a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Viejo Road Emergency Storm Damage, Project No. 621095C, Federal Aid Project No: PA-09-CA-4308-PW-00651; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to advertise the Project’s “Notice to Bidders” in the Monterey County Weekly.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Action: A Notice of Exemption was filed on October 8, 2021, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15301 Existing Facilities.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Viejo Road Emergency Storm Damage, Project No. 621095C, Federal Aid Project No: PA-09-CA-4308-PW-00651; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to advertise the Project’s “Notice to Bidders” in the Monterey County Weekly.
The Public Works, Facilities and Parks Department (PWFP) proposes to implement the Viejo Road Emergency Storm Damage Project (Project), which is to repair a section of Viejo Road affected by an embankment washout. This segment of Viejo Road, near the City of Monterey, was damaged during the winter storms of 2017. The 2017 Winter Storm event was declared a Natural Disaster by President Trump, and Monterey County became eligible to receive financial assistance from the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to repair the damaged infrastructure due to the winter storm. The Board of Supervisors approved a list of 2017 Winter Storm Projects that were obligated for reimbursement, and this Project is part of that list. The project’s preferred solution includes reconstructing the embankment with engineered fill, replacing an existing culvert with a larger one, and improving drainage features to handle storm events effectively.
The bid opening is set for March 28, 2025, at 2:00 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors’ Board Chambers, Monterey County Government Center, 168 West Alisal Street, Salinas, California 93901. Project construction is scheduled to begin June 2025.
Adopting the Plans and Special Provisions and authorizing the PWFP Director to advertise the Project will allow PWFP to proceed with the construction phase of the Project and solicit construction bids. Staff will return to the Board after opening bids and determining the lowest responsible bidder to award the Project.
On October 8, 2021, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), PFWP filed a Notice of Exemption for the Project with the State Clearinghouse (SCH), a division of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) which coordinates State-level review of environmental documents prepared pursuant to CEQA. The Project has been determined to be categorically exempt (Class 1) because the Project is to perform repair and maintenance of existing streets and similar facilities which involve no expansion of an existing use (See CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15301 Existing Facilities). Also, FEMA, as the designated lead for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), determined that the Project is categorically excluded from having to prepare an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement. FEMA approved the NEPA Categorical Exemption/Categorical Exclusion Determination on June 30, 2023
The Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, and Auditor-Controller have reviewed and approved the Special Provisions as to form and legality and insurance and indemnification provisions, and fiscal terms, respectively.
The County was awarded a total of $ 466,712.00 from FEMA and Cal OES toward the project based on the initial project cost.
Staff has completed the plans and specification and develop a detailed project cost for these repairs that includes environmental, engineering and construction. The total project cost is $ 2,109,542. Since the detailed project cost is much higher than the initial cost, staff anticipates FEMA and CAL OES reimbursements to cover the actual eligible cost. After completion of the project, an estimated reimbursement of $1,582,156 is expected from FEMA and $389,539 from Cal OES. Measure X will be is cash flowing this project. FEMA/Cal OES program guidelines do not allow funding repairs needed to address normal wear of the roadway. These programs focus on funding projects that return the effected infrastructure to its pre-storm conditions and not for any infrastructure betterments.
There are sufficient appropriations adopted in the FY 2025 Road Fund 002, Appropriation Unit PFP004 budget to finance the construction phase of the project.
The Project will repair a section of the road affected by an embankment washout. The recommended action supports the following Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Initiatives:
X Economic Development
X Administration
X Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
X Public Safety
Prepared by: Victor M Gutierrez, Project Manager III, (831) 755-4806
Reviewed by: Lindsay Lerable, Assistant Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks
Approved by: Randell Ishii, MS, PE, TE, PTOE, Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks
Prepared Date: December 9, 2024
Attachments on file with the Clerk of the Board:
Attachment A - Location Map
Attachment B - Project Budget
Attachment C - Specifications Book 1 & Book 2