File #: A 19-329    Name: a. Receive a report on parking conditions at and around the Monterey County Government Center-Alisal Campus; b. Consider options for short-term and long-term parking solutions; c. Approve Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1 for the purpose of acco
Type: BoS Agreement Status: Passed - RMA Administration
File created: 8/16/2019 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/27/2019 Final action: 8/27/2019
Title: a. Receive a report on parking conditions at and around the Monterey County Government Center-Alisal Campus; b. Consider options for short-term and long-term parking solutions; c. Approve Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1 for the purpose of accommodating juror parking at 111 West Alisal Street, and find that the approval is categorically exempt from CEQA under section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines; and d. Provide direction to staff. (Board Referral 2018.22) Proposed CEQA Action for Approval of Amendment No. 1: Categorically exempt per section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Attachment A-Concept Plan, 3. Attachment B-Lease of City Property Amendment 1, 4. Attachment C-Lease of City Property (1997), 5. Attachment D-Letter of Notice of Termination of License Agreement, 6. Item No. 26 Completed Board Order


a. Receive a report on parking conditions at and around the Monterey County Government Center-Alisal Campus;

b. Consider options for short-term and long-term parking solutions;

c. Approve Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1 for the purpose of accommodating juror parking at 111 West Alisal Street, and find that the approval is categorically exempt from CEQA under section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines; and

d. Provide direction to staff.

(Board Referral 2018.22)

Proposed CEQA Action for Approval of Amendment No. 1: Categorically exempt per section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines.



It is recommended the Board of Supervisors:

a.  Receive a report on parking conditions at and around the Monterey County Government Center-Alisal Campus;

b.  Consider options for short term and long-term parking solutions;

c.  Approve Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1, for the purpose of accommodating juror parking at 111 West Alisal Street, and find that the approval is categorically exempt from CEQA under section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines; and

d.  Provide direction to staff. 

(Board Referral 2018.22)

Proposed CEQA Action for Approval of Amendment No. 1: Categorically exempt per section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines.



Board Referral 2018.22 (10/9/2018) requested direction to County staff on the short- and long-term plans for the property where the former District Attorney modular buildings were located.  This matter was presented to the Capital Improvement Committee and Budget Committee in October 2018, where the Committees supported utilizing the site as temporary parking subject to reviewing details.  Options were presented to the Board of Supervisors on 10/23/18 with a follow-up presentation to the Board on 2/5/2019.  Staff received direction from the Board and engaged a consultant to develop a parking lot layout, in consultation with the City of Salinas and the Judicial Council of California (“Courts”) (Concept Plan, Attachment A). 


The Monterey County Government Center-Alisal Campus (MCGC) continues to evolve as a result of City of Salinas (City), Monterey County, and Courts transitioning to alternative locations, downtown development, and new construction.  Parking continues to be impacted by these and other ongoing challenges.   


A key action that affects timing is a letter received from the City of Salinas terminating an agreement for using the train station parking effective September 13, 2019.  The train station parking agreement was initiated to temporarily replace parking that was lost when the County Administrative building was constructed (occupied 2005).  A shuttle program was created to transport jurors and staff from that parking lot to the MCGC. 

The courts require at least a five-week lead time for juror summons notices to provide parking instructions.  As such, County staff developed an immediate plan, in cooperation with City staff and Court staff, to use City Lots 6 and 17 at 111 W. Alisal Street (site of a temporary Warming Shelter), where the County can accommodate about 100 spaces, which meets the County’s obligation for the courts.  City staff support this plan provided there is effort to progress a long-term parking solution (e.g. shared parking structure at the corner of Gabilan and Church Streets).  Court staff has expressed concern if there are cases that require larger juror pools, which will occur in September, so the group is exploring options.  In addition, this plan would impact parking that is currently used by staff and official vehicles. 

The action to approve Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1 (Attachment B), effectively shifts existing  parking in City Lot 17 from City use to County use as juror parking. As it regards California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the intended use involves modifying restrictions for existing parking and is categorically exempt per Section 15301-Existing Facilities.
This report also provides a summary of multiple actions that have occurred or are in planning stages, and that affect parking around the government center.  It also includes some possible solutions for consideration by the Board.  Staff seeks Board direction for short- and long-term parking solutions for further analysis and review by staff .





                     Around 1997, County received a long term (99-year) lease from the City for parking at 111 W. Alisal, (City Lot 6).  (Lease of City Property, attachment C).  Immediately adjacent to City Lot 6 is City Lot 17, where 35 usable spaces presently remain for City use.

                     In 2003, Monterey County Board of Supervisors (BOS) certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for development of the Monterey County Government Center (MCGC) Campus, including:

-                     Renovate North Wing (240 Church Street)

-                     Construct Administrative Building (168 W. Alisal Street)A

-                     Renovate East-West Wing (142 W. Alisal Street) 

From 2003 to 2018, the project resulted in a net loss of approximately 100 parking spaces from the campus. Original plans included a parking structure at the southeast corner of Alisal and Capitol Streets triggering the need for a traffic signal and returning the southwest corner of Gabilan and Church Streets to open space.  A Supplemental EIR was prepared as the project evolved, which no longer includes plans to develop a parking structure across Alisal Street.  Disposition of the Old Jail was separated out from this project.

-                     The MCGC EIR refers to a requirement of 72 juror spaces and 12 spaces for judicial officers, reflecting pre-project allocations at the time that document was certified. 

-                     The current Transfer Agreement between Courts and the County for the Salinas Courthouse Facility is silent on juror spaces.  However, the agreement identifies a requirement of 21 reserved spaces for Courts’ judicial officers, bailiff operations vehicles, and administrative fleet combined, plus an allocation of six (6) permits for parking in permitted (but not reserved) spaces (e.g. “B” parking).

-                     Staff interprets that the County’s total obligation to Courts for parking totals 93 spaces plus 6 permits.

                     In 2004, modular buildings were installed for temporary office space while the North Wing, Administrative Building and East-West Wing projects were completed. Five modular buildings were installed on the MCGC campus and one was located at 111 Alisal Street (City Lot 6).

-                     In 2014, one modular building, used as temporary court space, was removed following completion of the North Wing project.  That area was restored to parking. 

-                     In 2018, four modular buildings (used by District Attorney and Administration) were removed from the southwest corner of Gabilan and Church Streets following completion of the newly renovated East-West Wing building.  The site was rough graded and covered with mulch, pending decisions on further disposition.

-                     In 2017, one modular (used by Public Defender) at 111 W. Alisal Street (City Lot 6) was remodeled into a temporary warming shelter. The lease for Lot 6 was amended to allow a temporary warming shelter until April 2021.  As a result, approximately 45 spaces in City Lot 6 are not usable while the modular is located there.

                     In 2013, City and County entered into a lease agreement for temporary parking at the train station off Market Street.  County agreed to provide security in exchange for use of the train station site.  County has operated a shuttle program to transport jurors and staff to/from that parking lot. 

-                     The term of the agreement commenced on April 1, 2015 and expired on March 31 2017.  However, the lease has continued on a month-to-month basis pending City plans to redevelop the train station site. 

-                     County received Notice of Termination from the City of Salinas, ending the lease agreement to use train station effective September 13, 2019. (Letter of Notice of Termination of License Agreement, Attachment D) This has resulted in an expedited search for a temporary parking solution for jurors.

-                     Occasionally the Superior Court has large cases that increase juror pool demands.  Coincidently, the Superior Court anticipates a large case in September 2019 where 2,000 jurors will be summoned over four weeks.  Courts will call this juror pool on Thursdays when the regular demand is reduced.

                     Around 2013, County and City began to negotiate to trade properties where County received property at 331 Sanborn that is being planned for a health clinic.  City acquired 312 E. Alisal Street (former County Public Works yard) where a new police station is under construction.  Once completed, the police station downtown is planned to be redeveloped as part of the City’s Government Center. 

                     Around 2014, County and City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on potential development and implementation of the downtown area, including the County Government Center.

                     In 2015, the City of Salinas approved a Vibrancy Plan that identified a number of potential projects in the downtown area.  This Plan identified the southwest corner of Gabilan and Church Streets as the priority site for a shared parking structure that would serve City, County, Courts and Federal buildings.  The Downtown MOU was revised to incorporate implementation of the City’s Vibrancy Plan, which includes but is not limited to the following concepts, subject to further appropriate review and decision-making procedures: 

-                     Alisal Street Diet that would reduce Alisal Street to two lanes in front of the MCGC.  City has informed County staff that plans were put out to bid, they are working to refine the scope and construction could begin as early as Fall 2019.

-                     Reduce on-street parking time from 4 hours to 90 minutes, which is the time that existed before the MCGC project.  At the request of the County, the City agreed to increase the time until the MCGC project was completed.  A parking study prepared for the City recommends that ultimately on-street parking should be metered in order to encourage use of a parking structure.

-                     Close off Church Street north of the post office in conjunction with a parking structure.  The result would be a one-way loop from Lincoln Street, behind the Post Office, and out Church Street.

-                     Convert surface parking lots to affordable housing or other uses (e.g., commercial).  Integrate the parking into a shared parking structure. 

                     In December 2018, County Contracts/Purchasing, on behalf of County Resource Management Agency (RMA), issued a Request for Proposal for the Old Jail Adaptive Reuse, as a follow up to feasibility studies prepared to evaluate options for disposition of this building.  No proposals were received, and there was no contact to indicate interest or request additional time.  RMA worked with Contracts/Purchasing to develop and issue a second Request for Proposal (RFP) that was released May 9, 2019.  The deadline to submit proposals was July 9, 2019.  Again, no proposals were received.

                     In February 2019, the Board directed staff to pursue temporary parking at the former site of the MCGC modular buildings.  The option selected would provide landscaped open space and buffer areas next to paved off-street parking in approximately equal parts. Staff was further directed to continue to coordinate with the City to explore a long-term solution for this site in the form of a parking structure. 

                     Each Wednesday morning, numerous State Corrections Transport Vans unload and load inmates for Court appearances impacting parking, emergency access, traffic flow and pedestrian safety in the MCGC parking lot.  In order to address parking issues with State Correctional vehicles parking behind the Administration Building, County staff obtained a permit from the City to restrict parking along Church Street on Wednesday mornings in order to accommodate up to 16 transport vans.  Additionally, on Wednesday mornings  two “B” parking spaces in the County parking lot located north of the Administration building are designated for drop off before transitioning to the street. 


Current Parking Conditions:

County off street parking spaces at MCGC: 525 spaces

-                     Front/South of 168 W. Alisal: 56 spaces

o                     Visitor Parking (2 hour): 45spaces

o                     Electric Vehicle Charging: 2 spaces

o                     Handicapped parking: 6 spaces

o                     Treasury fleet vehicle: 1 space

o                     Facilities maintenance vehicles: 2 spaces

-                     Back/North of 168 W Alisal: 159 spaces

o                     “A” Parking (Dept Heads): 30 spaces

o                     “B” Parking (General County, Court Employee ): 75 spaces

o                     “R” Parking (DA Investigators): 1 space

o                     “S” Parking (Supervisors): 5 spaces

o                     “K” Parking (Judges): 12 spaces

o                     “Z” Parking (Elected Officials): 5 spaces

o                     Shuttle Bus: 1 space

o                     Loading parking (20 minute): 3 spaces

o                     Fleet Vehicles: 5 spaces

o                     County vehicles (2 hour): 3 spaces

o                     Van Pool: 3 spaces

o                     Handicapped parking: 8 spaces

o                     Sheriff parking: 3 spaces

o                     Bailiff parking: 4 spaces

o                     IT Parking: 1 space

County off street parking spaces at southeast corner of Alisal and Capitol Streets: 156 spaces

-                     “R” Parking (DA Investigators): 20 spaces

-                     “S” Parking (Supervisors’ Chief Aides): 5 spaces

-                     “B” Parking (General County, Court Employee,): 131 spaces

-                     “D” Parking (Planning Commission, “B” spaces convert on meeting days): 10 spaces

Off street parking spaces 111 W Alisal St (City Lots 6 and 17, lease): 154 spaces

-                     County Lease at Lot 6: 116 spaces

o                     “B” Parking (General County, Court Employee ): 67 spaces

o                     Impacted by Temp Warming Shelter: 45 spaces

o                     Restriped since for other uses (loading, trash receptacles): 4 spaces

-                     City Reserved in Lot 17: 38 spaces

o                     City vehicles: 30 spaces

o                     Handicapped parking: 2 spaces

o                     Book mobile: occupies the equivalent of 3 spaces

o                     Restriped since for other uses (unloading, no parking): 3 spaces

Total on-street parking spaces around MCGC (currently 4-hour parking): 123 spaces

-                     Restricted parking (State DOC vans, Wednesday mornings only): 16 spaces

Train Station parking (Lease): Approximately 100 spaces available (security, plus two shuttles/drivers)


County’s obligation to courts for parking: 93 spaces plus 6 permits (“A” and temp “K” permits)

-                     Jurors/persons reporting for Jury Selection: 72 spaces

-                     “K” Parking (Judges): 12 spaces

-                     Court’s discretionary spaces presently Bailiff parking: 4 spaces

-                     Court’s discretionary spaces presently Court Administrative Vehicles:  5 spaces

-                     “A” permits for Executive Officers: 2

-                     Temporary “K” permits (visiting Judicial Officers): 4

-                     “B” permits issued to court employees: unspecified, as requested

-                     DOC Van parking (Wednesday mornings):

o                     2 spaces in MCGC parking lot (“B” spaces)

o                     16 spaces on Church Street


Considerations and  potential solutions:

County staff is seeking Board direction for which options to pursue.   No commitment is sought at this time as to these options, except for recommending that the Board approve Amendment No. 1 to provide juror parking.  As to the potential other proposals,  staff would return to the Board following additional analysis and review of options which the Board directs staff to explore.

                     Install temporary parking lot SWC Gabilan and Church Streets.  Staff has completed a schematic design and a preliminary engineer’s estimate for temporary 88 parking spaces at the southwest corner of Gabilan and Church Streets.

o                     The Engineer’s cost estimate for this design is $1.36 million. 

o                     County staff worked with the City and Courts on the design.  Access onto Gabilan or Church Street would require an encroachment permit from the City.  The City expressed concern of loose materials (e.g. gravel) where it could be tracked into the road, which is a violation of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements.  Engineering solutions to address this tracking gravel into the street would add cost to the project.  The parking lot paved with asphalt would cost about $1.36 million, and the same lot design with DG and engineering a catch basin (plus maintenance) is about $1.35 million.  Providing gravel/DG with no new access points (where an encroachment permit is not required) would be about $1.30 million. 

o                     Staff estimates it would take about 16 months to complete final design, CEQA review, bidding and construction.  Given the September 13, 2019 termination date presented in the Notice of Termination from train station lease, temporary parking can’t be installed in time to address the need to relocate juror parking.

                     Shared Parking Structure.  City and County staff have continued to coordinate regarding a shared parking structure at the former site of the County modular buildings. The long-term vision for the MCGC that staff previously shared with Board of Supervisors, also part of the City’s Vibrancy Plan accepted by the Board, is a shared (City, County, Courts) parking garage at the southwest corner of Gabilan and Church Streets.  Since the MCGC EIR speaks to open space in this location, staff presented an option to replace visitor parking from Capital/Alisal with open space to satisfy that condition.  This would require about $500,000 over two fiscal years to complete:

o                     Environmental assessment (need at least 30% design for basis of review)

o                     Design/Plans

Construction is estimated at $40,000 per space and, based on initial conversations with the primary parties (City, County, Courts) the demand would suggest creating about 600 spaces.  That would result in an estimated cost of $24 million.  Part of the County’s share should include the land value since the structure would be located on County land. 

                     City-owned Parking Lot 6 (Warming Shelter site).  County holds a 99-year lease for parking with a temporary agreement to allow a warming shelter while we build a permanent shelter at 855 E. Laurel (until April 2021).  Currently the lease excludes adjacent City Lot 17, where the City retained use of  38 spaces (as configured in 1997) where they park City vehicles. County staff has worked with City staff and the Courts on the following plan to begin by September 13, 2019:

-                     Amend the lease to include City Lot 17 and the usable spaces for the County to supply juror parking, City vehicles would be relocated to the brick parking structure across Church street.  County will then reconfigure Lot 6 for 63 spaces and  Lot 17 for 31 spaces for jurors

o                     The amended lease and subsequent reconfiguration by the County of Lots 6 and 17 will result in approximately 94 spaces that could be used for juror parking, which is adequate for what County staff interprets as County’s  obligation to the Courts.

-                     When the warming shelter is replaced by the 855 East Laurel Emergency Shelter (April 2021), that would add approximately 45 more spaces at this lot.  At this time, the 855 East Laurel Emergency Shelter is on schedule.

-                     County would update Parking Lots 6 and 17 to accommodate juror parking.  Striping is in reasonable condition but requires reconfiguring and changing the signage. 

-                     Eliminate the shuttle program and security at the train station, which represents a cost avoidance if enough parking around the MCGC can be transitioned to juror parking.  The Fiscal Year 2019-20 Adopted Budget for the Shuttle reflects  expenditures of $251,894, revenue from the Courts of $50,000 and a County General Fund contribution of $201,894. 

-                     The option to re-designate Lots 6 and 17 for juror parking could remove the need for constructing a temporary parking lot relative to court (juror) parking obligations ($1.79 million).  However, staff should note that not constructing temporary parking would displace parking that is currently used for employees, which would increase the demand for employee parking in the area.

-                     City-County share security costs for City Lots 6 and 17.  Both agencies currently pay for security of City vehicles and the warming shelter.  Sharing resources would be an efficiency realized that should result in cost avoidance. 

City staff has requested that County consider applying cost avoidance/savings toward completing the design and environmental review for the long-term solution (shared parking structure).  This would include diverting the funds that would otherwise have been expended for the temporary parking to fund the CEQA and other project development work ($1,790,000). 

                     Staff has implemented a temporary plan to stage State Corrections Transport Vans at on-street parking spaces along Church Street.  Transports have two spaces to park and unload in the MCGC parking lot.  As new transports arrive, they call up transport drivers to move empty vans to Church Street where the City approved an encroachment for restricted parking on Wednesday mornings for up to 16 on-street parking spaces.

                     Surplus parking exists at Shilling Place campus and presents an option to shuttle jurors to and from Schilling Place campus.  However, the shuttle operation could not meet a 15- minute cycle as was previously established with the train station shuttle (20-30 minutes). 

                     City has an RFP out for redeveloping Lincoln Street that with using surface parking lots could include the structure as part of a larger deal.  County staff worked with City to include an option for reuse of the Old Jail as part of a larger project.

                     City has also raised the future possibility for County employees or Jurors to park at City Lot 12, following the permanent move by Salinas Police Department to East Alisal Street in March 2020.

                     City and County staff continue to coordinate to increase parking capacity in this area. 




County staff has consulted City of Salinas staff and will work together on the long-term vision consistent with the City’s Vibrancy Plan.  The City requested completion of an agreement that allows for temporary use with a commitment to a timeline to complete an assessment of the long-term vision for a shared parking facility.  City, County and Courts have coordinated for the relocation of juror parking.



No funding sources are identified for any temporary or long-term parking solution at this time. Staff will return to the Budget Committee, Capital Improvement Committee and Board of Supervisors with a more refined scope and cost estimates once an option or options are selected.



Provision of adequate parking supports the Administrative, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives by promoting efficient, effective government operations at the County Government Center by affording improved constituent and employee access.


__    Economic Development


__    Health & Human Services

X     Infrastructure

X     Public Safety


Prepared by:     Dave Pratt, Project Manager II (831)796-6091

Approved by:   Shawne Ellerbee, RMA Deputy Director of Administrative Services

Approved by:   Carl P. Holm, AICP, RMA Director



Attachment A - Concept Plan

Attachment B - Lease of City Property Amendment No. 1

Attachment C - Lease of City Property

Attachment D - Letter of Notice of Termination of License Agreement

(Attachments on file with the Clerk to the Board)