Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Authorize the County Purchasing Agent to apply for and receive such temporary use and occupancy permits or licenses as may be required from time-to-time for the conduct of County business, elections, or related County purposes, subject to conditions; and
b. Direct County staff to return to the Board of Supervisors with appropriate amendments to the County Code to implement the intent and purposes of this resolution. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt one resolution: 1) authorizing the County Purchasing Agent to apply for and receive such temporary use and occupancy permits or licenses as may be required from time-to-time for the conduct of County business, elections, or related County purposes, subject to conditions; and 2) directing County staff to return to the Board of Supervisors with appropriate amendments to the County Code to implement the intent and purposes of this resolution.
From time-to-time, County departments and officials require the temporary use and occupancy of public or private property for County business, elections, or related County purposes, for example to conduct stakeholder meetings on various issues, to hold town hall meetings, or to operate polling places. In such cases, public or private property owners typically require that the County receive written permission in the form of a permit or temporary license for such use and occupancy, which include various conditions including indemnity and insurance requirements, and either there is no cost or a minimal fee associated with obtaining such use and occupancy permits or licenses.
While the County Code authorizes the County Purchasing Agent to negotiate leases on behalf of the County, subject to ultimate Board approval, there is no authority in the Code to apply for and receive such use and occupancy permits or licenses. County Code section 2.32.030 (j), however, provides that the County Purchasing Agent perform such other services as the Board of Supervisors from time-to-time requires by resolution.
Given the routine nature of such temporary use and occupancy permits or licenses, and the minimal or no-cost associated with obtaining them, it is recommended that the Board authorize the Purchasing Agency, upon request by a department head or County official, to apply for and receive them provided they are for a limited duration (48 hours) and not exceed a minimal cost ($250) to be paid out of the requesting department head’s or County official’s budget.
Finally, it is recommended that the County Code be amended to formally address this issue, and that staff be directed to return to the Board with appropriate amendments.
The CAO and Purchasing Agent concur in the recommendation.
The cost associated with the Purchasing Agent’s activity in applying for and receiving the permit or license will be borne by the Purchasing Agent’s annual budget; the cost of the permit or license, and the associated activity, will be borne by the requesting department head’s or County official’s budget.
Adoption of this resolution will allow the County to operate more efficiently and cost effectively, and be responsive to constituent needs in a timelier manner.
Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
__Economic Development
__Health & Human Services
__Public Safety
Prepared and approved by:
Leslie J. Girard, Chief Assistant County Counsel, x. 5365
Attachments: Resolution Purchasing Agent Temp Occupancy Approval