Conduct a review, provide input, and consider approval of the draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan for the period of 2025-2028.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Receive the draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan;
b. Provide Board of Supervisors review, additions or deletions as appropriate;
c. Consider approval of the draft key objectives; and,
d. Provide further direction to staff as appropriate.
At the March 7, 2024, Board of Supervisors (Board) retreat, the Board, Elected Officials and Department Heads engaged in a detailed discussion regarding potential updates to the County’s Strategic Initiatives. This discussion was facilitated by the Raftelis consulting firm. A set of five strategic goals were identified, and key objectives to guide the implementation of each goal over the next three years were discussed. Following the retreat, the County Administrative Office partnered with County departments and Raftelis to further refine the draft key objectives and strategies.
On May 14, 2024, the Board adopted five strategic goals, as listed below. The goals encompass the various services provided by the County.
1. Well Being and Quality of Life: Create safe and healthy communities where all can thrive.
2. Sustainable Infrastructure for the Present and Future: Provide for the maintenance, replacement, sustainability, and resilience of infrastructure required for living, working, recreating in, and visiting Monterey County.
3. Safe and Resilient Communities: Provide for public safety, disaster planning, and response.
4. Diverse and Thriving Economy: Attract and retain businesses that will improve the well-being of County residents.
5. Dynamic Organization and Employer of Choice: Employees feel valued and proactively engaged by an organization that is a great place to work, is financially healthy, and continuously improves.
Staff will be presenting a final draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan for Board consideration on February 18, 2025. The draft consists of a three-tiered structure, as summarized below.
• Tier 1: Strategic Goals, each representing broad, aspirational statements of what the County intends to achieve over a defined period.
• Tier 2: Key Objectives are the means for achieving each goal.
• Tier 3: Strategies may consist of projects and/or initiatives to implement, each measurable and has a timeframe; with milestones and action steps that will be part of an implementation plan.
The plan serves as a statement of what the County intends to accomplish within the proposed three-year period (2025-2028) and contains objectives which are intended to be realistic and achievable. Achievement may be measured through the significant progress on a goal over the three years, or completion of all strategies within a goal within the proposed period. Regular progress reporting is anticipated, including an annual status report to the Board.
The draft plan is enclosed as Attachment A for the Board’s reference. The Board is asked to conduct a review, provide input, and consider approval of the plan.
The Board of Supervisors and all County departments have participated in the preparation of the County of Monterey strategic goals and key objectives. Additional Board input and approval is being sought at this time.
There is no impact to the General Fund associated with adoption of the draft County of Monterey strategic goals and key objectives. However, implementation of the key objectives will, to varying degrees, carry an associated fiscal impact to be determined.
Prepared by: Karina Bokanovich, Management Analyst III
Approved by: Nicholas E. Chiulos, Chief Asst County Administrative Officer
Attachments: A - Draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan