Adopt Resolution to:
a. Approve the Records Retention Schedule for the Emergency Communications Department (ECD) for the storage and/or destruction of County records as set forth by federal and state laws, county codes, and policies; and
b. Authorize the Director of the ECD or designee to destroy or cause the destruction of County records in accordance with the approved Records Retention Schedule for ECD.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve the Records Retention Schedule for the Emergency Communications Department (ECD) for the storage and/or destruction of County records as set forth by federal and state laws, county codes, and policies; and
b. Authorize the Director of the ECD or designee to destroy or cause the destruction of County records in accordance with the approved Records Retention Schedule for ECD.
The Board of Supervisors adopted the current Emergency Communications Department records retention schedule on December 16, 2014. This updated Schedule for the Emergency Communications Department (ECD) will provide authorization for the storage and preservation of records and the prompt destruction of files once the designated retention period has expired.
The timely scanning, shredding and recycling of these materials will reduce storage costs and improve the efficient management of the ECD records.
The ECD has updated the Records Retention Schedule to address the retention and destruction of departmental specific files. Other general department records will be retained in accordance with the County-wide Cross Departmental Records Retention Schedule. The proposed Records Retention Schedule outlines retention periods for maintaining document in our office prior to destruction or transfer to the Records Retention Center, as well as retention periods for documents preserved in electronic format. Some documents will be maintained permanently. Once an effective scanning and archival electronic storage program is in place, the ECD will return to the Board of Supervisors with an updated policy to address permanent storage of records in electronic format only.
The proposed ECD Records Retention Schedule reflects state laws as well as County codes and policies. Because Government Code Section 26200 et seq. requires that the Board of Supervisors authorize the destruction or disposition of records, the ECD is recommending that the Board approve the proposed ECD Records Retention Schedule.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the amended code as to form as revised. The Information Technology Department has reviewed and confirmed the technical feasibility of the Records Retention Schedule.
There is no anticipated impact to the FY2024/25 Approved Budget. Future impacts may be realized in the form of cost saving for document storage and retrieval.
Prepared by: John Vaught - Finance Manager II x8883
Approved by: Lee Ann Magoski - Director of Emergency Communications x8880
Board Report
ECD Records Retention Schedule