Adopt a resolution to:
a. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to submit a grant application (“Application”) by the County of Monterey, through its Health Department Behavioral Health Bureau, to the California Department of Health Care Services (“DHCS”), through its administrative entity Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (“AHP”) for a Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program Round 1 (2024): Launch Ready (“Program”) grant in the amount of $31,000,000 for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Expansion; and
b. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a “Program Funding Agreement” with AHP for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Expansion, subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors, in a total amount not exceeding $31,000,000 from the Program; and
c. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute and deliver all other documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to secure the Program funds from DHCS and to participate in the Program, and all amendments thereto (collectively, the “Program Documents”), subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors; and
d. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute the Declaration of Restrictions and Performance Deed of Trust to be recorded on behalf of the County of Monterey for participation in the Program, subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors.
It is recommended that the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution to:
a. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to submit a grant application (“Application”) by the County of Monterey, through its Health Department Behavioral Health Bureau, to the California Department of Health Care Services (“DHCS”), through its administrative entity Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (“AHP”) for a Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program Round 1 (2024): Launch Ready (“Program”) grant in the amount of $31,000,000 for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Expansion; and
b. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a “Program Funding Agreement” with AHP for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Expansion, subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors, in a total amount not exceeding $31,000,000 from the Program; and
c. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute and deliver all other documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to secure the Program funds from DHCS and to participate in the Program, and all amendments thereto (collectively, the “Program Documents”), subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors; and
d. Authorize and approve the Director of Health Services or designee to execute the Declaration of Restrictions and Performance Deed of Trust to be recorded on behalf of the County of Monterey for participation in the Program, subject to approval by the Office of County Counsel and Board of Supervisors.
Proposition 1, approved by California voters in March 2024, authorized the issuance of $6.4 billion in general obligation bonds to finance behavioral health treatment beds, supportive housing, community sites and housing for veterans with behavioral health needs. The first round of funding has earmarked $51.8 million for the Central Coast region, which includes Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz counties plus an additional $342 million in discretionary competitive funding. Monterey County has already been awarded $20 million in Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) Round 5 funds to develop a 96-bed Regional Mental Health Rehabilitation Center and will be seeking an additional $31 million from BHCIP Bond Round 1 funding to expand the facility from 96 to 144 beds.
The California Department of Health Care Services (“DHCS”) is administering the Proposition 1: Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act of 2024 (“Program”) through its administrative entity Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (“AHP”). In July 2024, DHCS and AHP issued a Request for Applications (“RFA”) for the Program. As one of the conditions, AHP requires the County to formally authorize acceptance of grant funds by executing an authorizing resolution from the Board of Supervisors, as attached hereto. This Board Action seeks to comply with the resolution requirement and preserve the County’s ability to further explore securing these funds.
This work supports the County of Monterey Health Department 2018-2024 Strategic Plan Goal(s): 2) Enhance community health and safety through prevention; and 3) Ensure access to culturally and linguistically appropriate, customer-friendly, quality health services. It also supports one or more of the ten essential public health services, specifically: 4) Mobilize community partnerships and action to identify and solve health problems; and 7) Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.
The Office of County Counsel has reviewed this item as to legal form. The Department of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks has consulted on this matter and will continue to consult with the Health Department as the Health Department manages this project as it moves forward.
The project amount was not included in the Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau’s (HEA012, BU 8410) FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget. If awarded, the Bureau will return to the Budget Committee and Board of Supervisors to request an increase in appropriations funded by an increase in grant revenues.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
? Economic Development:
• Through collaboration, strengthen economic development to ensure a diversified and healthy economy.
? Administration:
• Promote an organization that practices efficient and effective resource management and is recognized for responsiveness, strong customer orientation, accountability and transparency.
? Health & Human Services:
• Improve health and quality of life through County supported policies, programs, and services, promoting access to equitable opportunities for healthy choices and healthy environments in collaboration with communities.
? Infrastructure:
• Plan and develop a sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents and supports economic development results.
? Public Safety:
• Create a safe environment for people to achieve their potential, leading businesses and communities to thrive and grow by reducing violent crimes as well as crimes in general.
Prepared By: Sal Cervantes-Gutierrez, Management Analyst III, 279-3755
Approved By: Elsa Mendoza Jimenez, Director of Health Services, 755-4526
Board Report