a. Approve and Authorize the Sheriff or Sheriff’s Designee to sign a non-standard Agreement with LSC Destruction, for destruction of firearms, effective upon signature, this is a revenue generating contract.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize the Sheriff or Sheriff’s Designee to sign a non-standard Agreement with LSC Destruction, for destruction of firearms, effective upon signature, this is a revenue generating contract.
The Monterey County Sheriff ’s Office (MCSO) request approval of this agreement to become effective upon signature.
MCSO collects and removes firearms in the course of its daily operations. These firearms are not returned to the public, they are destroyed. A facility or entity must carry a special level of licensure to accept and destroy firearms. MCSO will be paid by LSC for each firearm that is destroyed.
This contract will allow LSC Destruction to take all actions reasonably necessary to break down, destroy and remove all firearm parts from the MCSO. Upon completion of the firearm break down, LSC will provide MCSO with a portion of the firearm receiver (typically including the serial number) as proof of the physical destruction of the firearm. LSC will retain all other portions of the firearm.
LSC will provide the MCSO with a quote for the fee prior to LSC providing service.
County Counsel, Auditor-Controller and Risk Manager have reviewed this non-standard Agreement.
This agreement is revenue generating.
Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
__Economic Development
__Health & Human Services
√_Public Safety
Prepared by: Arthur Curtright, Management Analyst II, Extension #3708
Approved by: Steve Bernal, Sheriff/Coroner, Extension #3750
Board Report
Agreement with LSC Destruction LLC