a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,685 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,685 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,685 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,685 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors.
On November 14, 2024, the Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) approved the recommendation that additional funding in the amount of $37,685 from the AB109-2011 Public Safety Realignment account be provided to the Sheriff’s Office for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors.
The Jail is constantly combating the issue of contraband being smuggled into the facility and then the movement of contraband through the facility. In attempt to make the facility safer for the incarcerated population and the staff, the Sheriff’s Office will be purchasing these two non-invasive, touchless contraband detectors. These portable units are capable of finding items on the person that need to be found, from weapons to small recording devices, with precise location identification. Each unit is versatile and able to be deployed indoors or outdoors. The purchase price of the units includes on-site training for staff and a 1-year service contract by the vendor.
This item is agendized for discussion at the January 29, 2025 Budget Committee meeting.
The County Administrative Office has reviewed this Report.
The Sheriff’s Office is asking support from the Budget Committee to approve the request in increase in appropriations by $37,685 in the Sheriff-Coroner’s FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget financed by an operational transfer from the AB109-2011 Public Safety Realignment account. There is no impact to the General Fund contribution.
Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives
__Economic Development
__Health & Human Services
X_Public Safety
Prepared by: Rebecca Smith, Sheriff’s Captain, ext. #3822
Reviewed by: Keith Boyd, Undersheriff, ext. #3859
Approved by: Tina Nieto, Sheriff/Coroner, ext. #3750
Board Report