a. Approve Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. A-12664, Multi-Year Agreement #3000*1205, with Kitchell/CEM, Inc. to continue to provide services associated with on-call services over $100,000 for architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects located in Monterey County, California, Request for Qualifications #10458, to extend the expiration date for fifteen (15) additional months through June 30, 2021, for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021, with no increase to the total not to exceed amount of $5,000,000 of the Agreement;
b. Approve Amendment No. 4 to Agreements, Multi-Year Agreement #3000*1205, with the following consultants: KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture (A-12665); Lionakis (A-12666); and Nacht & Lewis (A-12667) to continue to provide services associated with on-call services over $100,000 for architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects located in Monterey County, California, Request for Qualifications #10458, to extend the expiration date of each Agreement for approximately fourteen (14) additional months through June 30, 2021, for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021, with no increase to the total not to exceed amount of $5,000,000 for each Agreement; and
c. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. A-12664 and Amendment No. 4 to Agreements No. A-12665, No. A-12666 and No. A-12667 and up to one (1) future amendment to each Agreement where the amendment does not significantly alter the scope of work or increase the approved amount of each Agreement.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. A-12664, Multi-Year Agreement #3000*1205, with Kitchell/CEM, Inc. to continue to provide services associated with on-call services over $100,000 for architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects located in Monterey County, California, Request for Qualifications #10458, to extend the expiration date for fifteen (15) additional months through June 30, 2021, for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021, with no increase to the total not to exceed amount of $5,000,000 of the Agreement;
b. Approve Amendment No. 4 to Agreements, Multi-Year Agreement #3000*1205, with the following consultants: KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture (A-12665); Lionakis (A-12666); and Nacht & Lewis (A-12667) to continue to provide services associated with on-call services over $100,000 for architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects located in Monterey County, California, Request for Qualifications #10458, to extend the expiration date of each Agreement for approximately fourteen (14) additional months through June 30, 2021, for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021, with no increase to the total not to exceed amount of $5,000,000 for each Agreement; and
c. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. A-12664 and Amendment No. 4 to Agreements No. A-12665, No. A-12666 and No. A-12667 and up to one (1) future amendment to each Agreement where the amendment does not significantly alter the scope of work or increase the approved amount of each Agreement.
The Resource Management Agency (RMA) has established several on-call Agreements for specialized services when County staff requires special expertise or when the volume of work exceeds staff’s capacity to handle it. On-call Agreements are utilized across the RMA and by other County Departments for specialized expertise in operations, management and specific facility and capital projects. Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc. (A-12664) extends the Agreement term to cover the projects schedules for the New Juvenile Hall and Jail Housing Addition. Amendment No. 4 to the Agreements with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture (A-12665), Lionakis (A-12666), and Nacht & Lewis extend the term of the Agreements to provide future services that may be required to address tenant improvements and repairs at correctional facilities.
In 2014, Kitchell/CEM, Inc., KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture, Lionakis and Nacht & Lewis were selected for their expertise and capabilities necessary to provide on-call services over $100,000 for architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects located in Monterey County, California under a competitive selection process in accordance with County policies under Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #10458.
The RMA has identified a need for these consultants to continue to provide services associated with on-call architectural and engineering design services for correctional projects to assist the RMA’s Architectural Services staff in areas related to professional design services related to capital projects.
Kitchell/CEM, Inc. provides architectural consultant services for the New Juvenile Hall and Jail Housing Additions projects, respectively. Lionakis provide services for the Jail Housing project and KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture and Nacht & Lewis may provide architectural consultant services for future services that may be required to address tenant improvements and repairs at correctional facilities. The County requires these consultant services beyond the original term of the Agreements. Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement between the County and Kitchell/CEM, Inc. will extend the expiration date of the Agreement from March 31, 2020 for fifteen (15) additional months through June 30, 2021 [beyond the anticipated five (5) year term of the Agreement allowed per RFQ #10458 for a total term of seven (7) years and approximately two (2) months], for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021. Amendment No. 4 to the individual Agreements between the County and KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture, Lionakis and Nacht & Lewis will extend the expiration date of the Agreement from May 12, 2020 for approximately fourteen (14) additional months through June 30, 2021 [beyond the anticipated five (5) year term of the Agreement allowed per RFQ #10458 for a total term of six (7) years and approximately two (2) months], for a revised term from May 12, 2014 to June 30, 2021.
The term for these Agreements exceeds the standard five (5) year term. Since RMA has an ongoing need for these services, additional time beyond the original term of the Agreements authorized per RFQ #10458 is required. County staff recommends extending the term of these Agreements to allow Kitchell/CEM, Inc. to complete services for the two (2) critical projects referenced above and additionally to allow the additional consultants to provide for these services. The proposed amendments extend the term of each Agreement through June 30, 2021 and will allow additional time needed to complete services for the named projects and further enable County staff to procure professional services under a new RFQ prior to the expiration of the proposed amendments.
Attachment X provides a summary of the Agreements to date. Attachment Y provides a summary of the annual expenditures and balance of the Agreements with Kitchell/CEM, Inc. and Lionakis. To date, there have been no expenditures to the Agreements with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects and Nacht & Lewis.
The Office of the County Counsel and Auditor-Controller have reviewed and approved Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. A-12664 and Amendment No. 4 to Agreements No. A-12665, A-12666 and A-12667 as to form, and fiscal provisions, respectively. The RMA has consulted with the Contracts/Purchasing Division who is in favor of moving forward with the proposed Amendments.
Staff is working to minimize costs associated with these projects; however, delays may lead to costs exceeding original project budgets. Staff will work closely with the County Administrative Office and return to the Board of Supervisors for any future funding needs. Services provided by each consultant will be reimbursed from respective funding source of each project. Requests for funding beyond project budgets will be taken to the Board for approval. Costs associated with services provided by these on-call consultants and funding will be contained within the approved budget allocations of the individual departments authorizing the use of these on-call agreements.
On call technical support allows for the planning and development of sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents and supports economic development results, and further provides for adequate County facilities and infrastructure. Separating out specific projects under separate Agreements provides opportunity for better fiscal management of project costs.
__ Economic Development
X Administration
__ Health and Human Services
X Infrastructure
__ Public Safety
Prepared by: Florence Kabwasa-Green, Project Manager III, (831) 755-4805
Reviewed by: Lindsay Lerable, Chief of Facilities
Approved by: Carl P. Holm, AICP, RMA Director
The following attachments are on file with the Clerk to the Board:
Attachment A-Amendment No. 7 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment B-Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture
Attachment C-Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Lionakis
Attachment D-Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Nacht & Lewis
Attachment E-Amendment No. 6 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment F-Amendment No. 5 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment G-Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment H-Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment I-Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment J-Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment K-Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc.
Attachment L-Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture
Attachment M-Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture
Attachment N-Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture
Attachment O-Agreement with KMD Justice/Kasavan Architects Joint Venture
Attachment P-Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with Lionakis
Attachment Q-Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Lionakis
Attachment R-Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Lionakis
Attachment S-Agreement with Lionakis
Attachment T-Amendment No. 3 to Agreement with Nacht & Lewis
Attachment U-Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Nacht & Lewis
Attachment V-Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Nacht & Lewis
Attachment W-Agreement with Nacht & Lewis
Attachment X-Summary of Agreements
Attachment Y-Summary of Agreement Annual Expenditures and Balance