Receive notice of adjustment of the annual salary of the members of the Board of Supervisors, in accordance with Section 2.04.370C of the County of Monterey Code consistent with the superior court judge salary adjustment of 2.29%, effective July 1, 2024; with implementation of the salary adjustments on October 19, 2024.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors (Board) receive notice of adjustment of the annual salary of the members of the Board, in accordance with Section 2.04.370C of the County of Monterey Code (Code) consistent with the superior court judge salary adjustment of 2.29%, effective July 1, 2024, with implementation of the salary adjustments on October 19, 2024.
Section 2.04.370C of the Code mandates that the annual salary of the members of the Board shall be adjusted by the percentage rate of adjustment applicable to the office of superior court judge. Attachment A contains an August 20, 2024 memorandum from the Judicial Council of California and exempt pay letter from the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) dated August 19, 2024, detailing salary increases provided to the office of superior court judges for FY 2024-25.
Under Section 2.04.370C, notice of any adjustment in compensation paid to members of the Board shall appear on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Board at least ten days prior to the date such adjustment is implemented; however, the effective date of such adjustment shall be the date any adjustment is effective for superior court judges. As such, this salary adjustment pursuant to the Code will be implemented October 19, 2024, with an effective date of July 1, 2024.
Please note that adjustments provided in Section 2.04.370C are automatic; therefore, Board action is not required or necessary for the adjustments to go into effect.
This report was written in collaboration with the County Administrative Office, County Counsel and Human Resources Department.
The salary adjustment will result in estimated cost of approximately $23,503 for FY 2024-25. The FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget has sufficient appropriations to absorb the increased costs.
The notice of adjustment of the annual salary of the members of the Board is mandated by the Code and is not a part of the Board’s Strategic Initiatives.
Prepared by: Kim Moore, Assistant Director of Human Resources, 755-5353
Approved by: Andreas Pyper, Director of Human Resources, 755-5043
Sonia M. De La Rosa, County Administrative Officer, 755-5312
Attachment A: FY 2024-25 Judicial Salary Increase memorandum from Judicial Council of California and Exempt Pay Letter from CalHR