a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mission Union School District for reimbursement to the County for the provision of mental health services, for a total maximum amount not to exceed $22,794 for a term retroactive to October 21, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute an Interagency Agreement, Exhibit F to the MOU, with Mission Union School District for the term retroactive to October 21, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and
c. Approve non-standard insurance and indemnification provisions in the MOU as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
d. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments to the MOU where the combined amendments do not exceed 10% ($2,279) of the original MOU amount, do not significantly change the scope of services, and do not increase the total not to exceed amount over $25,073.
It is recommended that the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mission Union School District for reimbursement to the County for the provision of mental health services, for a total maximum amount not to exceed $22,794 for a term retroactive to October 21, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute an Interagency Agreement, Exhibit F to the MOU, with Mission Union School District for the term retroactive to October 21, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and
c. Approve non-standard insurance and indemnification provisions in the MOU as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
d. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments to the MOU where the combined amendments do not exceed 10% ($2,279) of the original MOU amount, do not significantly change the scope of services, and do not increase the total not to exceed amount over $25,073.
Mission Union School District (“School”) seeks to partner with the County of Monterey, on behalf of its Health Department Behavioral Health Bureau, for the provision of therapeutic services and mental health supports for students in the General Education program identified as having trouble with their educational goals due to social, emotional or behavioral issues. Through the MOU, the County will deploy Psychiatric Social Workers (“Therapists”) and or Social Workers to the School to provide an array of therapeutic services, and services to special education students pursuant to a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Additionally, the County will deploy Therapists to the School to provide services including individual and group counseling to the student, individual or group counseling provided to parents of special education students; consultation services provided to parents, students, teachers, and other school personnel; and planning and implementing a program of psychological counseling. The School agrees to pay the non-Federal Financial Participation (FFP) portion of the costs up to the total maximum MOU amount since the County is reimbursed FFP directly by the Department of Health Care Services.
This MOU is retroactive to October 21, 2024 due to prolonged contract negotiations. The MOU provides for mutual indemnification and limitation of liability. The MOU template provides that both County and School must meet coverage limits for professional liability and commercial general liability (“CGL”), and additional insured endorsements for commercial general liability, which coverage limits are at or above the requirements for the County’s own service providers. The MOU further provides for the inclusion of professional liability and CGL coverage related to sexual misconduct.
This work supports the County of Monterey Health Department 2025-2028 Strategic Plan Goal(s): 2. Provide Exceptional Person-Centered Care through Accessible, Community-Focused Health Services. It also supports one of the ten essential public health services, specifically: 7. Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.
The Office of County Counsel and Auditor-Controller have reviewed and approved this MOU as to legal form and fiscal provisions, respectively. Risk Management has not approved this MOU due to non-standard indemnification, limitation of liability, and insurance provisions.
This Agreement is funded by Federal Financial Participation (FFP) and School reimbursement as the local required match for FFP. The associated revenue and expenditures are included in the Health Department’s Behavioral Health (HEA012, Unit 8410) Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
? Economic Development:
• Through collaboration, strengthen economic development to ensure a diversified and healthy economy.
? Administration:
• Promote an organization that practices efficient and effective resource management and is recognized for responsiveness, strong customer orientation, accountability and transparency.
? Health & Human Services:
• Improve health and quality of life through County supported policies, programs, and services; promoting access to equitable opportunities for healthy choices and healthy environments in collaboration with communities.
? Infrastructure:
• Plan and develop a sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents and supports economic development results.
? Public Safety:
• Create a safe environment for people to achieve their potential, leading businesses and communities to thrive and grow by reducing violent crimes as well as crimes in general.
Prepared by: Jenny Pelagio, Management Analyst II, 837-7520
Approved by:
Elsa Mendoza Jimenez, Director of Health Services, 755-4526
Board Report
Memorandum of Understanding