strong customer orientation, accountability and transparency.
X Health & Human Services:
• Improve health and quality of life through County supported policies, programs, and services; promoting access to equitable opportunities for healthy choices and healthy environments in collaboration with communities.
• Plan and develop a sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents and supports economic development results.
☐Public Safety:
• Create a safe environment for people to achieve their potential, leading businesses and communities to thrive and grow by reducing violent crimes as well as crimes in general.
Prepared by: Alica Hendricks, Management Analyst III, 1295
Approved by: Elsa Jimenez, Director of Health, 4526
Agreement is on file with the Clerk of the Board