a. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director, in conjunction with the Agricultural Commissioner, to submit a grant application to the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District for the FY 14 AB2766 Grant Program, on behalf of the County of Monterey, up to the maximum amount of $400,000 for electric vehicle charging stations to be installed at County facilities and the purchase of electric vehicles; and
b. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director to complete the grant application, execute the application forms and other documents required to apply for the grant.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director, in conjunction with the Agricultural Commissioner, to submit a grant application to the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District for the FY 14 AB2766 Grant Program, on behalf of the County of Monterey, up to the maximum amount of $400,000 for electric vehicle charging stations to be installed at County facilities and the purchase of electric vehicles; and
b. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director to complete the grant application, execute the application forms and other documents to apply for the grant.
Each year the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) provides funding through its AB2766 Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Grant Program to local jurisdictions for projects that will reduce vehicle emissions. The County will prepare an application for $400,000 to fund eight (8) electric vehicle charging stations that will be installed at various County facilities to be made available for charging County electric vehicles and for use by the general public. In addition, the grant application will request funding to purchase six (6) or more electric vehicles for the County Fleet Management Division to replace six (6) existing gasoline-powered vehicles.
On March 30, 2013 the MBUAPCD authorized this year's AB2766 Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Grant program that will include awards of approximately $1.4 million to selected projects. Only public agencies may apply for projects to be implemented in Monterey, San Benito, and/or Santa Cruz Counties. The recommended grant application is a joint effort between the Resource Management Agency (RMA) - Public Works Facilities Division and the Agricultural Commissioner's Office to fund the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations at certain County facilities and the purchase of electric vehicles.
The grant application will request funding for the purchase of six (6) ChargePoint Smart Charging Stations to be installed at various County facilities, and two (2) Basic Stations to be installed for electric vehicles for use by Agricultural Commissioner staff. The charging stations will be installed at the County Government Center, Health Department, Natividad Medical Center, and the Agricultural Commissioner's offices (Salinas and King City). The application will also include a request for funding for six (6) or more electric vehicles for the County Fleet Management Division to replace existing gasoline-powered vehicles. Two (2) of those vehicles will be deployed to the Agricultural Commissioner's Office, one (1) of which will be utilized as an employee carpool vehicle between the Salinas and King City Offices.
Currently, the Agricultural Commissioner's Office has one (1) charging station installed at the Salinas Office. Another charging station is scheduled to be installed at the Government Center during FY2014. These electric vehicle charging stations were funded by a separate grant source. Depending on the ultimate amount of the grant award, and charging station costs, six (6) or more electric vehicles could be purchased.
The final grant application is due to the MBUAPCD Offices no later than Friday, June 28, 2013. Among other requirements, the application requires a cover letter with the signature of the person with signatory authority in representing the applicant agency. If the MBUAPCD awards the AB2766 grant to the County, staff will return to the Board to request acceptance of the grant, and highlight any significant conditions attached to the award. For informational purposes, the grant application packet is included as an attachment.
The grant application is a joint effort between the RMA and the Agricultural Commissioner's Office.
AB2766 grants are reimbursement grants payable to Grantees for expenses incurred in accordance with signed grant Agreements. If the grant is awarded it could fully fund the purchase and installation of the proposed charging stations and electric vehicles. Administration of the grant and project management of the proposed project will be undertaken by existing RMA and Agricultural Commissioner staff.
Prepared by: Marti Noel, Resource Management Agency
Approved by: Benny J. Young, Director, Resource Management Agency
Attachment: AB 2766 Emission Reduction Grant Program Application Packet for FY13-14