File #: 12-702    Name: Richard Villalobos
Type: General Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 7/23/2012 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/31/2012 Final action: 7/31/2012
Title: a. Approve the Parcel Map for a minor subdivision to divide an approximately 80.6 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of approximately 40 and 40.6 acres; and b. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Parcel Map and Deed Notices to the County Recorder for filing. (Parcel Map - PLN060177/Villalobos; 379, 383 and 387 San Benancio Road, Toro Area Plan)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Cover Letter to the Clerk of the Board, 2. Attachment B - Vicinity Map, 3. Attachment C - Parcel Map, 4. Attachment D - Parcel Map Guarantee, 5. Attachment E - Property Tax Clearance Certification, 6. Attachment F - Deed Notice - Water Quality, 7. Attachment G - Deed Notice - Percoclation Testing, 8. Attachment H - Deed Notice - Water Conservation and Landscaping, 9. Completed Board Order
a. Approve the Parcel Map for a minor subdivision to divide an approximately 80.6 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of approximately 40 and 40.6 acres; and
b. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Parcel Map and Deed Notices to the County Recorder for filing.
(Parcel Map - PLN060177/Villalobos; 379, 383 and 387 San Benancio Road, Toro Area Plan)
Planning File Number: PLN060177
Owner:  Richard A. Villalobos and Elsa R. Villalobos, as Co-Trustees of The Richard A. Villalobos and Elsa R. Villalobos Trust dated October 3, 1997
Project Location: 379, 383 and 387 San Benancio Road  
APNs:  416-641-008-000, 416-641-007-000 & 416-641-006-000
Agent: Anthony Lombardo
Plan Area: Toro Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: N/A
CEQA Action: Statutorily Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15268 (b)(3)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a.      Approve the Parcel Map for a minor subdivision to divide an approximately 80.6 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of approximately 40 and 40.6 acres; and
b.      Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Parcel Map and Deed Notices to the County Recorder for filing.
The owners have submitted a Property Tax Clearance Certification  in accordance with Government Code Section 66492 and the Parcel Map Guarantee in accordance with Government Code Section 66465 of the Subdivision Map Act and have met all the conditions of approval required for clearance prior to recording the Parcel Map. The Parcel Map is in substantial compliance with the approved Tentative Parcel Map.
On June 30, 2011, the Monterey County Minor Subdivision Committee considered an addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, which was previously adopted by the Planning Commission, and approved the Minor Subdivision Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide an 80.599 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of over 40 acres each.  Although the subject property is undeveloped, entitlements were granted (PLN060101, Resolution Nos. 09003 and 09005) by the Planning Commission allowing the construction of Villalobos Residence No. 1, a 5,158 square foot single family dwelling with a 864 square foot garage, and a 576 square foot guesthouse; and Villalobos Residence No. 2, a 4,998 square foot single family dwelling with a 828 square foot garage on the 80.599 acre parcel.  A grading permit (Permit No. GP080110) has been issued for driveway access; however, building permits for the single family dwellings have not been issued.   The Parks Department has deposited the Recreation In-Lieu fee of $173.06 in the Recreation In-Lieu Fee Trust Account No. 020-2857.
The proposed Parcel Map has been reviewed and determined by staff to be in substantial compliance with the approved Tentative Parcel Map and project conditions of approval per  Monterey County Minor Subdivision Committee Resolution No. 11-008. Staff has verified that the project applicant/owner has met all conditions of approval required prior to recording the Parcel Map. Therefore, staff recommends that the Board approve the Villalobos Parcel Map and Deed Notices for filing with the County Recorder.
The following agencies have reviewed the project and have cleared their recommended conditions for recording of the Parcel Map:
-      Environmental Health Bureau
-      Public Works Department
-      Water Resources Agency
-      Parks Department
-      Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District
Funding for staff time associated with this project is included in the FY12-13 Adopted  Budget for the Planning Department.
Prepared by:      Anna Quenga, Associate Planner, ext. 5175                              
Approved by:       Mike Novo, Director, RMA-Planning, ext. 5192
<mailto:>            Benny Young, Director Resource Management Agency
cc:      Front Counter Copy; Mike Novo; Laura Lawrence, Planning Services Manager; Jacqueline Onciano, Planning Services Manager; Richard A. Villalobos and Elsa R. Villalobos, as Co-Trustees of The Richard A. Villalobos and Elsa R. Villalobos Trust dated October 3, 1997, Owner/Applicants; Anthony Lombardo and Associates, Agent; The Open Monterey Project; LandWatch; Project File PLN060177.
The following attachments are on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A      Cover Letter to the Clerk of the Board
Attachment B      Vicinity Map
Attachment C      Parcel Map
Attachment D      Parcel Map Guarantee
Attachment E      Property Tax Clearance Certification
Attachment F      Deed Notice - Water Quality
Attachment G      Deed Notice - Percolation Testing
Attachment H      Deed Notice - Water Conservation and Landscaping