a. Approve an Agreement with Pacific Municipal Consultants, dba PMC to provide permit application review services for the County of Monterey, Resource Management Agency - Planning (RFQ #10382), in the amount not to exceed $100,000 per fiscal year, for a period of three (3) years from execution of the Agreement with the option to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute the Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.
(PD060591/Pacific Municipal Consultants)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve an Agreement with Pacific Municipal Consultants, dba PMC to provide permit application review services for the County of Monterey, Resource Management Agency - Planning (RFQ #10382), in the amount not to exceed $100,000 per fiscal year, for a period of three (3) years from execution of the Agreement with the option to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute the Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.
In December 2012, the County of Monterey Contracts/Purchasing Division issued Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #10382 to solicit qualifications from qualified consultants to provide responsible and comprehensive assistance to the Resource Management Agency (RMA) - Planning Staff with processing individual development permit applications and related environmental review (exemption determinations and/or initial studies) from the permit application complete stage to the final decision on an as-needed basis. Pacific Municipal Consultants, dba PMC (PMC) was selected for their expertise and capabilities necessary to provide these services through a competitive selection process in accordance with County policies. County determined that the selected Consultant would only be utilized when the permit activity and corresponding revenue exceeded budget allowances for permit application review services to ensure timely performance of services.
The Agreement with PMC will allow for complete and final permit application review services for projects presented to RMA - Planning in the amount not to exceed $100,000 per fiscal year, for a period of three (3) years from execution of the Agreement with the option to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year periods.
The following agencies have reviewed and approved the Agreement as to form and legality, and fiscal and insurance provisions, respectively:
Office of the County Counsel
Auditor-Controller's Office
Risk Management Office
There is no impact to the General Fund. Costs associated with the Agreement will be paid with permit application fees for the term of the Agreement.
Prepared by: Bob J. Schubert, Senior Planner, Ext. 5183
Approved by: Mike Novo, Director, RMA - Planning, Ext. 5192
Benny Young, Director, Resource Management Agency
This report was prepared with assistance by Shelley Dickinson, Management Analyst I, and reviewed by Dalia M. Mariscal-Martinez, Management Analyst II, and Shawne Ellerbee, RMA Finance III.
The following attachment is on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A - Agreement with Pacific Municipal Consultants, dba PMC